
Browse Protocols


The Block Party

Use the Block Party to get people primed for working with written texts. 

Can be used as a conversational ice-breaker introduction for your meeting. 


A Guide for Designing Questions

Use this tool to aid in designing useful and relevant questions, namely clarifying questions and probing questions.

Connect Extend Challenge Protocol.pdf

Connect, Extend, Challenge

This Thinking Routine from Harvard's Project Zero, is useful for drawing connections between new ideas and prior knowledge.

Appropriate for use in the the classroom with students, it's a good way to get students to articulate their ideas and interpretations about a text or object.



A consultancy is a structured process for helping an individual or a team think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma, get feedback on a plan, or assist with ideas where people might be “stuck.”

Copy of Abeo_Driver_Diagram_Generation (2).pdf

Driver Diagram Protocol

To generate a shared “theory of action” to drive a Team’s improvement efforts and ultimately achieve the aim.

Abeo_Exploring PoP Protocol.pdf

Exploring Problems of Practice - Using Probing Questions

This is a structured process for helping a team think more expansively about a shared Problem of Practice. In addition, the group will develop skills in asking probing questions.

Copy of Abeo_Fishbone_Diagram (2).pdf

Fishbone Diagram Protocol

To arrive at a deeper understanding of the problem we are trying to solve (before jumping into solutions).

Grant Synopsis Protocol Regional Coords.pdf

Grant Synopsis Protocol

A process to gain clarity on the roles of multiple grantees in a project.


Hopes and Fears Protocol

A deeper purpose of this protocol is to establish a norm of ownership by the group of every individual’s expectations and concerns—to get these out into the open, and begin to address them together.

Copy of Abeo_Knew_New_Renew.pdf

New, Knew, Renew 

This activity can be used with a variety of texts, poems, articles or whole books. It works well with large groups, with adults, as well as student groups.

Copy of Abeo_Leadership_Success_Analysis.pdf

Success Analysis for Leadership

The purpose of this process is to analyze a leadership success in order to learn from that success.

“Success” is defined as a set of actions that proved to be highly effective in achieving an important outcome.

SRI Microlabs.pdf


Microlabs addresses a specific sequence of questions in a structured format with small groups, using active listening skills.

Copy of Open Space Guidelines.pdf

Open Space Guidelines

Four principles on how to navigate the Open Space activity.

PoP Consultancy Prep.pdf

Problems of Practice: Consultancy Prep

Examine individual dilemmas in connection to the Team’s Problem of Practice

PoP Feedback Protocol.pdf

Problems of Practice: Feedback Protocol

A structured process for helping teams or individuals gain clarity on their problem of practice (PoP).

Copy of The_4_A_Prototcol.pdf

The 4 As

To explore a text deeply in light of one’s own values and intentions

What So What_General Nontext_Abeo_Tool (1).pdf

What, So What, Now What?

The purpose of this protocol is to prompt reflection and expand participants’ thinking about, for example, challenges, dilemmas, or areas of growth in our work, through discussion.


What, So What, Now What? - For Reading a Text

The purpose of this protocol is to expand participants’ thinking about a text though discussion. It should serve as a tool to generate ideas and suggest actions to apply to current and future practice.