Architecture-Based Continuity in DevOps

Workshop Aims

A key to the success of any large-scale software-intensive system is a solid, well-reasoned and well-executed software architecture. This is particularly true for large-scale platforms that are built upon a strategy of DevOps and continuous delivery. The increasing importance of DevOps demands an appropriate interaction between software research and practice to progress the state of the art and to build a solid foundation of engineering knowledge. As an abstraction of software structures and their visible characteristics, software architectures stand as unifying artefacts around which to build such a body of knowledge.

The ABCD workshop aims specifically at addressing the above grand challenge, namely, building an Architecture-Based Continuity in DevOps taskforce in this first edition. This workshop is aiming at building a tightly knit and cohesive working group around the workshop topics which will focus on the driving quality attributes of DevOps: security, availability, modifiability, performance, and testability.

Top accepted workshop papers will be fast-tracked to submit an extended version at the upcoming "DevOps Quality" Special Issue for the Journal of Software Evolution and Process (JSEP).

Workshop Organizers

Prof. Dr. Rick Kazman - SEI / CMU & University of Hawaii;

Assist. Prof. Damian A. Tamburri - Jheronimus Academy of Data Science & TU/e;

Assist. Prof. Fabio Palomba - University of Zurich;

Prof. Dr. Willem-Jan Van Den Heuvel - Universiteit van Tilburg;


This 1st edition of the ABCD workshop will be co-located with the 12th European Conference on Software Architectures (ECSA).