Thanks for your response. I tried the code you suggested before but it only affects the size of the font for the field label, not the description. I did check in the Theme Options and there is no setting specifically for Gravity Forms. How do I give you access to my website?

This is the only CSS stylesheet where it seems that it should be so what should I do? It says in the Gravity Forms documentation that I can customize the colors and fonts but I can't, does anyone know if is there any other way?

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Try adding the following to your theme stylesheet

.gform_wrapper .gfield_label {color: #black;font-weight: bold;font-family: Questrial, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size: 16px;}You do not need to enter anything in the fields CSS Class Name.


Thank you for your reply. Which CSS stylesheet should i enter it in as there are several: editor-style.css,, font awesome min.css, ie.8.css, pretty photo.css, responsive.css

What sort of link should i send to show how the themes css and the forms css are interacting?

Thank you


Hi thank you. Adding the code to the style.css has worked however it doesn't control the bold option, I have removed the bold related code but it is still bold. I have changed the code in both the theme's style and the gravity forms admin.css but nothing makes a difference. Have you got any thoughts as to what could create that?

Thank you


Can you add it again, and also can you move that gravity forms block of CSS towards the bottom of the file so none of your other styles in that file should override it. Rules positioned towards the bottom of the file will take precedence over those above them.

I have put it at the bottom of the theme's styles.css and the admin.css for gravity forms but still the label headings are bold so it is overriding it somewhere else. I am not sure what else to do?

THank you


By default, Gravity Forms uses the default font styles of your theme as we are a firm believer that the form should mimic the theme and not look out of place. However, some themes don't adequately apply global styles so customizations may be necessary.

Nope, It has nothing to do with you having created the form on a netbook or any other specific device. Something on that form page is adding a < code > tag around content in your form. You'll see that the code element has a different font style and font size being applied to it and your form labels and descriptions are inheriting from that.

A Variable Font is a special kind of font file, which contains multiple fonts within it. This technology is interesting because it essentially enables static fonts to become dynamic and shift in appearance.

Students can get discounted fonts for personal AND self-initiated commercial work. Educators at accredited institutions can get discounted fonts for teaching materials and non-commercial class projects.

Image Generator is a service that allows you to fully customize your texts andvisualize them in various formats. This user-friendly tool enables you to adjustfont style, font size, background color, font color, and your text content.

Image Generator enables you to customize the background and font colors to makeyourtexts visually appealing. You can choose your preferred colors or utilize colorpalettes to achieve specific color harmonies. This allows you to adjust yourtextsto reflect the identity of your projects or brand.

I am trying to style the section break title differently from the main website's font. The section break font is far too large. I've searched around and found some tips, but as a newb, I'm not sure how or where to put the snippets? Here's the site and form I'm trying to change...

This is what is currently controlling the font size of these elements, and as such, you can't override it since it is already set to override anything else you put in. You can change the font size value to a lower number to shrink the text, or if that isn't idea, we can work on another answer if you so choose.

Hi - thanks. No, not working to differentiate the first option. Using enhanced UI, if we set font color, it shows up as background color on the list, and font color in the select box. The same for all options.

OPTION LIST: We can style the option list itself so that the placeholder on the option list has a grey font color against a white background, regardless of what is selected. We have the code working for this.

SELECT BOX: This is the problem. When we select from the option list, we want all selections to show up in black font in the active select box, EXCEPT for the placeholder. We want the placeholder, when selected to be grey font. We also want the placeholder to be grey when nothing has been selected, and the select box shows the placeholder as default.

We are searching for code that enables us to target the placeholder in some way, and make the placeholder font grey when it is in the active select box. Either that, or we can use the first option on the list as the placeholder, and target that option to be grey when in the active select box.

Gravity Forms does not control the font size of the forms. It does not set a default font size. That is dictated and handled by your theme. Gravity Forms applies a base set of styles that works with most properly developed themes. With a properly developed theme built using best practices when it comes to both markup and CSS there are no design or layout issues with Gravity Forms out of the box.

If the theme is properly coded as far as it's styles go then it should have a default font size that would work fine with Gravity Forms. Typically no CSS customizations are necessary to use Gravity Forms with most themes. But with thousands and thousands of WordPress themes out there and due to the nature of how CSS inheritance works, you can encounter themes that globally apply styles to form elements that produce results that aren't desired.

If the font size within a text input is too small then it sounds like your theme is applying CSS to all form input elements globally. If the font size you are referring to is the font size of the field labels and descriptions, then it's due to the default font size that is being applied by your theme.

My theme allows me to modify CSS through a customization panel without changing the actual theme's code. But, as I am not a coder, it will be really helpful if someone from your team can let me know exactly what CSS to insert there to modify the input font size.

I went back to the css guide and thought if I used .gform_wrapper that should cover everything, right? Well I used that to change the font which worked however I can't seem to change the line height. I tried using this:

.gform_wrapper{ font-size: 12px;}.gfield{ line-height: .5em;}Also, I have more than one form, how would I clarify specific styling? Thanks in advance.


(Form in widget on home page)

Hey, your fonts are great. I used them in my own game on -or-risk. 

Without this, the realization of a game with a resolution of 64 * 36 would have been really difficult. 

Thank you! Mentioned you in the credits. :)

Use the Font Manager to add, update, search, select, and delete custom fonts that can be used in your Gravity PDF documents. While Gravity PDF ships with a variety of fonts that support most languages, installing and using custom fonts allow you to match your branding, and enhance the overall look and feel of your PDFs.

You can access the Font Manager from the Global PDF Settings page via the Default Font setting, or on the Tools tab. You'll also find it when configuring a PDF on a form; just look for the Manage button that will appear next to the font dropdown box.

If the Font Manager is accessed via the Default Font or Font setting setting, you'll have the option to select a font using the radio button found to the left of each name in the list. This will automatically update the associated font dropdown setting (don't forget to save afterwards).

Clicking on the font name in the list will open a new pane on the right where you can modify any of the font settings. Refer to the Add/Update Font documentation for details about the available settings and actions.

On the right side of the list is a trash icon for each font. This action allows you to delete the font and its associated files. An alert prompt will be displayed, asking you to confirm, before the deletion occurs.

Gravity PDF Core Fonts include characters for a large percentage of languages worldwide. For languages that aren't supported out of the box, additional fonts can be installed to fill the gap. This feature isn't limited to additional language support: you can use it to enhance the overall look and feel of your PDF.

Once you've installed a custom font or two, you'll see a list of those fonts when you open the Font Manager. You can edit the font by clicking on its name, updating the details and clicking Save. Simple!

In the Font Manager, there is a blue trash can icon to the right of each installed font. When you hover over the icon, it will turn red and after being clicked a warning box will pop up asking you to confirm before a font is deleted. Deleting a font from the Font Manager does not delete the font files you've uploaded in your media library.

Styles and Layouts for Gravity Forms is a free WordPress addon that lets you customize the CSS of Gravity Forms without any CSS coding skills. This addon is created with the vision of letting anyone create beautiful forms at no cost. If you need to change the font family of your gravity forms then follow these steps

The font installation notice you mentioned will only show up if it detects a key font file is missing from this fonts directory. That suggests something on your site (like a security plugin), or something on web hosting provider is deleting these fonts / font directory at regular intervals. 17dc91bb1f

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