Social Anxiety Disorder

Awareness Campaign

Overview: Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. You could say social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people. It is a pervasive disorder and causes anxiety and fear in almost all areas of a person's life. It is chronic because it does not go away on its own.  Only direct cognitive-behavioral therapy can change the brain, and help people overcome social anxiety.

Social Anxiety in Kids



Lack of awareness about Social anxiety Disorder among parents/guardians of adolescents.


Awareness Campaign on Social Anxiety Disorder.

Target Audience

Parents of kids and adolescents who are struggling with Social Anxiety Disorder.


Sangath Foundation prioritizes adolescents and provides a firm mental support system and guidance to young adults who have social anxiety to face their fears and become more self-aware which will help them become independent and confident adults in the future.

Rough Ideas

Rough Designs

Final Designs

Hoarding  Design

Magazine Design

Newspaper Design

Poster Ad Design

Social Media Design (Carousel)

Social Media Stories

Digital Brochure

Infographic Poster


Main Pages - Blog Social Anxiety - Figma 2022-03-06 13-50-46.mp4
