The poster session took place on October 8th, 2021, and consisted of three time blocks.

Block 1: 11:00am-11:30am Eastern

Chunyin Siu (Alex): All Holes Can Be Measured, But Some Holes Are Noisier Than Others


All Holes Can Be Measured, But Some Holes Are Noisier Than Others

Chunyin Siu (Alex)

Ilya Alexeev: New classes of minimal knot diagrams


New classes of minimal knot diagrams

Ilya Alexeev

Ka Man (Ambrose) Yim: Topological Inference of Morse Indices


Topological Inference of Morse Indices.

Ka Man (Ambrose) Yim

Kristóf Huszár: Towards Thin Triangulations of 3-Manifolds


Towards Thin Triangulations of 3-Manifolds

Kristóf Huszár

Manuel Soriano-Trigueros: Inducing Partial Matchings from Persistence Modules


Inducing Partial Matchings from Persistence Modules

Manuel Soriano-Trigueros

Raghavendra Sridharamurthy: Local Merge Tree Edit Distance (LMTED)


Local Merge Tree Edit Distance (LMTED)

Raghavendra Sridharamurthy

Siddharth Vishwanath: Robust Persistence Diagrams using Reproducing Kernels


Robust Persistence Diagrams using Reproducing Kernels

Siddharth Vishwanath

Weiyi Xiao: Topological Structure of Human Gaze on Natural Image Space


Topological Structure of Human Gaze on Natural Image Space

Weiyi Xiao

Dhananjay Bhaskar: TDA of Dynamical Phase Transitions in Cancer & Developmental Biology


TDA of Dynamical Phase Transitions in Cancer & Developmental Biology

Dhananjay Bhaskar

Block 2: 11:30am-12:00am Eastern

Abigail Hickok: Density-Scaled Filtrations


Density-Scaled Filtrations

Abigail Hickok

Alexey Yu. Miller: Gordian Graphs


Gordian Graphs

Alexey Yu. Miller

Erik Amezquita: Using Topology to Analyze the Shape of Barley


Using Topology to Analyze the Shape of Barley [Video, HTML]

Erik Amézquita

Jehan Ghafuri: Topological Aspects and Impact of CNN Filters on Classification Decisions


Topological Aspects and Impact of CNN Filters on Classification Decisions

Jehan Ghafuri

Nicholas Sale: Using Persistent Homology to Analyze Phase Transitions


Using Persistent Homology to Analyze Phase Transitions

Nicholas Sale

Péguy Kem-Meka Tiotsop Kadzue: Topological Data Analysis : Tomato Clustering


Topological Data Analysis: Tomato Clustering

Péguy Kem-Meka Tiotsop Kadzue

Thevasha Sathiyakumar: Statistical Inference on Time-Varying Persistence Landscape Surface for Analyzing Coherent Behavior of Cancerous Cells


Statistical Inference on Time-Varying Persistence Landscape Surface for Analyzing Coherent Behavior of Cancerous Cells

Thevasha Sathiyakumar

Waqar Hussain Shah: Statistics on the Space of Persistent Diagrams with Applications


Statistics on the Space of Persistent Diagrams with Applications

Waqar Hussain Shah

Block 3: 12:00am-12:30am Eastern

Christian Hirsch: Testing Goodness of Fit for Point Processes via Topological Data Analysis


Testing Goodness of Fit for Point Processes via Topological Data Analysis

Christian Hirsch

Erlend Raa Vågset: Finding Geometrically Concise Representations of Homology


Finding Geometrically Concise Representations of Homology

Erlend Raa Vågset

Justin Curry: Decorated Merge Trees for Persistent Topology


Decorated Merge Trees for Persistent Topology

Justin Curry

Kaelyn Willingham: Topological Properties of Random Cubical Subcomplexes of the n-Cube


Topological Properties of Random Cubical Subcomplexes of the n-Cube

Kaelyn Willingham

Marissa Masden: Understanding ReLU Activation Patterns through the Sign Sequence Cubical Complex


Understanding ReLU Activation Patterns through the Sign Sequence Cubical Complex

Marissa Masden

Rolando Kindelan-Nuñez: FILSIMCO: a Visualization Tool for Filtered Simplicial Complexes


FILSIMCO: a Visualization Tool for Filtered Simplicial Complexes

Rolando Kindelan-Nuñez

Russel Funk: The Emergence of Higher-Order Structure in Scientific and Technological Knowledge Networks


The Emergence of Higher-Order Structure in Scientific and Technological Knowledge Networks

Russel Funk

Samantha Moore: Generalized Persistence Diagrams as an Extension of Elder-Rule-Staircodes


Generalized Persistence Diagrams as an Extension of Elder-Rule-Staircodes

Samantha Moore

Sarah Tymochko: Hopf Bifurcation Analysis using Zigzag Persistence


Hopf Bifurcation Analysis using Zigzag Persistence

Sarah Tymochko