Machine Learning Workshop

Information for Attendees

Here you find all information about the workshop, including venue and dates, how to prepare, and a list of tutorials.

Venue and Dates

The workshop takes place on Tuesday January 7 2020 in room 323A in the Hawai'i Convention Center. The workshop starts at 1pm and ends at 5pm. If possible, come early between 12.30pm and 12.45pm so we have more time to set things up!

How it works

During the workshop, we will go through 3 tutorials that are presented in several Jupyter Notebooks. All code is run on Amazon Web Service (AWS) instances, hence you do not have to install any code or packages! The IP address for your instance will be handed to you before the tutorial (be there early!). If you are a Windows user, you need to install some software to be able to access AWS.


12.30pm: Set up. Please come to Room 323A between 12.30pm and and 12.45pm, if possible, so we have more time to set you up you with the AWS instances

1pm: Welcome

1.15pm: Start Tutorial 1: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), CNN visualization, and Unsupervised Machine Learning on the example of galaxy morphology classification (led by Andreas Faisst, Sinan Deger, and Asad Khan)

2.15pm: Start Tutorial 2: Example of Random Forest to reduce Spitzer IRAC data (led by Jessica Krick)

3.15pm: Short Break

3.30pm: Start Tutorial 3: Introduction in Bayesian Neural Networks on the example of Gravitational Wave detection (led by Hongyu Shen and William Wei)

4.30pm: Wrap up discussion and final Q&A

5pm: End of Workshop