Call for Papers

Call for Papers

There is a lack of consistency and uniformity in how formal representations are selected and used for robot application development. To address these issues, we invite paper submissions within (but not limited to) the following topics.

Topics of Interest

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Submission Format

We invite the following contributions, formatted using the AAAI-24 author kit:

Papers submitted by the above dates can be included in the AAAI Proceedings.

If you intend to submit a paper, please email us at Use the subject line, “[UR-RAD] Intent to Submit”, and include the following in the body of the message: (1) a tentative title, (2) a tentative author list, and (3) tentative keywords. This step is optional, but will aid in our planning for reviewers. Note that at least one author from each paper will be expected to review 2-3 UR-RAD papers themselves.

How to Submit

Please submit papers to

Submission Timeline