For the curious, the idea to write this hit me while I was going to sleep last Saturday. A little over half the book was written on Sunday, in around 4-5 hours. The MapReduce chapter was taken from a blog post I had already written (with necessary tweaks). Perry Neal provided some really quick turn arouns for initial edits/feedback. Of course, given the speed at which this was done, corrections and feedback are welcomed in any format (email, comment, pull requests).

It's hard to believe that 10 months ago I wrote and released The Little MongoDB Book. Equally unbelievable has been the reception and feedback I've gotten. For a long time now I've wanted to write a similar book for Redis, but I just never felt like I could tell a good story. Redis is wonderfully simple, which makes it awesome to use, but I thought it would turn any book into little more than reference material. Well, I decided to give it a try and hopefully you'll agree with me that The Little Redis Book is a solid addition to the Little family.

Aa The Little Red Book.pdf Free Download


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Me? I love puzzles. I'm not always great at them, I think, but I love them. Sometimes though, you can get stuck or stumped. Sometimes you just need a starting point or a little hint. Sometimes you may just not like puzzles. (But really, you should give these a try; they're good!)

Thank you for this pattern. I love to hand sew and this little book spoke to me. It is something my hands can do. I look forward to checking out your work. I love what I have seen so far. Thank you for the information and inspiration. Valerie

For travel or even for walking down stairs or outside I have found a little sewing box from prym.

It is like a luchbox or a layered box for meat cuts, you can leave layers out to make it smaller. And when it is in my hobby room it is stacked up.

So far as the little girl could see, there was only the one little housewhere she lived with her Father and Mother, her sister Mary and babysister Carrie. A wagon track ran before the house, turning and twistingout of sight in the woods where the wild animals lived, but the littlegirl did not know where it went, nor what might be at the end of it.

It was a scary sound. Laura knew that wolves would eat little girls. Butshe was safe inside the solid log walls. Her father's gun hung over thedoor and good old Jack, the brindle bulldog, lay on guard before it. Herfather would say,

Standing on end in the yard was a tall length cut from the trunk of abig hollow tree. Pa had driven nails inside as far as he could reachfrom each end. Then he stood it up, put a little roof over the top, andcut a little door on one side near the bottom. On the piece that he cutout he fastened leather hinges; then he fitted it into place, and thatwas the little door, with the bark still on it.

He reached up through the little door and hung meat on the nails, as farup as he could reach. Then he put a ladder against the log, climbed upto the top, moved the roof to one side, and reached down inside to hangmeat on those nails.

Instead of burning quickly, the green chips smoldered and filled thehollow log with thick, choking smoke. Pa shut the door, and a littlesmoke squeezed through the crack around it and a little smoke came outthrough the roof, but most of it was shut in with the meat.

Laura and Ma watched the fire for several days. When smoke stoppedcoming through the cracks, Laura would bring more hickory chips and Mawould put them on the fire under the meat. All the time there was alittle smell of smoke in the yard, and when the door was opened a thick,smoky, meaty smell came out.

The garden behind the little house had been growing all summer. It wasso near the house that the deer did not jump the fence and eat thevegetables in the daytime, and at night Jack kept them away. Sometimesin the morning there were little hoof-prints among the carrots and thecabbages. But Jack's tracks were there, too, and the deer had jumpedright out again.

He was blowing up the bladder. It made a little white balloon, and hetied the end tight with a string and gave it to Mary and Laura to playwith. They could throw it into the air and spat it back and forth withtheir hands. Or it would bounce along the ground and they could kick it.But even better fun than a balloon was the pig's tail.

The little pieces of meat, lean and fat, that had been cut off the largepieces, Ma chopped and chopped until it was all chopped fine. Sheseasoned it with salt and pepper and with dried sage leaves from thegarden. Then with her hands she tossed and turned it until it was wellmixed, and she molded it into balls. She put the balls in a pan out inthe shed, where they would freeze and be good to eat all winter. Thatwas the sausage.

There was plenty of fresh meat to last for a long time. The days and thenights were so cold that the pork in a box and the bear meat hanging inthe little shed outside the back door were solidly frozen and did notthaw.

Ma said that Jack Frost came in the night and made the pictures, whileeveryone was asleep. Laura thought that Jack Frost was a little man allsnowy white, wearing a glittering white pointed cap and soft whiteknee-boots made of deer-skin. His coat was white and his mittens werewhite, and he did not carry a gun on his back, but in his hands he hadshining sharp tools with which he carved the pictures.

Laura and Mary helped Ma with the work. Every morning there were thedishes to wipe. Mary wiped more of them than Laura because she wasbigger, but Laura always wiped carefully her own little cup and plate.

She put this in a little pan of milk on the stove and when the milk washot she poured milk and carrot into a cloth bag. Then she squeezed thebright yellow milk into the churn, where it colored all the cream. Nowthe butter would be yellow.

Laura and Mary were allowed to eat the carrot after the milk had beensqueezed out. Mary thought she ought to have the larger share becauseshe was older, and Laura said she should have it because she waslittler. But Ma said they must divide it evenly. It was very good.

When the cream was ready, Ma scalded the long wooden churn-dash, put itin the churn, and dropped the wooden churn-cover over it. The churncover had a little round hole in the middle, and Ma moved the dash upand down, up and down, through the hole.

At first the splashes of cream showed thick and smooth around the littlehole. After a long time, they began to look grainy. Then Ma churned moreslowly, and on the dash there began to appear tiny grains of yellowbutter.

With the paddle Ma packed butter tightly into the mold until it wasfull. Then she turned it upside-down over a plate, and pushed on thehandle of the loose bottom. The little, firm pat of golden butter cameout, with the strawberry and its leaves molded on the top.

Laura and Mary watched, breathless, one on each side of Ma, while thegolden little butter-pats, each with its strawberry on the top, droppedon to the plate as Ma put all the butter through the mold. Then Ma gavethem each a drink of good, fresh buttermilk.

On Saturdays, when Ma made the bread, they each had a little piece ofdough to make into a little loaf. They might have a bit of cookie dough,too, to make little cookies, and once Laura even made a pie in herpatty-pan.

He would come in from his tramping through the snowy woods with tinyicicles hanging on the ends of his mustaches. He would hang his gun onthe wall over the door, throw off his fur cap and coat and mittens, andcall: "Where's my little half-pint of sweet cider half drunk up?"

All alone in the wild Big Woods, and the snow, and the cold, the littlelog house was warm and snug and cosy. Pa and Ma and Mary and Laura andBaby Carrie were comfortable and happy there, especially at night.

First he melted the bits of lead in the big spoon held in the coals.When the lead was melted, he poured it carefully from the spoon into thelittle hole in the bullet-mold. He waited a minute, then he opened themold, and out dropped a bright new bullet onto the hearth.

There would be a shining pile of them on the hearth before Pa stopped.He let them cool, then with his jack-knife he trimmed off the littlelumps left by the hole in the mold. He gathered up the tiny shavings oflead and saved them carefully, to melt again the next time he madebullets.

After the bullets were made, Pa would take his gun down from the walland clean it. Out in the snowy woods all day, it might have gathered alittle dampness, and the inside of the barrel was sure to be dirty frompowder smoke.

So Pa would take the ramrod from its place under the gun barrel, andfasten a piece of clean cloth on its end. He stood the butt of the gunin a pan on the hearth and poured boiling water from the tea kettle intothe gun barrel. Then quickly he dropped the ramrod in and rubbed it upand down, up and down, while the hot water blackened with powder smokespurted out through the little hole on which the cap was placed when thegun was loaded.

Laura handed him the smooth, polished cow-horn full of gunpowder. Thetop of the horn was a little metal cap. Pa filled this cap full of thegunpowder and poured the powder down the barrel of the gun. Then heshook the gun a little, and tapped the barrel, to be sure that all thepowder was together in the bottom.

"Where's my patch box?" he asked then, and Mary gave him the little tinbox full of little pieces of greased cloth. Pa laid one of these bits ofgreasy cloth over the muzzle of the gun, put one of the shiny newbullets on it, and with the ramrod he pushed the bullet and the clothdown the gun barrel. ff782bc1db

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