1password for mac is set to update automatically.

It has updated itself to version 8.9.14

Now the integration with Firefox extension version 2.5.1 is broken

meaning I have to log into and unlock the 1password desktop app and browser extension separately.

Previously both apps would unlock with touch id.

I just noticed this recently. I'm using Chrome on my Macbook pro. In the past, when I clicked on the 1Passoword icon in the browser, I was able to unlock using touch id. In the last few days, I am required to type in my password. If I open the 1P application, it asks for my touch id and unlocks it. What's going on? I tried closing Chrome and reopening it but no change. I also made sure my Chrome version is up to date, and it is. I sure would love to get this sorted out. I hate having to type in my password. I know it requires it once in a while, but every time? Thanks.

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One other interesting thing. If the browser icon shows locked, I open the application and unlock it (using touch id), but then when I go back to the browser, the icon still shows locked and clicking on it asks for my password. I thought they used to stay in sync; unlocking one also unlocked the other.

Hi, I'm also having this same problem. I'm on a Mac (OS 12.6) using Chrome Version 109.0.5414.119 (Official Build) (arm64). I've checked the 1Password app, and touch id is enabled. I've looked at the 1Password extension and there's nowhere to enable touchid in the extension to my knowledge... it was all working until very recently with Chrome and Touch ID... and now it's asking for password every time? Thanks

Note: It's my first time to develop a web application that uses the kiosk mode setup for Google Chrome and I don't have a touch screen monitor for testing. I wanted to ask this question for developers that has experience with this.

The annoying thing when starting working with touch screens is that the standard click event that we are used to, is triggered after a delay comparing to mouse event. You should listen for tap event or use a library such as

Making long story short developing a kiosk application integrated with a touch screen is similar to developing mobile websites. You should probably use a JavaScript library to support all kind of touch events such as tap, swipe etc. See

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A third reporter claims that he discovered a nice workaround. According to him, touching any button on the editor toolbar makes the problem go away. No need to reload the page, double-tapping the gearwheel button is enough.

I've got a Dell 14R with touchscreen with Ubuntu 14.04.When I start Google Chrome by clicking the launcher with the TouchPad or with the Super+ combination, touch support in Chrome doesn't work. When I touch some element, it only gets focus, but doesn't activate the element (button, field, etc). And touch gestures don't work.In the other hand, if I start Chrome by touching the launcher button, touch scroll works in Chrome, even flicking to left does back to the previous page, etc.It doesn't makes sense to me, but is always like this, even across reboots.Anyone can confirm this? Any idea on how to fix?

TIP: You may have to change "Virtual core pointer" string in the command above to the name of your "master pointer" touchscreen input device in the command above. Just use xinput command to find the name of your device.

Basically, I am using the xinput list command and greping for "Touchscreen" and finding it's corresponding id. You may have to change "Touchscreen" to the name of your touchscreen input device in the command above.

NOTE: I believe this solution will work until you update Google Chrome (via apt-get upgrade) and the google-chrome.desktop file is overwritten. You will need to follow step 2 above to fix it.

Google Chrome used to have an option for enabling touch events in the browser. F12->Overrides->Enable Touch Events. With the latest version of Google Chrome for the desktop I can't for the life of me find it. In the Overrides section it just says "Show Emulation View In Console" and checking that doesn't open up any new options either. I tried searching google and all the articles are outdated ones telling me how to do it on versions I already know how to do it on. The Enable Touch Events disappeared just recently, I know last week it was there and I noticed today it no longer is.

Chrome now has a button that is a picture of a tablet/mobile phone. By clicking this it sets it into mobile emulation which emulates the touch events. There isn't a way to emulate touch events in desktop mode anymore, but touch is effectively for mobile so the mobile emulation is just as effective.

The touch events interfaces are relatively low-level APIs that can be used to support application-specific multi-touch interactions such as a two-finger gesture. A multi-touch interaction starts when a finger (or stylus) first touches the contact surface. Other fingers may subsequently touch the surface and optionally move across the touch surface. The interaction ends when the fingers are removed from the surface. During this interaction, an application receives touch events during the start, move, and end phases.

Touch events are similar to mouse events except they support simultaneous touches and at different locations on the touch surface. The TouchEvent interface encapsulates all of the touchpoints that are currently active. The Touch interface, which represents a single touchpoint, includes information such as the position of the touch point relative to the browser viewport.

This calls event.preventDefault() to keep the browser from continuing to process the touch event (this also prevents a mouse event from also being delivered). Then we get the context and pull the list of changed touch points out of the event's TouchEvent.changedTouches property.

After that, we iterate over all the Touch objects in the list, pushing them onto an array of active touchpoints and drawing the start point for the draw as a small circle; we're using a 4-pixel wide line, so a 4-pixel radius circle will show up neatly.

Each time one or more fingers move, a touchmove event is delivered, resulting in our handleMove() function being called. Its responsibility in this example is to update the cached touch information and to draw a line from the previous position to the current position of each touch.

This iterates over the changed touches as well, but it looks in our cached touch information array for the previous information about each touch to determine the starting point for each touch's new line segment to be drawn. This is done by looking at each touch's Touch.identifier property. This property is a unique integer for each touch and remains consistent for each event during the duration of each finger's contact with the surface.

When the user lifts a finger off the surface, a touchend event is sent. We handle this by calling the handleEnd() function below. Its job is to draw the last line segment for each touch that ended and remove the touchpoint from the ongoing touch list.

This is very similar to the previous function; the only real differences are that we draw a small square to mark the end and that when we call Array.splice(), we remove the old entry from the ongoing touch list, without adding in the updated information. The result is that we stop tracking that touchpoint.

To make each touch's drawing look different, the colorForTouch() function is used to pick a color based on the touch's unique identifier. This identifier is an opaque number, but we can at least rely on it differing between the currently-active touches.

Since calling preventDefault() on a touchstart or the first touchmove event of a series prevents the corresponding mouse events from firing, it's common to call preventDefault() on touchmove rather than touchstart. That way, mouse events can still fire and things like links will continue to work. Alternatively, some frameworks have taken to re-firing touch events as mouse events for this same purpose. (This example is oversimplified and may result in strange behavior. It is only intended as a guide.)

One technique for preventing things like pinchZoom on a page is to call preventDefault() on the second touch in a series. This behavior is not well defined in the touch events spec and results in different behavior for different browsers (i.e., iOS will prevent zooming but still allow panning with both fingers; Android will allow zooming but not panning; Opera and Firefox currently prevent all panning and zooming.) Currently, it's not recommended to depend on any particular behavior in this case, but rather to depend on meta viewport to prevent zooming.

The reason for this is that some websites use the availability of parts of the touch events API as an indicator that the browser is running on a mobile device. If the touch events API is available, these websites will assume a mobile device and serve mobile-optimized content. This may then provide a poor experience for users of desktop devices that have touch screens. ff782bc1db

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