Dataset 20220606

Data version: 20220606 (included all ALMA data in COSMOS and GOODS-South being public before date 2022-06-06)

Number of pointings/images: (beam_maj > 0.1 arcsec) 

Number of ALMA projects:

Data Release:

There are a number of other very useful data:

Continuum images will be released soon at the COSMOS IRSA website: or (depending on IRSA schedule)

Galaxy SEDs (optical-to-mm-radio) are available upon request. 

The dust and dust-inferred molecular gas mass of each galaxy in the Robust Galaxy Catalog are available upon request.

In addition, after the setup of the COSMOS IRSA repository, we will release a Python package to easily make cutouts and query sources. 

Description of photometry catalog columns (Table 4 of our paper I):

Description of galaxy catalog columns (Table 5 of our paper I):