
–– A Python Package for Galaxy Cold Molecular Gas and Star Formation Evolution Equations. (Click its link to see more details.)

Installation guide:

First install it from PyPI package library by running pip:

pip install --user a3cosmos-gas-evolution

Then run Python and import:

import a3cosmos_gas_evolution

Then do a little calculation:

from a3cosmos_gas_evolution import calc_gas_fraction_A3COSMOS
z = 3.0                          # assuming a galaxy is at redshift 3.0
stellar_mass = 5e10              # assuming its stellar mass is this many
DeltaMS = 0.0                    # assuming this galaxy is on the SFR-Mstar main sequence
mu_gas = calc_gas_fraction_A3COSMOS(z = z, \
                                   lgMstar = np.log10(stellar_mass), 
                                   DeltaMS = DeltaMS) 
                                 # calculating the gas mass to stellar mass ratio.
gas_mass = mu_gas * stellar_mass # now we get the cold molecular gas mass!

See a3cosmos-gas-evolution for more details.

–– some utilities for query a3cosmos catalogs and images, under development :)

also available in pip


import a3cosmos
a3cosmos.find_source(RA = RA, Dec = Dec)
a3cosmos.make_cutout(RA = RA, Dec = Dec, FoV = FoV, Band = Band)
# under development, waiting for COSMOS IRSA ...