How To Write SEO-Friendly Headlines That Drive Traffic Shares and Clicks

A full write-up by experts who work in the top digital marketing company in Canada.

Being digital marketing professionals, as we all know, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most vital parts of Digital Marketing and Digital Marketing Strategy. Thus, every business on the digital platform across the globe, even all-digital marketing firms in Canada put focus on SEO while making their strategies.

We all also know that the SEO is very useful as;

· To get the Top spot in search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Ask, DuckDuck Go, etc

· Finding leads as SEO is called a free and primary source of leads.

· SEO helps to provide the best user experience

· SEO strategy helps businesses to find genuine and relevant leads

· The accuracy of leads is always higher while using SEO

· SEO also helps users/consumers to engage with the brand or company

Can you imagine the above strategy may help you to advance your article or guest posts in search results when you write SEO-friendly headlines?

If you are thinking the same, then you will next think…How and what are the ways To Write SEO-Friendly Headlines That Drive Traffic Shares and Clicks?

Here are the accurate answers:

Make an emotional connection

Emotional headlines consistently perform better than neutral headlines.

Using power words to evoke emotions in your readers can improve their first impression of your content while also arousing curiosity, fear, or the anticipation of reading more.

Best Emotional Headline Targets:



Fear, anger.




However, be careful when using sentimental headlines. You do not want to fall into the clickbait trap of not delivering what you promise to your readers.

· Use Names in the headlines

To be successful with this headline trick, you need to know your target audience's name.

A brand name is as powerful as people are.

For example, if you are targeting an SEO topic, using "Google" in your headline will get as many clicks as using "Krishna Maharaj".

These are widely recognized brands and figures in the industry.

· Use Numbers:

Numbers are natural eye-catchers.

In an endless sea of ​​words, numbers grab our attention and make us stop. We remember numbers because they help our brains organize information.

Use the power of lists and numbers to beat your SERP competitors.

You can take this as an example- ‘7 Essential Tips for an effective lead generation, which are helpful indigital marketing solutions

Sometimes many users start searching with numbers in that case headlines with numbers come out in search results.

· Make the Benefits Clear to the Reader

When readers decide whether to click on an article, they ask themselves, "What will I get?"

Headlines should reflect the value readers could expect from clicking and reading.

High-performing content can serve one or more of the following purposes;








Answer a question.

Provide a solution.

When a reader decides to click on your article and invest their time and attention, they have already set expectations based on the benefit your headline promised. Make your reader benefit clear, but do not overpromise.

· Use a Sub-Heading:

You can increase your chances to be in the top search result by writing a sub-heading in your article or post. Subhead lines make weightage in your headlines or title.

If you mention target keywords like Canada digital marketing in the subheading, it will lead to your chances of coming out with top search results.

The sub-heading is very similar to headlines but tells about some other facts that are included in the article or post.

· Try to concise your headlines using the target keyword:

While writing the headlines everyone should try to complete them in very limited words. According to experts, headlines that include 60-80 words are standard headlines, and always attract users.

If we talk about characters, then it should be 100-120 characters in headlines. Sometimes you can use up to 150 characters in the headlines.

· Headlines should reflect questions about the content:

Question headlines can be an effective tool to spark reader curiosity, but they come with a warning

Take this as an example: Which is the best company in providing full digital services in Canada?

· Experiment With Headlines, Too

There is a trick to writing click-worthy headlines, and it takes practice to make the task feel natural.

If you have followed all the rules and still have not succeeded, do not be afraid to throw the rulebook out the window and follow your intuition.

All the above techniques are very useful to power your headlines or titles. Following these secrets, you can make unique your digital marketing strategies.