
Sam Boisvert

For this project, I was in charge of the “Personal Narratives” page. My job was to find stories told by survivors of suicide. I tried looking for a variety of stories that would show different relationships between the bereaved and their deceased loved ones. This variety is meant to serve as a reminder that the grieving process looks different for everyone. The stories chosen are from parents, children, spouses, and friends of people who have committed suicide. Once I found the stories I wanted to use, I read them through and wrote a synopsis for each. I also chose to include links to the full stories if people wanted to read them. 

Anna Drabik

I found the template for this website and created our logo. Although we used a template, many parts of the website had to be altered and redesigned, which I did, ensuring that everything looked clean, aligned, and functional. For the media representation section, I wrote the descriptions and analyses for all three songs, as well as the paragraph introductions to each of the different media sections. I also wrote the process paper, displayed on the "About the Website" page, which involved many hours of research and note-taking. Finally, I compiled all of our references, alphabetized them, and made sure the bibliography on our website was as accurate as possible. 

Kaylie Efstratiou

I came up with the name for the website, and worked primarily on the Home page and Support Group tabs of our website, doing the necessary research, writing, and page design to create cohesive sub-sections. I included the most relevant information possible on the homepage to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of what survivors of suicide face, as well as the necessary prep to view the other pages. I described the benefits of survivor support groups and provided viewers real links to a various array of groups in the area. I also worked on the Media Representation tab, writing the synopsis for the show I Am Not Okay With This and its portrayal of the character Syd as a suicide survivor. 

Jack Philibotte

For this website I contributed primarily to the Media Representation area, focusing on the "TV Shows" and the "Movies." In these areas, I showed how these pieces of visual media explored suicide survival after the main character(s) had lost a loved one to suicide; often, these shows and films touch on the factors which contributed to the decisions the dead made, as well as the grieving process consisted of for the survivors. Overall, the goal of the media representation section is to show survivors how each of these different characters coped with the loss of someone to suicide, as well as how we can all help each other get through such a difficult loss.