I'm coming from Bubble where virtually every element from text to a button lets you just pick the font and sizing etc like you're working in Word. I'm not sure why but I cannot figure this out in Retool. What makes me even more confused, is any time I google how to do this, it seems like I'm supposed to use custom CSS, yet there's warnings everywhere in Retool saying: Add custom style overrides for this app. Use with caution as classes and DOM structure may change as new features are introduced. Set styles in the component inspector when possible.

It says "Set styles in the component inspector when possible." but what does that mean? If I click this button and go to the component inspector I must be blind as there's no mention of font, size, even CSS here.

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Hey there! Retool doesn't have a lot of built-in font control at the moment which is likely why you're seeing so many suggestions to use custom CSS You're right though that custom CSS isn't a good long-term solution for most styling issues. The dev team is aware that custom fonts are a huge part of styling apps to look the way you want them to and they're looking at ways to add more typography support toward the end of this year.

Windows stores font information in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts), something I wasn't aware of. It seems to be a map of font names and file names.

Such registry key kept some entries for Roboto-*. There I learnt that SkyFonts doesn't store font files at %WINDIR%\Fonts but in a custom directory tree located at %APPDATA%\Monotype. There was the unremovable font.

Thus I removed the registry entries and rebooted the computer. After that I was able to remove the *.ttf files at %APPDATA%\Monotype\skyfonts-google and the font was finally gone. However I still got the The 'Roboto Slab Regular' font is already installed. Do you want to replace it? prompt (this time with the same font name every time). That's #3:

Background: I have ~800 fonts (various styles included) installed so that is actually not much - some of my collegues have 2000+ installed which is also pretty normal in an advertising agency but with every update its getting worse: When I edit one text and change a font, it takes almost 4 seconds to show up the font-list. Well, yes on the next time it is faster but when I then search for another font it takes forever to display the list again! So I think this is because of the rendering of the font-style preview which is actually totally useless for me. The bigger the screenresolution, the longer the font-list, the longer the rendering of the font-preview takes and the slower the workflow is. Sucks! Is there an option to disable this? Thanks for any hint

If you could give me any details of which Photoshop version are you using and operating system are you on. Meanwhile you can try to Troubleshoot fonts issues in Adobe Photoshop CC, 2015, 2014, CS6, CS5 Let me know if this helps!

Yikes! 800+ fonts! I work in a place designing ads too and we have 2000+ fonts, but we have a 3rd party font manager called Font Agent Pro, which allows us to activate or deactivate fonts because I try to not have more than 500 different fonts (including the various font styles) active at a time because it can really bog things down immensely. I knew a guy who would get so aggravated with his computer, because he would have every single font activated, but not understand why his computer was bogged down. I echo the statement about turning font previews off. But if you have the ability to deactivate certain fonts, I would take advantage of that too and deactivate the fonts you know you aren't going to use.

I love using Thunderbird for checking all my mail accounts, including Gmail and Outlook. However, I'm having a difficult time trying to locate a setting to change the default font and size. It seems inefficient that I have to change the size of my email and the signature separately each time. Any help is greatly appreciated!

I looked into solving this exact issue myself, on a mac at least. You basically have to drop these font files into your java environment direcotry's font folder. PHPStorm being a java app utilizes fonts form these directories slightly different than the ones in your system fonts folder.

I have some superscripts on a report which I am running in both rtf and pdf formats. The superscripts work just fine, but the problem is that the pdf superscript defaults to a huge font (larger than the heading text). The rtf remains smaller than the heading text, but is actually a bit TOO small and could probably be made larger.

But for some reason it doesn't work the same for pdf. When I use the same code in a pdf, it ignores the superscript instruction and makes the whole line change font. Not sure what's going on with that.

Well, I'm not entirely certain that this is the cause and you might want to open a track with Tech Support. It was my understanding that Adobe did not use or "like" Arial -- which is a Microsoft specific font (read this article for the background info: The Scourge of Arial.) I believe that if you change the font and/or restructure your statement, that the output will look better.

I tried the code below (in SAS 9.3) and got better results. I think that you can fix most of the issue by setting an explicit font size for the word "Heading" and then a separate (non-Arial font) for the size and the superscript. Personally, I like to keep the ^{super } escapechar function as self-contained -- so I would have done the style change first and then the super invocation.

Your code revision fixed the problem of SAS changing the "Heading" font, which looks much better! But still the superscript won't change size. I tried everything from font_size=6pt to 24pt and it is always the same size (in pdfs, that is). So, yep, maybe this is a tech support issue?

Ok, got a reply from the help desk, which I'll re-post in case anyone else has a similar problem. They stated that there isn't a way to size superscripts on a pdf at the moment. As a quick fix, they recommended I try unicode:

Notes that were created months or years ago and were appearing fine when created and even up until a couple of weeks ago are now completely unreadable as the font size whilst not changed technically, it appears ridiculously small. Has anyone else experienced this?

Swiss Graphic Design Studio Bro Destruct was founded 1994 in Bern by HGB Fideljus Berger & Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda. In 1995, Marc MB Brunner & Heinz H1 Reber joined the current group formation. Over the next few years Bro Destruct grew into an internationally acclaimed multidisciplinary design studio. Since 1995, Bro Destruct is releasing its fonts on their type foundry called Typedifferent.com. As the name Typedifferent implies - the Bro Destruct fonts are mainly display typefaces with unique lettering characteristics. They appear on numerous record sleeves, in magazines, movie and TV titles, on fashion-prints and websites.

The CM-Super family provides Adobe Type 1 fonts that replace the T1/TS1-encoded Computer Modern (EC/TC), T1/TS1-encoded Concrete, T1/TS1-encoded CM bright and LH Cyrillic fonts (thus supporting all European languages except Greek), and bringing many ameliorations in typesetting quality. The fonts exhibit the same metrics as the METAFONT-encoded originals.

The norm in a superfamily is to start from an identical character shape; class-specific features such as serifs are added to that shape. The result is a set of fonts with a similar appearance that belong to different classes such as sans, serif, slab serif, rounded.[2][3]

Superfamilies may include fonts grouped together for a common purpose that are not exactly complementary in letterform structure. They can allow organizations to expand their image and style while maintaining stylistic consistency. For example, BBC Reith font superfamily was commissioned by the BBC in 2018 to facilitate 'typographic expression' and consists of three styles (condensed, sans, serif) as well as a multitude of weights.[4]

This was due to a change to some font-size values to replace explicit pixel values with calculated values based on custom properties. To be honest, I'm not sure why the calculated values cause this issue and explicit pixel values don't. Nevertheless, changing back to explicit pixel values resolves the issue.

CSS font weights do not "make fonts thin" (or bold) when dealing with web fonts. For not-loaded-from-url fonts the font-weight value maps from ultra thin to extra bold, but for custom fonts the weight is "whatever the @font-face binding says it should be": they are merely differentiation numbers used when declaring a font family with multiple weights.

This gives us one CSS-declared font family, with three defined weights (using value other than 100, 400, or 800, will lead to undefined behaviour). Now two of those weights point to the same font resource.

So if you want to use a superduper thin font: go for it. But that has nothing to do with the CSS font-weight value, and everything to do with the value you assign it in its @font-face rule, and then use in your font-using-CSS.

The weight of the font displayed must be available in the font you have chosen. If the font weight does not exist in that set then you cannot select it with CSS. That is why you need to look at what weights are available in the font you choose. Such things are listed, for example, in Google Fonts but font companies usually list what weights are available, whether they are free or purchased.

If the cm-super fonts are correctly installed they will be used automatically as soon as you try to use the computer modern fonts with T1-encoding. There is no need to invoke them in a special way. Try this document:

Thanks to all these discussions in this site. I was really facing troubles in removing the type-3 fonts generated in the pdf because of PStricks codes. Ultimately I could get rid of these problems after installing the cm-Super package. I would like to share the steps which I followed for my Miktex. ff782bc1db

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