Max Musau

The Nyali coast at high tide

The coast at low tide

Dead coral reef

Tiger Cowrie

African red knob star fish

Nyali Coral Reef Map

Nyali Beach and the 8am Sun

Interlocking bricks

Plant 1

Tree 1

Young bamboo shoot

Desk blemish patterns

Corallina officinalis -Algae

Corallina officinalis is a calcareous red seaweed which grows in the lower and mid-littoral zones on rocky shores. It is primarily found growing around the rims of tide pools, but can be found in shallow crevices anywhere on the rocky shore that are regularly refreshed with sea water.

The Red Knob Sea Star

The Red Knob Sea Star, also known as the Red Spine Star, African Sea Star, and Red-knobbed Starfish, has a thick, gray body with multiple bright red tubercles

Coral Art

Coral reefs provide an important ecosystem for life underwater, protect coastal areas by reducing the power of waves hitting the coast, and While coral reefs only cover 0.0025 percent of the oceanic floor, they generate half of Earth's oxygen and absorb nearly one-third of the carbon dioxide generated from burning fossil fuels

More coral art