

Letter of Recommendation for: Mr. Gheorghe Aurel Pacuarar

It is my honor and privilege to write a letter of recommendation for Mr. Gheorghe Aurel Pacuarar with deepest respect and pride for his unparalleled professionalism and international excellence. He is the foremost courteous, friendly, supportive, and collaborative team leader. I have known Gheorghe for past several years as a person with integrity, high value, responsible for people and duty. His outstanding skill sets include mentoring leadership and software development, and product development. Mr. Pacuarar prides himself in excellence in embracing global leadership through his unparalleled understanding of the complexities and dynamics of people, organization, and business. He extols in demonstrated excellence of dedication, enthusiasm, and leadership throughout. I am certain he will perform well and exceed expectations in any of managerial, operational, and other service supports program activities. Also, he is a highly able person who can conduct personally as well as a team all research and analyses of various organizational and management issues or programs. And Mr. Gheorghe Aurel Pacuarar is highly flexible and adaptable to perform other duties as assigned or deemed appropriate in a quickly changing business world.

Once again, I strongly recommend that you give the highest consideration for his interest in acquiring a position with your company. Mr. Gheorghe Aurel Pacuarar will certainly serve to highlight the prestige and respect of your company’s tradition of excellence. I am confident he will become an important and valuable partner in your organization and will perpetuate excellence and sustained competitive advantage.


Dr. S. Vincent Shin, MBA, PhD, Ed. D

President, VSSI

United States Army (Ret, DVet)

Professor of Strategic Mgt & Int’l Business

VSSI Investment Principal


It is very rarely that you meet a person which can change your life. Some people will teach you lessons, others will shape you, but very few will set a 360 degree turning point. I had the incredible opportunity of having Mr. Gheorghe Aurel Pacurar as my mentor when I started learning Java and his teachings have led me so much further than my expectations. With an unlimited amount of patience and setting different pathways for learning, he manages to challenge and drive his students to discover their potential in the vast world of programming. His expertise and life experiences are enhanced by his talent of sharing them and inspiring others. Constantly emphasizing strengths and finding ways to improve on weaknesses, he is capable of turning any person with the right amount of desire to code into a programmer. I shall forever be grateful to him for turning a Finance graduate into a Developer. I believe without a doubt that he will be able to guide anyone willing to embark on a journey that could change their careers and ultimately their lives with just a "Hello World!


Meeting with Professor Gheorghe Aurel Pacurar is a unique lifechanging opportunity, especially when you really want a change. He is not only a good teacher who from his knowledge and experience accumulated can transmit the information in a structured form of educational curriculum.

He is The Man in whom Mankind, Humility, Wisdom, and Kindness are joined in an infinite form like an Angel.

Based on the wisdom, He chooses from his vast technical, managerial and educational experience, just the information you need when you are to step forward and grow on the path chosen.

He has the Grace and experience to understand, better than you, the level that you are, even if you don't realize it yet. He knows what you need and what are the immediate steps you need to do to grow; not only professional and technical but also as a man fulfilled and satisfied with you Soul.

When I read on site ,," the first time his basic principle, namely that ,,mentors are for apprentices...." , I thought it was a writing mistake or only marketing. But after only a few meetings I realized that the written principle is only under 1% of the depth of the role of The Mentor he actually assumes.

If you really want a positive change to a new life I recommend you to get closer to Professor Gheorghe Aurel Pacurar, to interact with him throughout courses and go with him for a while.

The rest, by His touch of an Angel, will come from him.

And you'll suddenly feel like the change will come by itself.

My name is Satmar Vasile Maximilian and I felt the positive change in my life having Professor Gheorghe Aurel Pacurar as Mentor.

I recommend him as The One Mentor you need!


Gheorghe is one of those managers who is also an inspiring mentor and a excellent leader for the staff. With years of experience as a mentor and a background in psychology, Gheorghe shows strong interpersonal skills and empathy. Skills which amplify his abilities to motivate the team and dedication to project success. In all our collaboration, Gheorghe demonstrated high expertise and management skills.

Few people have the opportunity to report to a manager who is also a coach and a mentor – but I did when I worked with Gheorghe.

As a team member and a leader Gheorghe earns my highest recommendation.


Ma bucur enorm ca am trecut prin aceasta perioada de mentorat alaturi de Aurel. Inainte de a incepe primele ore, ma gandeam ca este un curs asa cum gasesti si in alta parte, online-ul fiind plin de astfel de cursuri. Dupa ce am inceput primele ore, in spatele camerei am vazut un om pasionat, un om pregatit, un om care era gata sa-si puna la bataie rabdarea si experienta in a ma conduce spre indeplinirea propriilor obiective. Pentru mine, perioada de mentorat a reprezentat una dintre cele mai progresive cresteri pe care le-am avut din punct de vedere educational. Nu am invatat doar programare, am invatat ce se intampla in acest domeniu, cum functioneaza industria, cum lucreaza echipele de programatori, m-a invatat cum sa imi organizez timpul, ce trebuie sa fac in anumite situatii si foarte multe chestii pe care nu le-am aflat la alte academii unde facusem cursuri de programare. Pentru mine, aceasta perioada de mentorat(nu ii spun curs pentru ca nu m-am simtit ca la un curs) a insemnat o experienta de viata, o experienta pe care nu o pot uita si o experienta din care am invatat foarte multe chestii atat legate de programare cat si legate de viata. Ii multumesc din suflet pentru aceasta experienta si cu siguranta ma voi intoarce oricand am nevoie de informatie calitativa si il voi recomanda oricarei persoane care vrea sa invete programare fara sa imi fac griji ca acea persoana va fi dezamagita. Pentru mine, Aurel este cel mai tare mentor, multumesc mult!!


I am aware that everyone has a different learning experience when working with their teacher, but I think that one thing is always there when you work with Gheorghe.

Me personally, he gave me the that hunger and passion you get when someone helps you understand something new.

And in my opinion, when it comes to learning software development, staying hungry and passionate for learning constantly new things is crucial.

So, if I am to think about the most important influence from him, then that is it, the rest was up to me.


Daca ar fi sa descriu experiența de la curs m-as rezuma la expresia: Genial.

Nu exista o satisfacție mai mare decât atunci când înveți lucruri noi într-un mediu pozitiv și plin de energie. Exclusiv acest merit îl are Gheorghe (îmi permit să îi zic acum pe nume, fara Domn Profesor :) ), care a reușit de fiecare data sa mă uimească prin carisma și stilul pedagogic. Daca mergi la un curs să înveți ceva, la Gheorghe te urci într-un tren care îți arata unde ești, care este starea ta actuală și unde trebuie sa muncești pentru a progresa. Tehnic vorbind am fost la un curs Java care a înrolat multe alte cunoștințe din zona Computer Science. Per total am realizat însă pașii către logica unui business și unde trebuie îndreptată atenția. Social îți dai seama de prezența omeniei devenind mult mai motivat și realist. Daca recomand, puțin spus, merita și este necesar.

Un sincer mulțumesc, pentru timp și răbdare!


I had the great opportunity to meet Gheorghe as my first trainer at the beginning of my software development career. I can say I was given a big chance to be initiated by such a professional person. Gheorghe has a huge gift of transforming software development into a wonderful life experience by making each piece of code clear and understandable in a practical and, also, entertaining way. Besides being a dedicated programmer and a kind trainer, Gheorghe has a deep human understanding and a great sense of humor. He managed to test my weaknesses and to transform them into my deepest strengths, making me more confident and eager to evolve into this world of programming. Once you’ll meet Gheorghe, you’ll gain a friend for life, present always with a constructive advice not only for your professional evolution, but also for your growth of becoming the desired individual.


Gheorghe Pacurar este in primul rand un om de exceptie si ii multumesc pentru tot ce am invatat de la el in aceste luni.

A reusit sa isi structureze orele de curs in asa fel incat sa nu para totul monoton si clasic- venit la curs, scris dupa dictare si plecat acasa cu sute de nedumeriri.

Cu toate ca orele se tineau sambata, nu am simtit niciodata ca pierd o zi de weekend pentru ca a fost un castig enorm de informatie si in acelasi timp o experienta faina.

Gheorghe Pacurar este un “om enciclopedie”- nu a fost sedinta de curs in care nu ne povesteasca o curiozitate, o experienta personala si nu numai, din care puteai sa extragi o lectie. Cu toate astea, mereu a acoperit materia de curs si a avut permanenta grija ca toata lumea sa inteleaga ce s-a predat si sa nu lase nicio intrebare fara raspuns.

Am un deosebit respect fata de Gheorghe Pacurar si il recomand ca mentor si mai ales ca om.


La cursul domnului Gheorghe Pacurar am invatat mult mai mult decat Java. A fost o experienta de viata. Este un om deosebit, genul de om care marcheaza evolutia si schimba putin gandirea elevilor sai. Sa fiu la cursul dânsului a fost ca un privilegiu.

Este interesat in mod real de rezultatele elevilor sai si de capacitatea acestora de a pune in practica si a exploata cele învățate. Isi masoara reușita ca profesor prin rezultatele cursanților sai si este preocupat in permanență de eficientizarea metodei de predare. Domnul Pacurar isi practică meseria cu mult profesionalism, cu pasiune, cu responsabilitate si respect față de cursanti.


I have known Gheorghe as special teacher with an unusual talent to teach, to be coacher, a singular trainer and mentor. Going together through "Project Management - PMP structure", "Time Management", "Agile Scrum" courses, I saw that he captures attention and transmits what he knows, is and has to give. He accompanies presentation slides with profound professional knowledge, patience, and care for apprentice. Time spent with him transforms you because he's a transforming agent, both as an IT professional and as a man; and after some time you find yourself transformed both through the acquisition of new knowledge and by changing the perspective in which you get to look at things. I feel gain from interacting with him.


Gheorghe is the proof that some guys are born to be trainers and coaches. We were colleagues at Softvision as Department Managers and during those years, I’ve learned from him, first of all, the value of listening. He is a good technical guy, but I guess these days almost everyone is. But his big plus is that he can and loves transferring the knowledge (both as trainer and as leader). This makes him an outstanding professional. I always appreciate people that love doing their job and Gheorghe is one of those.


Gheorghe Aurel Pacurar is the kind of man you want to work with day by day, his charisma and people skill are impressive.

I had the honor to work with Gheorghe for a short time, but during that brief period of time I could see clearly his passion & devotion for software development in every project he was involved.

Thanks to his great project management skills I could quickly pick up on some great tricks to improve my productivity and get more stuff more quickly & efficiently done. Training sessions with Gheorghe were always a delight and whenever I had a problem, he was there to listen.

His rich technical skills & experience make him a great asset for any company and every company should have its own Gheorghe.


Gheorghe was instrumental in our first attempt to bring agile and scrum to Betfair. He clearly understood how to get scrum working and he taught me a lot. He was a thought leader, passionate and engaging. I really liked working with him.


Gheorghe is a skilled technologist and a good mentor for new engineers. He is passionate about agile development processes and is equally able to coordinate teams of engineers and gain the trust and respect of business people – communicating with both groups in their own language. Gheorghe was hugely valuable to us in setting up a new development centre; he helped recruit and train a great team that got us up and working on live projects in a very short time. R&D was another role that suited him; he was well placed by being able to see the business value in technical ideas and help guide them to completion.


Early after he came in the company, Gheorghe, started to change all the thinks in better. Finally I met somebody who really knew what software development it is all about, having an a lot of experience both practical and theoretical, and and impressive resume. He is a huge source of know-how and knowledge in all fields (professional and life related) and working with him meant for me a very quick learning course, very enthusiastic and stunning experience something like stepping into a high speed train, an important boost for my career. :) He is a great friend and colleague being all the time with the team and for the team.