
Questions about your proposal? A virtual application webinar was hosted during the inaugural round of submissions which may be requested for viewing. We are more than happy to provide application support and provide clarity where requested. If you cannot find an answer to your question below or if you have any questions about the eligibility of your proposed idea, please reach out to

What do I do If I have a question?
Please email with any questions and we will try to assist you. 

I am having technical difficulties in filling the form.
While the form is completable through computer and mobile phone, we suggest using a desktop computer or laptop. If experiencing technical difficulties, please email with any questions and we will try to assist you. 

Can I fill the application in stages? Will my work be saved automatically?  
Yes.  Absolutely! You may take your time with your responses. While filling out your application, feel free to hit 'Save' > Skip create an account > Enter your desired email address > Send. Following this, you should receive a reminder link in your inbox to access the application and complete it at a later time. On completion, you will receive a confirmation of your application submittal along with a copy of all your responses. 

Can I submit a hard copy of the application response?
All applications should be submitted electronically with the online form. 

Do I need to fill a certain word count?
No. You do not have to fill a certain word count. You are encouraged to use as many words as you'd like to share your impact-driven idea.

Can I add photos?
Yes, this is encouraged. You may upload any photos/ images you may like to support your idea and statements. 

Can I combine the funds from this grant with another funding source?
Yes. Please share details on the other funding sources in the grant application where relevant.

Can I include an outside party (like an organization or a community garden) on my project team?
Yes, this is encouraged. Partnerships can help ensure a stronger project outcome. Identify in your application who the party is and how they are involved. 

What kind of project ideas can I propose?
We encourage ideas that shift your community towards a greener, healthier tomorrow. Projects should look to improve their communities understanding or engagement with sustainability concepts or work towards improving resident quality of life through sustainability. For more inspiration visit Inspiration Projects to realize your impact-driven vision. 

I have a great project and team in mind but writing is not my strength. How do I write this proposal?
Try your best to explain your overall vision, but don't stress about grammar or errors. Grants are awarded because of the quality of the idea, not the writing. It's always a good idea to have someone read over your work before sending it out, so if you have someone to ask, make sure you do. 

I have a great project in mind but I can’t start it until later — like early summer. Can I still submit an application?
It is acceptable to start your project later in the year, but all projects must be completed according to the dates set by NYCHA upon review of projects.

What if my idea requires permits to use a site that is currently locked up?
NYCHA cannot promise access to all areas of a development or areas that are not managed by NYCHA, but will advocate where possible to ensure success of the proposed project.

How will the funds be delivered/received by grantees?
Grants are to be disbursed by check to awardees for the approved project amounts. We encourage applicants to speak with and secure a non-profit to operate as financial sponsor so that awardees may have seamless access to funds. More details will be provided upon awarding of grant.

Where is the funding coming from?
The program is supported by NYCHA, the Fund for Public Housing, Con Edison with donations from Kinetic Communities Consulting.

Is there opportunity to donate to this program as a funder?
If you would like to contribute in support of the program, please visit

Website and program materials were developed by Grain Collective.

To learn more about the program, or if you have any questions, please email: SUSTAINABILITY@NYCHA.NYC.GOV