Before you fill out your application, read through our guidelines to make sure you're ready to put your best ideas on the page.

A virtual application webinar was hosted during the inaugural round of submissions which may be requested for viewing. For any application support or questions, please reach out to  

This is your opportunity to learn more about the grant program, eligibility requirements, project timeline, ask questions, and be inspired to realize your impact-driven idea. 

Dream it!

Where do you see opportunities to improve NYCHA developments and foster communities around sustainability? If you could improve waste management, public green spaces, or the way your neighbors approach the development, what would it be? 

Projects may address climate action such as improvements to outdoor areas, opportunities for trainings on sustainability or green jobs, and launching community-based programs or events which build capacity for a community to take sustainability into its own hands. What successful projects have you seen that are capable of being brought to your development? 

Write-out your big-picture goals of how this project will address a problem of system or space yet have a productive impact to change the development for the better. In your application, draw those connections between this issue and how your resident-led solution will improve the community and have resident needs prioritied for a positive change.  

Do it!

If you dream it, then you can achieve it! These grants are the financial support to help make these dreams come true! Please think about creating a roadmap that will guide you to implement this change. 

To address your target issue and achieve your vision, put some thought to what materials you'll need, who you plan to work with, and how you will organize this project. These questions relate to the funding, the methodology, and the timeline you'll set for this project to be successful.  

As you outline this project, let us know the steps you'll be taking to make it happen! Some questions to ask may be: 

What are the steps to complete this project? 

Let yourself shine!

As you fill out the 'Introduce Yourself' section of the application, don't sell yourself short! You are an important member of the NYCHA community with visions to improve the development with this project and your story matters. 

Make your proposal standout by explaining how the issue you're addressing has impacted your own life and why you're the person to help fix it. Be sure to include the life experiences you have and the community relationships you've fostered which highlight your passion to improve your development and lead a successful project.

Website and program materials were developed by Grain Collective.

To learn more about the program, or if you have any questions, please email: SUSTAINABILITY@NYCHA.NYC.GOV