This movie is honestly really great! Lucy Hale is great at playing her role and has an amazing singing voice. She becomes strong overtime and doesn't obey like most of the other Cinderellas. Jessalyn Wanlim is great as the best friend/fairy godmother role. The others are alright, definitely not the best but still did their part well. I didn't even know Freddie Stroma could sing until I saw this movie. His voice is great too!The songs are fun and catchy, the choreography for the Bollywood dance scene is one of the best I have seen in awhile, and the story is good. The ending is the best part of the whole movie. I loved getting to see Lucy's character have her moment to shine.This movie isn't as good as the others before it. I think they could have done better but this was still really entertaining and fun to watch.

Thus altered, she entered the coach. Her godmother bade her not to staybeyond midnight whatever happened, [p. 83] warning her that if sheremained at the ball a moment longer, her coach would again become apumpkin, her horses mice, and her lackeys lizards, while her old clotheswould reappear upon her once more.

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The king's son, when he was told of the arrival of a great princess whomnobody knew, went forth to receive her. He handed her down from thecoach, and led her into the hall where the company was assembled. Atonce there fell a great silence. The dancers stopped, the violins playedno more, so rapt was the attention which everybody bestowed upon thesuperb beauty of the unknown guest. Everywhere could be heard inconfused whispers:

Once upon a time there was a king who had been at war for a long timewith his neighbours. After many battles had been fought his capital wasbesieged by the enemy. Fearing for the safety of the queen, the kingimplored her to take refuge in a stronghold to which he himself hadnever been but once. The queen besought him with tears to let her remainat his side, and share his fate, and lamented loudly when the kingplaced her in the carriage which was to take her away under escort.

'All the monsters with which the lake is teeming,' replied the littleFrog, 'were once upon a time in the world. [p. 147] Some sat onthrones, some held high positions at Court; there are even some royalladies here who were the cause of strife and bloodshed. It is theselatter whom you see in the shape of leeches, and they are condemned toremain here for a certain time. But of those who come here none everreturns to the world better or wiser.'

But no sooner had she lain down to rest than the monsters of the lake,envious of her repose, gathered round the hut. They set up the mosthideous noise that had ever been heard, and drove her so nearly mad thatshe got up and fled in fear and trembling from the house. This was justwhat the monsters were after, and a dragon, who had once upon a timeruled tyrannously over one of the greatest countries of the world,immediately took possession of it.

As the dragon slowly drew near, the green horse began to throw out fire,bomb-shells, and cannon-balls, which greatly disconcerted the monster.Twenty balls lodged in his throat, his scaly armour was dinted, and thebomb-shells put out one of his eyes. This enraged him, and he tried tohurl himself upon the prince. But the latter's long sword was so finelytempered that he could do what he liked with it, and now he plunged itin up to the hilt, now cut with it as though it had been a whip. Theprince would have suffered, however, from the dragon's claws had it notbeen for his diamond coat, which was impenetrable.

Astonished and delighted by the remarkable way in which his adventurehad ended, Prince Moufy lavished courtesies upon the newly-discoveredprince. Together they went to Moufette, who rendered thanks a thousandtimes to Providence for her unexpected happiness. Already the king andqueen and all the Court had joined her, and everybody spoke at once, andnobody listened to anybody, while nearly as many tears were shed for joyas a little time ago had been shed for grief. And finally, to set thecrown on their rejoicing, the good Frog was espied flying through theair on her hawk. The latter had little golden bells upon its feet, andwhen the faint tinkling of these caused every one to look up, there wasthe Frog, beautiful as the dawn, with her cap of roses shining like thesun. 0852c4b9a8

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