Flappy Bird Remake

It ain't pretty but it will work...

That sums up this project pretty well! I figured that the best way to start making games is to first remake existing ones.

Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to this game and I am remaking it for personal practice and not for distribution.


Although the application was fairly simple to implement, I had never worked with 2D objects before nor had I worked on game mechanics in general, therefore it was a great place to start. I did all this work from scratch aside from sprite assets which I found online.

I spent the majority of my time programming the randomized pipe locations as well as the endless pipe mechanic. I did this by creating three groups of pipes, in which one group would contain the top and bottom pipe. A pipe group's y-axis position would then be randomized between the boundaries that the player sprite could move and move at a fixed rate towards the player. Once the player passed the pipes, it would collide with an invisible barrier and respawn at a new, randomized position. Since the player never actually moved horizontally, I added a simple scoring mechanic by incrementing score based on the number of pipes passing over the player.

As for the player mechanic, I worked on my first animation for the bird's flapping by using multiple sprites and implemented the player tilting mechanism depending on the bird's y-axis movement.

The whole project is still WIP. The to-do items are:

  • Add background, explore tiling

  • Add prettier pause menu



It's not quite there yet but the basic game mechanics are implemented!


Check out the code here: