Low Power SoC Lab.

About our lab.

The Low Power SoC Lab focuses on research, development, and educational efforts on power-awareness in System-on-Chip designs. Of particular interest are low-power electronics including low power devices, circuits, and architectures, computer-aided design methodologies and techniques for power-efficient realization of digital VLSI circuits, network-on-chip for low power, ultra-low voltage operating SoCs, battery-powered mobile computing and communication, and dynamic power management. The cross-disciplinary research spans the full scope of low power design technologies, including modeling and analysis of power dissipation sources, power conversion and regulation issues, IC design, system integration and PCB layout, system validation and online performance monitoring.


[2024.04] a RISC-V processor paper was accepted in  JSA.

[2024.03Hyunseok Kwak, Jongin Choi, and Seunghyun Choi joined our research group as a M.S. student, and Kyoungpil Min joined our group as a Lab. intern.

[2024.02] a HBC paper was accepted in TCAS-II, and an AI-based PID autotuner paper was accepted in Mathematics.

[2023.08Hyunseok Kwak, Jiwon Choi, Seunghyun Choi, Hyogeon Lee, Byungmin Lee joined our group as a Lab. intern.

[2023.05] a Lightweight RISC-V processor paper was accepted in ISLPED 2023.

[2022.11] an ULP RISC-V processor paper was accepted in DATE 2023.

[2022.11] an SNN paper was accepted in Mathematics.

[2022.09] 제23회 대한민국 반도체설계대전 산업통상자원부 장관상 (박진아, 최은진, 이경원: "웨어러블 센서 기반 비정상 감지 특화 초저전력 RISC-V 프로세서") 수상을 축하합니다.

[2022.08] Prof. Lee's office has been moved from room 625 of building 310 to room 638 of the same building.

[2022.07] Kangju Lee joined our group as a Lab. intern.

[2022.07] Min-Gi Jeon, Kyu-Bae Lee, Sangmin Jeon, Jina Park, Eunjin Choi, Kyungwon Lee, and Prof. Lee attended DAC 2022 in San Francisco and exhibited our research at Ubooth.

[2022.06] an SNN paper was accepted in IEEE TIM.

[2022.05] a TEI SRAM paper was accepted in JSTS.

[2022.04Our lab. has been moved from room 533 of building 207 to room 717 of the same building.

[2022.03Jee-Won Kim joined our group as a Lab. intern.

[2022.01] RVX (+TEI) has been featured on the news: news.naver.com/main/read.naver?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=105&oid=014&aid=0004771623 

[2021.12]  우리 연구실 이우영, 전상민 학생이 참여한 "RISC-V SoC for Stress Measurement" 프로젝트의 CAU 공학학술제 (학장상),  LINK+ 캡스톤디자인 어워드 (우수상) 수상을 축하합니다.

[2021.12Sangmin Jeon joined our research group as a candidate for M.S. degree.

[2021.12Kyungwon Lee joined our group as a Lab. intern.

[2021.10] Prof. Lee has been appointed as a member of the Legal Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea (법무부 법무자문위원회).

[2021.09] 제22회 대한민국 반도체설계대전 산업부장관상 (이우영,박진아,변창준,최은진: "K-means Clustering-specific RISC-V Processor"), 기업특별상 (이재형,이승영,장형욱: "Developing a Multicore Platform Utilizing Open RISC-V Cores") 수상을 축하합니다.

[2021.08] a TC paper was accepted in IEEE Access.

[2021.08] a RISC-V processor paper was accepted in IEEE ISOCC conf.

[2021.08]  "SNN 기반 인공지능반도체: 이것이 답일까?" 주간기술동향 2010호

[2021.06Jina Park and Eunjin Choi joined our group as a Lab. intern.

[2021.05a HBC paper was accepted in IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM).

[2021.02Wooyoung Lee joined our group as a PE student and Lab. intern.

[2021.01Kyu-Bae Lee and Min-Gi Jeon joined our research group as M.S. students.

[2020.10] a RVX application paper was presented in IEEE ISOCC conf.

[2020.10a RVX paper was accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

[2020.09a HBC paper was published in IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM).

[2020.08Kyu-Bae Lee and Min-Gi Jeon joined our research group as candidates for graduate students.

[2020.05The RISC-V eXpress (RVX) was first used in a digital system design class. 

[2020.03Jae-hyuong Lee, Seung-Yeong Lee, and Mithona Phou joined our research group for MS course.

[2020.02a DDFS paper was published in IEEE Access.

[2019.09a LW-DEM paper was published in IEEE Access.

[2019.09a TEI-ULP paper was published in IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD).

[2019.07TEI-inspired Ultra-low Power SoC Platform was presented in ACM/IEEE ISLPED conf.

[2019.06a MMNoC paper was published in IEEE Access. 

[2019.04a Diagnosable NoC paper was published in IEEE Design & Test. 

[2019.03]  Prof. Lee joined the School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Chung-Ang University as an assistant professor.