The following word lists come from this  (Chinese language) textbook series, the standard set approved for all Chinese children by the Chinese government in 2018 (and published by ):

Fourth, and finally, extensive research, again from around the world, has found that children who are learning to read in a second language are able to transfer many skills and knowledge from their first language to facilitate their acquisition of reading skills in the second language. The best evidence of this comes from studies showing that students with strong reading skills in the home language also have strong reading skills in their second language. Much of this work has been done on ELLs in the U.S. (August & Shanahan, 2006; Riches & Genesee, 2006).

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Our first semester courseuses Haskell as a vehicle to fundamental aspects of computation:algorithmics, specification and verification, efficiency analysis,programming methods. This works wonderfully. We do not require previousor additional programming experience. Haskell is quickly learned, to the necessary degreee; we make no attempt to cover the full language.This is NOT a Haskell course! Haskell allows us to speak about conceptsof computer science WITHOUT a lot of language learning. And Haskelleven helps to keep out detrimental habits from previous programmingexperience, as well as motivational problems resulting from the widelydiffering previous experiences of our incoming students.

This is the declarative programming option for 4th yearundergrads, who have Java as a first programming language, and someknowledge of C and C++. The current final year have had some exposureto Haskell in first year, though this is no longer the case for ourcurrent intake.

As a former English Language Development (ELD) teacher working within a state with English Only policies, this narrative of shame, ridicule and guilt continues to be part of the lived experiences of many children learning English as an additional language. In Arizona, students are tracked into classrooms based on language proficiency and receive 4-hours of skills-based language and literacy instruction. This mandate is based on the assumption that the acquisition of language will happen within one school year and does not take into account the rich linguistic and literacy practices that children and youth bring to our classrooms from their homes and communities.

Classroom Newsletter: Create a classroom newsletter with students and their families as reporters. Invite families to contribute stories, recipes, how-to-guides, etc. in the language of their choice. Print and distribute to all families.

tag_hash_107_______________________________________________________________ It can be the start or end to the school day or a celebratory song/chant when the class accomplishes a goal. Come up with it together and make it your own! Many times, these are the things that students remember and enjoy.

tag_hash_108________________________________________ Invite family and other community members into the classroom to read a book, model how to do something, or teach a song or a poem in the home language. This can also be kept in mind when scheduling classroom trips. 

The goal is that one day all students will have the opportunity to develop bilingual proficiency. Until that day comes, students will benefit from the choices educators make to honor and promote the home languages they bring to the classroom.

I teach to the whole class always in English but I occasionally speak Spanish with some students one-on-one or in small groups to offer a brief explanation. When students work in pairs or groups, they may speak in their home language, but when they hand in an assignment to me or make an oral report to the class, they must use English. In every class, they must produce English. I pair students with more English proficiency with those who have less English proficiency and have the more advanced students help the newcomers to write what they want to say in English or practice saying words in English before they make a presentation to the class.

What you might not know is that there are strategies that can help you study more effectively, so that you make the most of your time and energy. This handout first explains some of the key principles that guide effective language learning, and then describes activities that can help you put these principles into practice. Use these tools to create a strategic study plan that helps your language skills grow.

1. Fostering pride in multilingualism: From the emphasis on English proficiency in school to pressure on young people to fit in, heritage language learners are constantly exposed to signals that their mother tongue is secondary or, even worse, unimportant. Any coursework for heritage speakers should seek to convey a different message. From the very first day, we stressed to the students that their Spanish knowledge was a tremendous gift. We also chose literature that invited students to reflect upon experiences of biculturalism. This led to especially rich conversations, and we gleaned many insights from the students.

Even students who speak Spanish fluently may struggle at first to read the language. Rather than throw a spotlight on any one student, a teacher can ease students in by reading the book aloud at first and gradually releasing reading responsibility to students. By a few classes in, students should develop enough confidence that they will read aloud without help.

We also reviewed learning objectives in the traditional Spanish foreign language class to make sure our students were meeting those learning goals as well. It usually took only a quick review for heritage learners to show mastery of these structures.

As stated in the first edition, the guide is written to raise awareness, direct learning, and support the use of culturally sensitive terms and phrases that center the voices and perspectives of those who have been historically marginalized or stereotyped. The guide also explains the origins of problematic terms and phrases and offers suitable, more contemporary alternatives. Because this guide is not a legal treatise or advice, terms may differ from how they are defined, interpreted, and applied under law. Please recognize that cultural, global, and regional differences abound; in this guide, we concentrate on language used in a U.S. context.

Person-first language may also be appropriate in the following scenarios (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2022c; National Archives, 2023; National Center on Disability and Journalism, 2021; PFLAG, 2022):


The values, beliefs, language, rituals, traditions, and other behaviors that are passed from one generation to another within any socially definable group. Accordingly, cultural groups could include groups based on shared identities such as ethnicity (e.g., German American, Blackfoot, Algerian American), gender and gender identity (e.g., woman, man, transgender, gender nonconforming), sexual orientation (e.g., gay, lesbian, bisexual), and socioeconomic status (e.g., poor, working class, middle class, wealthy; APA Task Force on Race and Ethnicity Guidelines in Psychology, 2019).


The assignment of characteristics of worth and ability on the basis of actual or perceived social class and the attitudes, policies, and practices that maintain inequality on the basis of class (Collins & Yeskel, 2005). Classism serves to define and reinforce social class groups. Classism may be expressed via prejudiced or discriminatory attitudes, language, or behaviors directed toward individuals on the basis of perceived or actual social class (Liu, 2011, 2013; Noonan & Liu, 2022). This may occur in interpersonal interactions, education, housing, health care, legal assistance, politics, public policy, and elsewhere (APA Task Force on Developing Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Low-Income and Economically Marginalized Clients, 2019; Lott & Bullock, 2007).

My story begins in 2017 when I inherited the heritage Spanish class at my school with no clear scope & sequence to go on. That first year was a whirlwind! With little to no time for planning, I had to try all sorts of things on the fly. Textbooks and grammar packets came and went, until I finally stumbled upon what would work for me and my students.

In the United States, we have a very high Spanish-speaking population and in order to meet the needs of those students, we must offer heritage courses as traditional language classes planned out for L2 learners are simply too easy for heritage speakers.

Because there are more linguistically diverse learners than ever before in early childhood settings, educators need to prioritize the teaching and engagement of children whose home language differs from that of the rest of the class. Use the practical strategies in this article to boost language and other key skills for DLL children and help pave the way toward a successful future.

Textbook & other materials: Standard Course HSK 1 (ISBN: 9787561937099). Students will be supported by abundant resources including workbook, Mp3 downloads, videos, extra speaking activities and other supplementary materials. Homework will be assigned after each class to enable the students to reinforce and practice the language learned in class.

Textbook & other materials: Standard Course HSK 2 (ISBN: 9787561937266). Students will be supported by abundant resources including workbook, MP3 downloads, videos, extra speaking activities and other supplementary materials. Homework will be assigned after each class to enable the students to reinforce and practice the language learned in class.

Textbook & other materials: Standard Course HSK 3 (ISBN: ISBN: 9787561938188). Students will be supported by abundant resources including workbook, MP3 downloads, videos, extra speaking activities and other supplementary materials. Homework will be assigned after each class to enable the students to reinforce and practice the language learned in class. 006ab0faaa

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