Game Design Showcase
Ryan Tucci
INFO 287: Game Design Showcase
My name is Ryan Tucci and I am currently working on completing my Master of Library and Information Science degree at San Jose State University and this is a collection of games that I have researched, designed, created, and developed for INFO 287: Gamifying Information.
This portfolio showcases the games I have created over the Spring 2017 term to help teach Information Science concepts to students, library users, and staff. Please take some time to navigate this website and see what I have been up to this term!
Remember, most of these games are in the alpha phase of the design process.
Table of Contents
Library Adventure Path game
Institutional goals of the host institution
Learning objectives for Library Adventure
Additional games designed for this course
Games assessed for this course
A sample of the games I have created are shown below but more detailed descriptions are included under my "Game Portfolio"
A game developed to help library staff learn to conduct reference interviews!
A Scratch game to help students learn to find material on the shelf using Library of Congress call numbers.
A PowerPoint game to help students find library services at Carleton University MacOdrum Library...using PowerPoint!