
88-Musaics explained

Logical correspondence between spatial structures and sound structures is what distinguishes regular instruments from the others, in particular the relation "translated spatial structure <--> transposed sound structure".

The relationship (morphism) between translation and transposition is not the only one. The aim of this study is to highlight, with the smallest pre-requisite, the other natural relations between spatial and sound structures.

Musical context

We place ourselves in the context of twelve equal tone temperament, musical system that divides octave into 12 equals chromatics intervals, and we focuses mainly on the qualities of the harmonic structures inscribed in the chromatic circle.

Enharmonic equivalence

Enharmonic equivalence is a pragmatic axiom that unifies close pitches such as C4, B3#, D4bb …

It is on this principle that, today, many user interfaces (UI) of musical instrument are designed (keyboard piano, guitar frets, …).

Octave equivalence

Octave equivalence is manifested by the fact we spell different pitches by the same name, whatever this frequency, on condition that are on octave quotient.

For example, there are different sounds such as C4, C5, C6, but only one equivalence class named C.

It is well known by the musician for the notation of chords: CMaj7 labels all the chords, with a Cx as root, based on a structure (4, 3, 4, 1) ie 3rd maj, fifth and major seventh.

We warn the reader that the other essential components of music (rhythm, timbre, expression …) are not covered by the 88musaic and this study.

Enharmonic and Octave equivalence

(with integer notation)

Chromatic scale may be generated in 4 ways,  in steps of 1, 5, 7 or 11.  (these numbers are coprimes with 12). 

These 4 generatorsof the group Z12 : {1, 5, 7, 11}  -- or {1, 5, n-5, n-1 } with n=12 --  are supported by 2 axes and so 4 angulars sectors : 1-0-5,   7-0-1,  7-0-11 and 11-0-5, we will call "armature" a such structure of angular sector.

2 axes support to Φ(n=12) (Euler's phi function)

Chromatic scale generated by step 1 : C0, D0, D#, E0, F0, F#0, G0, G#0, A0, A#0, B0, C1, C#1, etc.

keyboard-piano linear 1-step, hybride interface (regular and semi regular)

At the bottom of the keyboard, the pitches are linearly arranged in semitones.

Scale generated by step 5 : C0, F0, Bb0, Eb1, Ab1, Db2, Gb2, B2, E3, A3, D4, G4, C5, F5, etc.    (rem : Bb ~ A# ~ Cbb ...) 

Scale generated by step 7 : C0, G0, D1, A1, E2, B2, F#3, C#4,  G#4, D#5, A#5, F6, C7, G7, etc. 

Scale generated by step 11 : C0, B0, A#1, A2, G#3, G4, F#5, F6, E7, D#8, D9, C#10, C11, B11, etc.   

some traditional instruments in regular tuning, but there are also, and increasingly, modern instruments in this case.

Thereafter we will focus our attention on sector 1-0-5 (in accordance with the historical approach, 88 musaics were discovered on guitar tuned in perfect fourths) but all what will be studied is transposable, true, to the 3 other sectors (In particular string instruments tuning in fifths -  1-0-7).

Below, an example of matrix base (angular sector 1-0-5), we choose as origin 0 (upper left corner), the value C0 of pitch notation.  

2D musical game space

Matrix base in armature (1, 5)

A angular sector forms a two-dimensional array, this elements are in scientific pitch notation. This space can be considered as a musical game space.

Like keyboard of piano, let us emphasize the notes of diatonic scale

2D musical game space Diatonic/ Pentaonic UI

The black and white grid on figure represents two scales of notes (diatonic and pentatonic), linked together by the complementarity relation (union of these scales forms a chromatic scale).

Without damaging our logic, let us admit the octave equivalence relationship  (i.e. C0, C1,... Cn will simply be noted by C), as shown below. 

C-Diatonic-Maj / D#-Pentatonic

Rather than engraving such a structural form "in the marble" (as piano keyboard), let us concern ourselves by the various possible forms (showing in a limited matrix 12x12)

D-Diatonic / F-Pentatonic

F-Diatonic / G#-Pentatonic

As can be seen in previus figure (F-Diatonic scale) the sharp notation is not always well suited, finally we prefer the neutral numerical notation 0..11.

0..11 are Pitch Class (see glossary on this page)

Below, F-Diatonic again with this notation in a matrix 13x13. 

PCS : {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9,10}  

(a set of pitch classes) F-Diatonic

By definition, all diatonic scales are same intervallic structure (2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1)  or (w, w, h, w, w, w, h) that may be represented by a geometric structure, invariant by translation-transposition as illustrated by the animation below.

is-motif in translation on matrix base

Have you noticed that the diatonic scales presented reveals the same geometric structure?  

As one might expect, geometric structures are not limited to grids of dimensions 12x12 or 13x13, we can even use the circular representation.

diatonic maj is-motif,

a geometric signature

There is a bijection between this geometrical structure and intervallic structure of PCS.

 We will call is-motif this type of geometry structure

Note : The circular is-motif representation makes it possible not to determine a specific PCS (absence of "fundamental", or root, placed in the upper left corner, without label). 

In absence of a root (ref to a giving PC), these representations are equivalent :

size and borders are not important for is-motif representation

From 4096 Pitch Class Set elements to 352 is-motifs

How many different is-motifs exist ? To answer this question, one has to wonder how many exist of different structures (pitch-class set) within an octave. Response is 2 ^ 12 = 4096 musical structures or pitch-class sets (PCS), it is the power set of well temperated 12 pitch class set.

Below, the n=12-row of Pascal's triangle, it gives us the number of PCS per cardinality :

The 12 equal-tempered pitch classes can be represented by a chromatic circle.

A pitch class set  (PCS) is defined by select pitches-class as shown in the following example C-diatonic (same representations with different labels)

chromatic circle

c-diatonic in chromatic circle

C-Diatonic is noted

 {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11} 

It is a PCS in  musical set therory notation.

Hypercube is a formidable way to organize the 4096 parts of 12, but such a structure is in dimension 12, and so difficult to explore in 3D real life, let alone in 2D. Here is an overview Q12 .

But for the pleasure of the eyes, here is one : a point represents a PCS (pitch class set), as the vertex of a hypercube of dimension 12.

The elements are linked together by the direct inclusion relation, also known as Hasse diagram

Levels of hypercube are more practicable.

The purpose of this study is to show you how these 4096 PCS can be found, from a reduced set of 88 PCS classes !

Reduction 1 : Kowing that the diatonic scale have 12 PCS representatives (C-Diatonic, C # -Diatonic, ...,  B-Diatonic), we would be tempted to divide 4096 by 12, but it would be without counting the musical structures with limited transposition PCS  ... Indeed, some scales have only 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 representatives PCS in their cyclic-orbit, as shown by images below. 

Diatonic Intervallic Structure

and its 12 PCS in cyclic-orbit

(transposition degree = 12)

apply cyclic transposition to dim7 chord

 3 transposed repeated 4 times 

dim7 Intervallic Structure 

and its 3 PCS in cyclic-orbit

(transposition degree = 3)

Most of the 4096 PCS can be transposed 12 times, except for 76 of them. The 76 PCSs with limited tranposition status can be grouped into 17 is-motifs (classes of intervallic structure). By example dim7 chord has 3 representative PCS ({0, 3, 6, 9}, {1, 4, 7, 10}, {2, 5, 8, 11}) whole tone scale only 2  : {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and  {1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11} (second and third row in list below) 

Pascal's triangle and 352 compute

By example dim7 chord has 3 representative PCS ({0, 3, 6, 9}, {1, 4, 7, 10}, {2, 5, 8, 11}) whole tone scale only 2  : {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and  {1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11} (third and second row in list below) 


The 17 classes of limited transposition intervallic structure 

17 examples (from 76) of Limited Transposition representive PCS 

In 1954, Edmond Costère (Lois et Styles des Harmonies Musicales. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France) determined the first (?) reduction of the 4096 PCS to 351 elementary structures. In fact, there are exactly 352 equivalence classes by transposition relation (including empty set). 

Demonstration : Number of Limited Transposition PCS is, according to 17 LT-PCS in table above,  SUM of (6x9, 4x3, 3x2, 2x1, 1x2) = 76. So number of distincts Intervallic Structure is (4096 - 76) / 12 + 17 = 335 + 17 = 352

Here the 352 intervallic structures type, ordered by cardinal (number of PC in PCS). We will see that we can still reduce their number.

The 352 is-motifs 

Diatonic is-motif is located at (13, 18) coordinate (row, col)

From 352 Intervallic Structure Type to 180 Dual Complement is-motifs

White ink on black background or black ink on white background ? 

Reduction 2 : Kowing that a is-motif is the union of 2 PCS (one and his complementary), we would be tempted to divide 352  by 2, but it would be without counting the PCS self-complemented. There is 8 is-motifs in this case.

The 8 self-complemented is-motifs,  accompanied by an example of a representative PCS.

So, there are (352-8) / 2 + 8 = 172 + 8 = 180 distinct is-motifs (dual complemented is-motifs) , which allow us, through a game of transposition and complementarity, to recover (regenerate) the 4096 PCS of our powerset. However, we will see that we can further reduce this number.

Which double complementary part should be emphasized?

What color ? 

The arbitrary choice of color

For simplicity, we will remain in black and white and use black to represent the smallest part (also an arbitrary choice, but logic throughout this study - the order relation will be presented in another document).  Here are the 180 reductions.

180 dual complemented is-motifs

Pentatonic-Diatonic is located at (row, col) :  (8, 10)  

From 180 dual complemented is-motifs to 122 dual cplt rotation is-motifs

During a more thorough inspection of the 180 dual is-motifs, redundant models can be observed. For example :

two dual complemented is-motifs

Each can be derived from the other by rotation around a point. 

There is therefore redundancy of patterns.

transformation of a half turn around a point

These cases of PCS, where one can be deduced from the other by rotation around a point (half turn) (the top becomes the bottom). Musically, it is an inversion.

Here is a well-known example, highlighting the relationship between a major chord and a minor chord. Given example below, in clock representation : {0, 3, 7} become {0, 5, 9}, and vice-versa. The structural relationship between major and minor quality is emphasized by geometry.

The rotation operation emphasize relationship between major and minor quality

Reduction 3 : Kowing that a is-motif is deductible frome other by rotation, we would be tempted to divide 180  by 2, but it would be without counting the  invariant is-motif by half rotation. There is 64 structures type in this case ! 

Example of is-motif invariant by half rotation around a point :

inv. rot

It is one of this 64 other elements :

64 dual cplt is-motifs (from 180) invariant by half rotation (around a point) 

So, number of dual complement rotation is-motifs is : (180-64) / 2 + 64 = 58 + 64 = 122

122 is-motifs in complement and rotation relationship

pentatonic-diatonic is located at (row, col) :  (7, 8)  

From 122 dual complement rotation is-motifs to 88 musaics

If you observe well, you will still see redundant is-motifs in our last 122 : some are deductible by turning around a diagonal. We need to use 3D transformation. 

For example, these 2 is-motifs below are deductible from each other by a transformation operation (left-diagonal rotation of 180°

Here is the left-diagonal rotation of 180°

left-diagonal rotation

The same goes for another operation : right- diagonal rotation of 180°

Here is the right-diagonal rotation of 180°

right-diagonal rotation

Here another example : dominant seventh is-motif presented in a square pattern to emphasize the diagonal transformation.

C7  <=> CM7 sus2 5+ transformation

Left diagonal rotation

Transformation from one is-motif to an other can be realized also by rotation on their right diagonal.

C7 <=>  C7 b9 (no 5) transformation

Right diagonal  rotation

Reduction 4 :  As you can expect, some is-motifs are invariant by left and / or right diagonal rotation. Finally, musaic is name we gave to is-motif in smallest reduce. There are 19 musaics variants by all transformations (rotations and complement) and 69 invariant by at least one operation (diagonals rotation,  half rotation around a point, complement in complex relationship, will be presented in a next page). We get a total of 19+69 = 88 musaics

19 musaics that vary by complement and rotations (around a  point, diagonals)

The majority of musaics (78%) turn out to be invariant as a result of some transformations we have just presented.

The following is an example of a left diagonal rotation invariant (so, not in the previous 19)


invariant by left (and right) diag. rot.

Finally, the expected 88 musaics!

(armature 1-5)

From a single PCS of each of these 88 musaics, we can generate all the subsets (4096) of the tempered set of the pitch classes, by transformation operations (complement, 1/2 turn rotation around of point, rotation by left and/or right diagonal, translation). So we may conclude that the cardinal of the smallest set of generators of the 4096 configurations is 88 !

Transformation operations viewed from other angles.

The first persons known to have written something about left and right diagonal transformations are Rahn et Morris (andreatta-2003), but in the form of multiplication operations (numerical notation of PC allows this type of operation) : m5 is left diagonal and m7 is right diagonal transformation, m11 is half-rotation around a point and m1 is neutral operation. These operations can also be represented as permutations. Find them here, and many more:

The complementarity operation is also the object of great attention in musical set theory (Forte).  

Different versions of same transformation

Try yourself basic transformations online
through a musaic or clock notation : MusaicBox

Try by yourself simple basic transformations on a musaic (7th chord)

(a good application of Klein-Group properties for this animation !)

Oh, it's interesting, but what use?

Heuristic and multidisciplinary

Open to any musical style

Pedagogical dimension


From chord on guitar tuning in fourths to musaic fragment

F7 analysis with musaic n°26

These 88 musaics are in fact canvas patterns on which musician perform finger choreographies on their instrument (in regular tuning). 

Musaics (as "harmonic tablatures") helps the musician to identify hamonic colors. As noted above in the text, identification pattern (geometry and musical structure) is not limited to all fourths tuning : all regular user interfaces are concerned. 

More generally, a matrix regular instrument is instance of a dual interval space (DIS), as two-dimentional array of pitches where “rows” are separated by the same interval and the “columns” by an other but also same (non-zero) interval (regular interface).

Matrix instrument are noted as follows: DIS(y,x) where y is row interval and x is culumn interval. Voilin is DIS(1,7), guitar in IV is DIS(1,5), etc.

DIS(1,7)  violin


accordion (right hand)


Jankó keyboard

DIS(1,5) LinnStrument

expressive MIDI controller in P4 regular tuning

It would seem, but this remains to be demonstrated, that only regular interfaces built on a framework based on value axes ("prime root") of  Euler function are affected by this reduction. In this hypothesis, only Fifths and Fourths tuning benefit from 88musaics.

88 musaics for instruments tuning in fifths

(experimental) 88 musaics for accordion (right hand)


We have succeeded in reducing by a path: 

This is not the only possible way, but all converge to the 88 musaics . For example: 

This last way is the one most often found, particularly in the musical set theory and mathematics (group theory)  : 


(under construction)

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Enharmonic and Octave equivalence

(with integer notation)

{0, 4, 7}

Examples :

Note :

Intervallic structure in cyclic shift - different modes : (3,4,5), (4,5,3), (5,3,4), refer to the same is-motif.

minor 7 structure

is : (3,4,3,2)

 IS : (3,4,3,2)

IS : (4,3,2,3)

IS : (3,2,3,4)

IS : (2,3,4,3)

Diatonic/Pentatonic is-motif

whole tone scale is-motif

Hypothesis : Prime_roots give dimension of  geometry representation element ? (prime_roots(12) = 2  => 2D ?)

(under construction)

About author

My name is Olivier Capuozzo,  I live in France,  can be contacted by mail  (olivier.capuozzo) on Google messaging. I would appreciate receiving feedback and testimonials from creative and educational exploitations of the 88 musaics. Apologize for my approximate English, hoping that it translates correctly concepts and thinkings in French... 

This study, carried out without any financial or institutional support, was initially undertaken by Jean-Yves Fusil [1941-2011] (scientist, musician, humanist...). A first publication was made in 1984, available here. I joined Jean-Yves in this research work in the 80s , I brought an algebraic vision to this work (Musical Set Theory and group theory) and programming a software to explore the 88 musaics and their relationships which made it possible to discover more (new) concepts.  This work is far from finished!

Hoping to have aroused your curiosity, thank you !

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