
Plant List and Pricing 

Plant selection is a crucial part of wetland design. Through natural processes such as growth, plants filter water and are able to reduce pollutant loading. Some plants are able to handle high amounts of nitrogen, removing it from the soil and water which is beneficial to the environment. Plants also provide habitat for many species which can also contribute to improved water quality. 

Plant List and Pricing

Long Term Maintenance Plan

Maintenance Plan

Below is a maintenance inspection sheet to be used during all inspections. This will document the current conditions of the wetaland and serve as a way to communicate if any aspects of the site need attention. Inspection sheets should be kept to determine if there are reoccuring issues on site that may need remedeation. 

Wetland Inspection Sheet.pdf

Updated Wetland Cost Analysis

Updated Wetland Cost Analysis

Final Bill of Materials

Template BOM - F21 (3).pdf


Consulting, G. E. (n.d.). Shiloh Conservation Area - Billings, Montana . Retrieved from Geum Environmental Consulting: https://geumconsulting.com/portfolio-items/shiloh-conservation-area-billings-montana/

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (2021, June 23). Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Retrieved from https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Karst

North Carolina A & T State University Cooperative Extension. (n.d.). Urban Waterways. 

USDA NRCS. (n.d.). Plants Database. Retrieved from United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service : https://plants.sc.egov.usda.gov/home