Tribute to a Father

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A poem for a tribute to a faithful father

I wrote this poem for the funeral of my father after he passed away at age 79. My brother Kevin was present at the moment of his death and said he just stopped breathing and went peacefully from this earth. He was a faithful man who always kept his word and he loved farming more than other things. The first thing his bought as a young man on the farm was a tractor rather than a car showing his great interest in farming. He was faithful to his wife and was a good provider for his family. The poem I wrote speaks of him going to heaven and having a big reward. He never preached but he did support missions and had a son that become a missionary. So, parents who are faithful will also have reward for what their children do for the Lord.

The purpose of sharing the poem here is to cause others to think about eternal things and receiving rewards in heaven. If we are faithful at what God has given us to do on earth then we will have a reward in heaven regardless of how insignificant our life on earth may appear. If a man does nothing except be faithful to his wife and be a good provider for this family then that is something that will cause him to have a reward in heaven. That is a basic requirement of all men as they fulfill their roles as leaders and providers and protectors of their families.

There Was a Rural Boy

By Kenneth Popken

There was a rural boy, who never dreamt of anything but farming.

He did not buy a teenage hot-rod but rather a tractor because he thought that was more charming!

He grew up and got married and still he pursued his dream of farming.

He worked in a factory by night and farmed during the day but his health he was harming!

He had precious few hours to sleep and in the summer it was too hot.

He installed an air conditioner just so he would not leave a big sweat blot!

He did not complain but he worked harder than ever

He raised corn and beans and hogs in his farming endeavor.

He had five kids in rapid succession.

His offspring multiplied as if by an arithmetic progression.

When his family was all loaded into the car.

He would say “ok you 45-kids!” and pack them in, like beans in a jar!

Seasons would come and seasons would go.

He made them all work, with eggs, pigs and chickens, walking beans and chopping with a hoe.

He did not have an exciting life and would always eat the same thing.

But he was a faithful and honest man who never had a fling!

If a woman has a man with only two qualities in life

She can be thankful to God for a good provider and a man who is faithful to his wife.

Marvin met these essentials in life

He was faithful as a provider and cared for his wife.

Marvin had many miracles on his farm.

Disease came against his pigs and hail brought his crops harm.

But God never let him down and made a blessing from the curse

He paid off his farm regardless of what went adverse!

He once prayed for a baby pig after it had died.

But when nothing happened he tossed it outside.

But when he opened the barn door, much to his surprise

The Lord had answered his prayer and he could not believe his eyes!

That little pig was alive and it was well

It was running around outside and had escaped its death knell!

When the beans hit ten dollars it was an all-time high

The neighbors said hold-on, the price is really going to really fly!

Marvin sold his beans for that ten dollar value

The next day the beans plummeted down below two dollars and were totally devalued.

God was leading this man as he put his trust in Him

God desires a man to trust in him even when things look grim.

He lived a long and faithful life and died at age seventy-nine

He completed his race on earth and entered into glory divine.

He breathed his last while in the presence of Kevin

And that was the time that he entered into heaven.

He passed down a tunnel of time that was long and very far

He could see a bright light gleaming ahead as brilliant as a star!

The light was blinding, magnificent and bright

He entered into glory squinting at the light!

People were there to meet him that he had known on earth

Many of those folks who knew him since the time of his birth!

One would expect to meet in heaven those that we have known

But what happened next was that he met people that were not his own.

There were people who were brown, black, yellow and white

They were wearing native costumes with faces that were happy and bright!

They seemed to be grateful to Marvin who did not have a clue

As to why these people would thank him out of the clear-blue!

He proceeded toward the throne that was shining brighter than a star

He wished he had his welding mask because he could not see very far!

He could see the smiling faces thanking him in the light

Their unusual behavior was strange at first sight!

When he reached the throne in heaven he saw a figure in the light

He was wearing dazzling gold garments and was beautiful to his sight!

This man was Jesus the Lord and King of all Kings!

He stood up to honor Marvin who was amazed at all these things!

Jesus told him that in heaven things can seem reverse

Because those things which are highly esteemed in heaven-may on earth seem perverse!

Jesus told him to look at all those people he had did already pass

There was a great multitude of them as thick as lush grass!

Jesus told him that these were his reward

But Marvin said he never met them or ever spoke to this great hoard!

Marvin did not witness or preach to the unsaved

He did not give a sermon and never like an evangelist did he behave!

But there was this multitude thanking him in heaven

He wondered what he had done to be honored by a crowd that numbered millions-times seven!

Jesus explained that it was because of his most insignificant son

That these multitudes of people, to the Lord had been won!

His boy was insecure and he did not excel in grades

He never owned a house but he saved people from Hades.

His most insignificant son ran a missionary enterprise

Because of this, people in all nations were saved and baptized.

He may not have had much money or became a Bill Gates

But he brought many people through salvation to the heavenly gates.

Marvin had fathered a son but did not have time to take him fishing

But his boy learned to be faithful like Marvin rather than just sitting around and wishing.

Jesus said that these people were all grateful for Marvin raising his most insignificant son

Things esteemed in heaven are based on souls that are won.

Marvin may not have preached or held big crusades

But he was faithful to provide for his family and this part saved people from Hades.

Jesus motioned His hand and Marvin looked back

And he saw all of the faces smiling and happiness was not in lack!

A chorus began singing as their voices raised on high!

As he heard them singing and he wiped a tear from his eye!

He knew you were not supposed to cry in heaven

But he did it anyway because the lump in his throat swelled like dough mixed with leaven.

The people began singing, “Thank you for giving to the Lord I was a life that was saved!”

They continuing in their singing and thanked him for what he had gave!

But Marvin was perplexed and said, “But what did I give?”

And the people replied, “You gave your most insignificant son to the Lord so now we all live!

Jesus explained that all Marvin did was to raise his family and be faithful on his farm

But that was enough for him to cause all of these people to be saved from hell’s harm.

His most insignificant son who never amounted to much

Ended up with a worldwide ministry that saved all of these people he had touched!

The same reward in heaven is given to the parent

Whose child was given to the Lord and whose eternal rewards are apparent!

Things we do on earth will have eternal rewards and a heavenly bid

And that can be something as simple as just raising a kid.

Often those who seem insignificant on earth

May not be so insignificant when measured by heavenly worth.

If a man did nothing but raise a kid

He will still have reward in heaven for everything that they did.

One pebble tossed in a pond causes a ripple that spreads far and wide

And so rewards in heaven are shared by all those affected who are standing by your side.

One act of kindness or just being faithful as a dad

Will result in rewards in heaven and cause eternal blessings to be had.

The people thanked Marvin for his gift of one insignificant son

Because it was by his preaching that their souls had been won!

The chorus reverberated throughout the halls of Paradise

The people sang again, “Thank you Marvin!” as their voices began to rise!

The most significant time in heaven is the gauntlet-walk to the throne

This is where people greet new arrivals and their gratefulness is shown.

Do not underestimate the most insignificant life on earth

Those who may seem common and ordinary may have great eternal worth.

Marvin was faithful to his five children and his wife

He is now gone to his eternal reward and enjoys eternal life.

I can hear the chorus of heaven still singing as they thank Marvin before the throne

His one ordinary life as a farmer produced more eternal rewards than he had ever known!