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Proverbs 22:7 (NASB)

7 The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave.

Those who have money can rule over those who do not have money because those "in-need" will be forced to borrow from the lender who can dictate any terms he wants and the borrower will have no choice but to pay. Thus, the borrower becomes the lender's slave just as the scripture above has predicted.

Debt Slaves

Debt-Slaves work to make the lenders rich and the snowballing interest can leave the debt-slave with little to live off of. Both business-debt and consumer-debt are equally bad because they both result in the income of the debt-slave being bled off by the lenders. Even borrowing money for a home loan can result in a debt-slave paying many times the value of their home before their home loan is finally paid off.


I however can give a real-life example of a group of men who were able to buy homes without borrowed money and in fact they bought many houses and everyone within their group prospered wonderfully by cutting-out the predatory banker interest that normally would keep them in poverty for life.

Example of Real Estate Club

I have a friend from Alaska came to live in Seattle Washington. There he was working for a barge company which ships goods to Alaska. There was no cheaper way of moving products to Alaska so the business was booming and all of the workers at the barge company had plenty of over-hours and were making a good income. He got a few books about real estate purchase and then presented his idea to his fellow workers at the barge company and they agreed to join together as a group to form a real estate club. These men were able to invest their disposable cash (money that was beyond their own living expenses) and so they began to purchase real estate in Seattle. The concept is that they wanted to purchase enough rental houses to provide a rental income for each of the investors for their own retirement. What happened however was something that exceeded their wildest imaginations! They experienced great success by purchasing houses with cash (without the use of bank loans). They were amazed because they had not realized just how much the bankers were bleeding them in interest payments for house loans. When they cut out the banker they began to profit wonderfully! They bought their first rental house with the cash pooled by their group. My friend was able to do some “fix-up” and remodeling work on it using his construction experience and then they rented it out. Every time they purchased a house for cash, they were able to turn it into a "cash-cow" to produce rental income for their group. This had a snow-ball effect of multiplication because the more houses they purchased, the more rental income they received. This rental income was added to their purchase-pool and so they were able to buy more houses with the increased number of houses they owned. As long as they stayed in the club everyone was profiting wonderfully until every member eventually had enough rental income to retire from the barge company job. But since it was working so well, they continued working and buying more houses for themselves and this worked to increase their retirement income.

Leave the Team and Flounder on Own

This real estate club is a real-life example of common workers pooling resources together to meet the needs of everyone within their group. Without banker predatory interest they were able to keep the savings to buy more houses and soon prospered in a snowballing manner as a group! But the guy who started the club did not stay in it long before he decided to quit and follow his wife who found a job in Kansas City as a nurse in the hospital. So, he sold his share in the real estate club and moved from Seattle to Kansas City and tried to resume his rental house purchase plan there on his own. It was his goal to have enough rental income to retire on but what happened is that he was never able to save enough money on his own to make this work. He was working in the oilfield when I met him and when the oilfield boom crashed in 2009, he had only purchased one rental house in Kansas and was in the process of getting a second when he lost his oilfield income. But the men who stayed in the real estate club in Seattle profited wonderfully and were so grateful to him and his idea of starting the real-estate club for them.

This real estate club is proof that ordinary citizens can pool their disposable wealth together and they can purchase not just one home but many houses as a group by reinvesting their profits without having banking cartels devour a lion's share of their income with predatory interest. If they can work together as a group they can invest together and profit wonderfully simply investing the disposable wealth they earned as wages.

Saving money for investments is a Jewish Torah principle given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai in Arabia. These topics are listed under our Jewish section of this website.

See the link "Seed for the Future" for more details.

Also, the principle of self-investing works when it is applied by a group of people (just as I have already given in the example of the real estate club in Seattle). However, in order for community investments to work there much be unity among them. The word "unity" is part of the compound word "community" but this will not be existent if there is strife and division or greed and individualism or if people who are seeking to "lord" over others. The communist party tries to have forced "community" but it never works. Typically to have success in community endeavors the members of the group have to be saved and born again and have their sin nature repressed by spiritual regeneration. Most of the time these secular group-type efforts will fail without a spiritual foundation of God's word and people involved whose hearts are transformed by the gospel. But when there is a group of "believers" working together this has a powerful effect to bring blessing to all of them.

See the link "Community Living System" for more details.

Business Debt Verses Consumer Debt

There is much controversy over whether having business debt is the same as having consumer debt but in fact both type of debts are equally "evil" and result in the lion-share of the income of the debt-slave going to the bank to pay predatory interest.

Operating Big Industry Without Borrowed Capital

But many of the big names in US industry who began the industrial revolution in America did so without the use of borrowed money. They were able to self-finance by reinvesting the profits they saved back into their business and they expanded as they had the capital available for it. Again, this is taught by the Jewish Torah principle of saving seed (capital) for sowing (investments). Again, see our Jewish section of topics.

See the link "Seed for Future" for more details.

Those who currently borrow money for business may imagine that they cannot operate without borrowed money. But at the same time if they did not have to borrow money, they could save enormous amounts of income for reinvestment rather than their income going to make banking cartels rich. When people can self-fund, they can profit much faster than when they borrow because they can reinvest their profits for their own benefit rather than being bled-dry financially by predatory interest charged on bank loans.

The real estate club in Seattle shows that it is a sound principle and it has proven results. In fact, the same principle can be applied to just about any type of business if a group of people can pool their resources together to fund a wealth-generating community owned enterprise.

I do not agree that business debt is OK and consumer debt is BAD. I say that "all debt" is bad (both business debt and consumer debt) because in both cases it is only a scam that results in bleeding the financial income of the debt-slave away to the bankers.

My father purchased a farm in 1963 with a bank loan and he was a debt-slave almost all of his life. All of his grain and livestock sales income went directly to the bank (under their control) and the bankers issued him a living allowance stipend to keep him alive as a debt-slave in order to make more money for them. He was just existing and was able to go out to eat once a week but all of the income of his farm was flowing to the bankers. If it had not been for a series of insurance disaster payments that he put toward his farm loan, he would have never paid off his bank loans during his lifetime. But as it was, he got his farm paid off with precious few years left remaining of his life before he passed away at age 79. He was milked like a cow by the bankers almost all of his life. The lion share of the profits of his labor for his entire life went to the bankers! If such a man could have self-funded without the bankers, he could have been wealthy many times over!

US Student Loan Debt

A word should be said about US student loan debt because many students have no idea what they are getting into when they flippantly sign a student loan obligation. The student loans in America were taken over by the US government and they banned students from debt cancellation using bankruptcy for student loans. The schools also raise tuition to harvest all of the increased student loan money made available to the students by the government student loan program. These schools also create numerous fake study courses that are non-professional in nature meaning that they have no value for providing employment for a student after graduation. These fake courses are only aimed at keeping students in school so they can milk them of student loan money. Students foolish enough to go into debt for a non-professional degree will typically find themselves unemployed after graduation. When an unemployed college graduate misses a student loan payment this puts their loans into "default" and their debt can then be multiplied many times over in random manner by the government lender. This is a crisis situation because they can never cancel this debt with bankruptcy and the government has unlimited powers of collection.

Unlimited Powers of Collection

If they have an accident and receive insurance payments the government can garnish those insurance payments. If they received inheritance from their parents the government can seize that inheritance for loan payment. If they get a job the government can garnish their wages. If they have a tax-refund the government can seize that money for payment of their debt.

Believers should have no part in assuming student loans which are a scam and a trap. Therefore, they must avoid these student loans like the plague! If they have a student loan (that they have not yet gone default on) they must pay it off as if it was the last thing they ever do in life! Once they go default, they are never going to get out of debt and will never be able to afford to marry and will be in poverty and debt-slavery for the rest of their lives on earth! There are many videos on Utube describing the plight of snowballing default student loans that have destroyed the lives of students who had no idea what they were getting into when they spent their student loan money on a non-professional “nonsense” degree that provided them with no employment after graduation. Their lives were destroyed forever the day they went default on their student loan payments! Therefore, student loans should be taboo for the believer especially when used for taking a fake course of study that is non-professional in nature and is worthless to provide them with employment after graduation.

In fact, there are many good jobs available that do not require a college degree and also those who have the business acumen to start their own business can profit wonderfully within the service industry without the use of bank loans. I personally know people who are making large incomes in the service industry as self-employed contractors. In fact, they are making more money than those I know who spend time and money getting a college degree (which in many cases is meaningless today) especially when it is a degree within a fake course of study.

Bankruptcy a Biblical Principle

It should also be noted that the bankruptcy laws in the States were based upon the Jewish Torah because almost all of the U.S. laws and constitution were based on biblical principles that came from the law of Moses. In the beginning of US history godly men came to American seeking to start a new nation based on the principles of God's word found in the Jewish Torah. The Torah provided the basis for U.S. civil law and sanitation laws and just about every time of law created by the new nation. U.S. attorneys in the 1,800's would commonly keep a bible on their desk while engaged in practicing law because all of the U.S. laws they dealt with were based upon the Jewish Torah given to Moses.

An example of this is that the law of Moses provided a debt-cancellation once every seven-years on the year of Jubilee. So, the US bankruptcy laws follow suit and they also permit a debt-slave to cancel their debts once every seven-years (except now for government student loans). This gives a person a chance to start over again and escape the snowballing interest. Even if the bankruptcy attorney charges $3,000.00 for his fee then this would still be a small price to pay if the debt-slave owes a large debt that is many times more than this attorney fee.

It is also pure nonsense to worry about a bankruptcy spoiling a credit-rating when in fact the former debt-slave can follow the principles of "self-finance" and faith in God to prosper without banks. This means a so-called “credit-rating” becomes a moot point when they do not need to utilize bank loans anymore. Some Christians depend on banks more than God and following such poor “financial-direction” will only result in creating more debt-slaves out of those foolish enough to borrow from banks. Those who depend on banks say they cannot live without a bank loan to purchase a house etc. But we have already seen a real-life example of people buying many houses with cash as a group and not utilizing the banks whatsoever.

The Debt-Hole

Coming out of debt is like climbing out of a deep hole. Once they are debt-free it is like reaching the surface where they arrive at point zero. They have nothing but at the same time they also owe nothing. While it is a great relief to be debt-free, they cannot remain at point zero. The first thing a former debt-slave must do is start a savings and emergency fund or else the first emergency they have will put them back into the hole of debt again. Once they have built up a comfortable savings and emergency fund then they can move toward saving for investments.

Investments are something that will make them money and produce an income for them. The best form of investment is to self-invest together with a group of people who are godly and honest and hardworking and who are “proven” savers. When they work together to invest as a group, they can profit wonderfully by being free from the predatory interest charged by bank loans.

Group Self-Investment

The principle of group self-investment (was proven by the real-estate club in Seattle) and this same principle can also be applied to just about any type of business or enterprise in agriculture or manufacturing or even in the service industry. If a group of tradesmen or wage earners can self-fund as a group and they keep their profits for their own enterprise reinvestment and they can prosper wonderfully without the banks bleeding away their income.

Again, see the link "Community Living System" for more details.

Debt-Slavery Depicted in the Bible

Deuteronomy 11:10-12 (NIV)

10 The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden.

11 But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.

12 It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.

When the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt they would work from sun-up to sun-down serving Pharaoh and his projects and when they went home, they would still have to carry water from the river to water their gardens in order to have food to eat. Carrying water on foot from the river is a picture of debt-slavery. The river flowing speaks of time (just like the expression that says, "A lot of water has passed under the bridge" which speaks of the flow of water like the flow of time). Time and labor are related to debt-slavery as the debt-slave works to pay his bills but over time the interest keeps snowballing upon him and multiplies the debt.

There are constant needs because a family has to eat every day so men have to labor continually under the curse of Adam to feed their families. Then if the banks drains away all of their disposable cash they will have nothing left. This nonstop labor of working for the banks can be compared to paddling upstream against the current in a canoe. They will have to beat the water to a froth in order to gain a few centimetres forward only to float backward again if they rest for a moment. It is constant labor of self-effort to even maintain themselves in the same position. If they could put their disposable cash (money that is over their living expenses) into an investment then it could make them money. But if all their disposable cash goes to the bankers for bank loans then they will never get ahead in life. They will be paddling upstream and staying in the same place with no hope of financial relief from slavery.

Laboring as a debt-slave can also be compared to carrying water from the river to a field in a desert country where the soil is already dried out before they return with the next bucket of water! It is a never-ending curse of labor to try to survive and this is a perfect depiction of what it is like to become a debt-slave and laboring all of their lives to pay back a house loan or a farm loan or a business loan to the greedy banking cartel system.

Blessings that Come by Faith

But the Promised Land was not like this because it drank the rain from heaven and was blessed by God. The rain from heaven speaks of God's blessings that come by faith rather than by self-effort (as depicted by watering the fields by foot when carrying the water from the river in buckets).

When the eyes of the Lord are upon the land it speaks of God's blessing as he looks out for his people and sees to it that they have rain from heaven for their crops. Rain comes without labor so it speaks of the blessings that come by faith rather than by self-effort.

Blessing of Obedience to God

Deuteronomy 11:13-15 (NIV)

13 So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today--to love the LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul--

14 then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil.

15 I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied.

When God's people were faithful to obey the commands of God and to love the Lord their God and serve him with all of their heart and soul then they would receive God's blessing. The rain from heaven spoke of the prosperity that comes from God that is apart from human self-effort. This blessing came in the right time and season and produced grain and new wine and oil and grass for the livestock so that they could eat and be satisfied with abundance.

Principle of Resting in Faith

Exodus 20:8-11 (NIV)

8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates.

11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Yes, they did their part for six-days a week but when they rested on the Sabbath this expressed their faith in God that they can rest one-day and trust God to bless their work. This is unlike the unbelievers who labor seven-days a week trying to get ahead without regard for God or seeking God by faith for God's blessing. God’s people are to do their part but also, they must rest in God by faith and trust God for their increase rather than relying solely on self-effort without faith.

Financial Blessings from God

If our people will humble themselves and trust God by faith then God will be free to bless the work of their hands and cause them to increase. But if they trust in anything other than God alone for their increase then they will come to complete financial ruination. They must follow the Sabbath-Day principle which demonstrates faith in God by taking one day a week rest to show that they have done their part but are now trusting in God by faith for their increase.