Wisdom in Diet

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Biblical Wisdom in Diet

Proverbs 25:16 (NLT2)

16 Do you like honey? Don’t eat too much, or it will make you sick!

The scriptures also provide natural wisdom for taking care of the human body. The scripture above says that over-consumption of honey (sweets) can make a person sick.

Psalm 139:14 (NIV2011)

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

David praised God that his human body was fearfully and wonderfully made! The human body is an amazing and complex living organism and can even regulate its own blood-sugar levels. When there is excessive sugar intake the human body can produce insulin to remove the excess sugar from the blood and thus maintain proper sugar levels.

However, if a person repeatedly spikes their sugar-intake then this can cause a spike of insulin production which will wipe out their blood sugar levels and leave them with intense craving for sweets. This can be detrimental for them because overeating sweets can lead to obesity because when sugar is removed from the blood by insulin then it is stored as fat.

Obesity is a Problem with Overproduction of Insulin

There are millions of Americans that are hugely obese and this can be largely attributed to an over-consumption of sugar. During biblical times there was few extra sugars available to most people (other than honey) but that was typically a rare treat and not something that could be found and consumed on a daily basis. Therefore, people in biblical times were not spiking sugar intake excessively in addition to the carbs they ate. Carbohydrates are changed into sugar by the body therefore it is not necessary for humans to consume additional sweets together with the carbs already in their diets.

Biblical wisdom is displayed when God's people are warned by scripture that if they eat too much honey (sweets) it can make them sick. When people control their diet and use meats and vegetables (with reduced sweets and carbs) they can become healthy and overcome the problem of obesity and then reverse their inability to lose fat weight.

It seems ironic that eating sweets can result in causing an intense craving for sweets but this is a result of inducing a spike in insulin production within the human body. This over-production of insulin then wipes out existing blood-sugar levels causing an intense craving for sweets. But eating more sweets only causes more insulin production and increased sweet-craving. The more sweets a person eats the more craving for sweets they will have! Therefore, they are fighting a losing battle by going around and around like a dog chasing his own tail! Nothing good comes from the over-consumption of sweets. Introducing excessive sugars into the body only creates endless cycles of obesity and the inability to lose fat weight and keep it off!

Dr. Berg Videos

There is doctor who has posted instructional videos on Utube which explain what happens withing the human body with there is an over-consumption of sweets. Dr. Berg confirms that over-production of insulin (caused by over-consumption of sweets) causes numerous health problems. Again, see his video links at the bottom of this page.

Proverbs 25:16 (NLT2)

16 Do you like honey? Don’t eat too much, or it will make you sick!

Again, when the bible says do not eat too much sugar it was wisdom that was given thousands of years before medical science gained knowledge of the operation of the human body and how the human body produces insulin to regulate blood-sugar levels. Something as simple changing a diet to reduce carbs and sugars can stop sweet craving and stop obesity in its tracks and result in the healing of numerous health problems related to insulin overproduction.

Fasting Cleanses the Body

Fasting is a good thing for the human body and it helps to cleanse the body of toxins. However, there are some people who never have fasted before and just skipping a single meal can give them a splitting headache. But this is typically caused by the toxins (stored in their fat) that are released into their bodies as the fat dissolves. If they will work their way up to fast a single meal then eventually do a full day then a later a few days fast etc. then they can eventually become adjusted to fasting. Later when their bodies are cleansed from toxins, they will feel so much better.

Long Spiritual Fasting

Once someone is cleansed, they can go longer fasting as we did for sometimes 21-days or even 40-days on a rare occasion. The long fasts however should also be done together with intestinal cleansing beforehand. We would put a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water and drink it all down on the second day of fasting (after the stomach is empty) and this will cleanse the intestines. It should be done only while at home because of frequent trips to the toilet (not at work or school where running to the toilet would be a problem).

Fasting can become easy once someone has done it a few times. It was necessary in the beginning stages and helped us purify ourselves and our bodies and is also an important tool to use for spending time in the word and prayer especially when seeking God for direction in important matters. We would drink plenty of water for cleansing during the fast and also to stay hydrated.

Long fasting is now infrequent for us and we may go for some years without ever doing a long-fast. We also do not do the salt-water flush on a regular basis either but only do this before a long-fast so the intestines will be cleansed beforehand. An inspirational book which motivates people for long spiritual fasting can be found below.

See the link “Atomic Power with God” for more details.

Self-Control in Breaking a Long Fast

The big problem with a long-fast is not the fast itself but breaking the fast. There must be great self-control exercised when breaking a long-fast because people can harm themselves if they overeat after a long fast. They have to start with fluids first like broth or soups and then work their way toward solids again over a period of days. Someone could kill themselves if they ate a big steak after they finished a long fast because they have to first condition their intestines gradually to work back up to solid food again. Long spiritual fasting is beneficial for seeking the Lord and becoming spiritually sensitive and also physically beneficial for cleansing toxins from the body.

But long fasting is not productive for weight loss if they commit gluttony after they are done fasting because they will simply gain back everything that they lost during their fast. But if they begin a program of Ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting as recommended by Dr. Berg they can keep and maintain their target weight and also feel exceedingly healthy at the same time.

Intermittent Fasting

Dr. Berg also has instructional videos about intermediate fasting. The goal is to have only two meals daily spaced about four hours apart. Then not eating after that time frame results in a longer period of time for which the body has a rest from insulin production. Insulin is produced whenever people eat so having two meals a day in a fixed time frame allows insulin levels to subside during the fasting hours and this has many health benefits because insulin can harm the human body when it is repeatedly spiked by numerous meals or "snacking" during the day and also by consuming sweets. Once insulin levels are reduced this enables the body to repair and rejuvenate itself. Again, see the Dr. Berg links at the bottom of this page for more details.

Intermittent fasting is the best way to obtain weight loss and also to keep it off when it is combined with a program of adopting a KETO-based diet without carbohydrates and sugars. This causes their body to burn fat as an energy source rather than sugar. This will make them feel exceedingly healthy again if they will stick with the program until they obtain the results. Just becoming healthy again can cause people to lose weight naturally and keep it off.

One of the patients of Dr. Berg developed a huge obesity problem after she was given asthma medications by a doctor at age four. This obesity problem followed her for the rest of her life and she had no success over it until she adopted a program of combined KETO diet and intermittent fasting.

Give the Program Time

Another one of Dr. Berg's patients adopted the KETO diet and intermittent fasting but did not lose any weight whatsoever for an entire month on this program! This was perplexing to the doctor because most people will see results in about 14-days or more but never a full-month! He felt bad for her and did not know what to recommend but as it turned out the patient was not perplexed whatsoever because she said that she felt so good and healthy (even though she did not yet lose weight).

Get Healthy First then Weight Loss will Occur

Therefore, the main goal is for a person to first get healthy and then losing weight will follow. They will feel so much better after they cut out the carbs and sugar and have a healthy diet. But then on the second month of KETO and intermittent fasting, this same obese patent (who did not lose any weight for the first month) then lost 21-pounds and the third month she lost another 36-pounds and eventually returned to her normal weight. If people will focus on getting healthy as the first priority then the weight loss will typically follow later. They only have to give the program time so their body has time to heal itself. Some people take longer to see results simply because their bodies were abused for decades and they are in exceedingly bad shape starting off. But once they correct their hormone imbalances and heal the associated health problems they will feel so much better because of a KETO diet and intermittent fasting.

Typically, long spiritual fasting was not good for weight loss because unless the diet is changed then the weight which was lost during a fast will all be gained back again after fast is over. However, a Ketogenic diet combined with intermittent fasting can solve the problem and enabled people to keep the weight off for good while at the same time regaining their good health.

However, if a person gives up too soon, they may quit before they obtain the results. I also tried the blended Kale drinks recommended by Dr. Berg using local affordable ingredients and I was amazed how good I felt. It feels good to be healthy when sleep is sweet and many symptoms are relieved.

It is funny however that I know of people who were suffering malnutrition from consuming a poor diet for a long time and then when they received some good nutrition, they said that they felt terribly exhausted! They assumed that this was a bad thing and discarded the nutrition program that was helping them. But in fact, the exhaustion was a result of their body repairing itself and if they would have continued the program, they would have experienced the rewards of feeling healthy again.

So, time should be given to this KETO program with intermittent fasting and they should not to compromise it or discard it before they obtain results. This is like someone fasting for the first time and getting a headache and thinking that fasting is bad for them. If they would have continued to pushed through, then their fasting would have cleansed them of toxins and they would have felt better after that.

But after a long fast it would be good for them to adopt a Ketogenic diet as described by Dr. Berg. Then they would have all of the nutrition their body needs and put an end to the terrible food cravings that once ruled their lives (when they had previously consumed a diet of high carbs and sugars).

Do Not Stop When Victorious

Another trap that some people have fallen into with a KETO diet and intermittent fasting is that they experienced dramatic results and fast weight loss and greatly improved health and healing of symptoms in relatively a short time. They were so successful so quickly that they imagined that it was really easy. So they went out to celebrate and had a "gluttony-binge" and ate all of the sweets and junk food that they wanted (supposing that they could always go back to KETO later to remove the gained weight). But what happened to many of them was that when they returned to the KETO then it no longer seemed to work and they were in for a big struggle to ever get rid of the weight and also their health problems that resurfaced again.

I believe that these people had tremendous success stories that were immediate and almost "miraculous" because God's grace was present to help them. But when they stopped and had themselves a "binge-feed" then the grace departed and the KETO and Intermittent fasting no longer worked and they were in big trouble after that!

Again, they should not despise God's grace by returning to sin after they are set free! If God's grace lifts then they may be in for a terrible struggle to ever lose weight again.

2 Peter 2:22 (NLT2)

22 They prove the truth of this proverb: “A dog returns to its vomit.” And another says, “A washed pig returns to the mud.”

The scripture above can also be applied to someone who experienced God's grace for weight loss but then cast it aside in flippant manner and returned to their sin of gluttony and become ensnared in the bondage again. It is like a dog returning to its vomit or the pig being washed returning to wallowing in the mud.

Not Playing Games with God's Grace

There was a believer we knew of who had the grace of God granted to them to overcome obesity. When God's grace was present then the food cravings that formerly tormented him disappeared and he did not feel hungry whatsoever and began to lose weight and slim down and everyone noticed how much he had improved in appearance. But this same person started questioning why they did not feel hungry between meals anymore. So, he played with the grace of God in flippant manner and engaged in a food-binge of gluttony again (just like old times) as if he was trying to experiment what would happen. When he did this however, he lost the grace that was present to help him and gained back all the weight back which he formerly had lost and became hugely obese again and remained in bondage to food after that.

We heard of the same type of testimony of a believer who was set free from nicotine addiction by the grace of God. He instantly and totally had no more craving for tobacco products and he was completely set free by God's grace. He enjoyed his freedom for a long period of time but then this same guy played games with the grace of God wondering why he had no more desire for cigarettes. Then he did a very foolish thing and lit up one more cigarette just to see if he still liked them. At this point God's grace lifted and he went back into the same bondage that had driven him prior to being set free!

If God's grace is present to overcome any area of bondage (including food-lust and obesity) then the believer must use their human freewill to flow with that grace and not cast aside the grace of God in flippant manner. If God's grace is lifted from them after they were set free then they could end up in that bondage again for the rest of their lives!

The point is that when God's grace is present then the believer is not to return to their old sin again or they can be in much worse condition that they were before they had been set free by the power of God.

Sabbath Day Principle in Weight Loss

Exodus 23:12 (NIV)

12 "Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest and the slave born in your household, and the alien as well, may be refreshed.

The principle of the Sabbath Day rest is that humans are to do their part and work for six days but on the seventh day they rest and cease from their work. This has application also to flowing in God’s grace because a believer has to do their part like exercise and eating right and having a fixed ration but then they must rely on God’s grace and rest in God for the success. If they try to overcome obesity only by human self-effort then they will fail terribly. Then when they fail, they will feel miserable and say, “What is the use of trying anymore?” and then go on a gluttony-binge that will result in weight-gain that will take weeks of fasting to get rid of!

God’s grace however is his power and ability to overcome. They must do their part but then ask God for his grace and always be sure to give God the glory when they have any success and thank God for it. This is like working for six-days to do their part but then resting in God on the seventh-day and trusting God by faith for the victory.

Utilizing God's Grace

Isaiah 55:6 (NIV)

6 Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

This scripture above can be applied to utilizing God's grace to help people overcome addictions (including food addictions). When God's grace is near, they can call upon the Name of the Lord to save them from addictions. But when they are set free, they must determine never to play with that sin again or they can become helplessly and permanently in bondage to it for the rest of their lives.

Avoid Bragging by Testimony

A word of caution should be given that when they have success by doing their part and trusting God for grace then they should not brag about it or even share about it publicly in a testimony. Many people have lost their healing (or other victory) after they were pushed to testify about it in public by those who are ignorant of spiritual things.

2 Kings 20:12-18 (NASB)

12 At that time Berodach-baladan a son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah, for he heard that Hezekiah had been sick.

13 Hezekiah listened to them, and showed them all his treasure house, the silver and the gold and the spices and the precious oil and the house of his armor and all that was found in his treasuries. There was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah did not show them.

14 Then Isaiah the prophet came to King Hezekiah and said to him, "What did these men say, and from where have they come to you?" And Hezekiah said, "They have come from a far country, from Babylon."

15 He said, "What have they seen in your house?" So Hezekiah answered, "They have seen all that is in my house; there is nothing among my treasuries that I have not shown them."

16 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, "Hear the word of the LORD.

17 'Behold, the days are coming when all that is in your house, and all that your fathers have laid up in store to this day will be carried to Babylon; nothing shall be left,' says the LORD.

18 'Some of your sons who shall issue from you, whom you will beget, will be taken away; and they will become officials in the palace of the king of Babylon.'"

Hezekiah became proud and bragged about all of the blessings that God had given to him and because of exposing his blessings to others then all of his treasures were plundered and carried off to Babylon. This principle has spiritual application as well because if someone foolishly testifies in public about what God has blessed them with then they could be in danger of losing that blessing. I have seen ignorant "laymen-pastor-intruders" stand in the pulpit and scold the congregation telling them to stand up and testify what God had done for them. But the same people who were pushed to testify then ended up losing the healing they had received (or other blessing) when they did so. If they have knowledge of spiritual things, they will refuse to testify in public but instead just rejoice in God in private and not blab it off to the whole world. These testimonies generally have bad results because they often make others feel like God does not love them when they hear that God blessed others but not themselves. Never be like King Hezekiah and disclose to others the knowledge of all of the blessings God has provided. Many believers have lost these same blessings after testifying in public about them. Therefore, if a person has some success in weight loss by trusting in God’s grace then they should not testify about it in public but just thank God for it and if someone notices just say that they thank God for his grace!

Stick with KETO and Intermittent Fasting

When a person overcomes with a program of KETO diet and Intermittent fasting, they should be sure to stick with in and do not ever return to their previously bad habits again. When they obtain their own specific "target-weight" and they gain back their health again they should not go out and celebrate by having a gluttony party. They should plan to keep and maintain the victory once it is obtained. This means they are to make a lifestyle of eating right and good nutrition by continuing the KETO diet and Intermittent fasting even after their goals are reached.

Their new goal should be to maintain good health and proper weight for the rest of their lives and never again return to the same things that previously make them sick and obese!

Target Weight

A target weight typically describes the ideal weight where most people weigh when they were in their prime just before age twenty. However, there are some who were "obese" already before their prime years so this would not be a good "target-weight" for them to adopt. But suppose a someone had a 34-inch waist at age 20 and was 140 lbs. back then. They however drifted to a 38-inch waist and 180 lbs. by age 50. So, it would be a reasonable that they could set a target-weight of 140 lbs. and a 34-inch waist to get back into the same waist-size and weight as they had in their prime. This is different for different people depending in their build and size. A normal weight for a big man could be 180 lbs. when he was lean and fit but later, he may have drifted into 230 lbs. after age 40. For him getting down to 180 lbs. again would be a good goal. Muscle weight is heavier than fat weight and women typically have smaller bodies and less muscle-mass than men so the target-weight for ladies should be much less than the lowest target-weight for most men.


Dr. Berg is a trained chiropractor but his knowledge of medical science enables him to put complicated medical language into clear and understandable terms for laymen. He is a gifted teacher and can make complex topics seem simple and easy for everyone to understand. He has produced some excellent instructional videos and posted these on Utube which explain what happens within the human body when the over-production of insulin as triggered by a high-carbohydrate and high-sugar diet.

In the video links below Dr. Berg shares about how the hormone "insulin" can be detrimental to the human body when it is produced in excessive amounts. One point of damage for men is the enlargement of the prostate gland and the resulting urination problems this causes. See the link below:

Enlarged Prostate and Urination Problems

There is a cure for this problem (which is simply a change of diet) to stop the over-production of insulin. Once the human body begins to burn fats instead of sugars then the insulin levels will drop and many human health problems (including enlarged prostate in men) will be relieved.

Over-Production of Insulin is Harmful to Health

The over-production of insulin causes many human health problems. Insulin production is trigged by consuming sugars and carbs and by frequent eating and snacking. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels but it also causes harm to organs and can do damage to the nervous system and has many other negative effects upon the human body. It is amazing that numerous physical aliments will clear up when the problem of over-production of insulin is stopped by removing sugars and carbs from the diet and by employing intermittent fasting to control insulin over-production.


A KETO diet speaks of converting the body system to burn fats instead of sugars and (carbs-which turn into sugars). Switching to a diet of leafy vegetables and meats and healthy fat can improve health and heal insulin related diseases and correct organ malfunction and nervous system impairment. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels by removing sugar and storing it as fat. Therefore it is the over-production of insulin which is the root cause of obesity. Adjusting eating habits to a KETO diet will fix the problems associated with obesity and people who are overweight will be able to lose fat weight and keep it off. Combined with intermittent fasting the KETO diet will cause insulin production to be reduced to levels that are not harmful to the human body. When this is accomplished many of the health problems created by over-production of insulin will be healed.

Dr. Eric Berg, DC is a chiropractor and health educator who is an expert in Healthy Keto™ and intermittent fasting. He has spent the last 30 years helping people to transform their health and lose weight.

Dr. Berg spent 29 years as a full-time practitioner in Alexandria, Virginia, where he helped over 40,000 clients with weight loss and other health challenges through natural, nutritional methods. Dr. Berg’s clients have included senior officials in the U.S. Government, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, professors, engineers, and other clients from all walks of life.

Dr. Berg no longer practices, but currently does full-time education sharing vital knowledge about the human body and health through social media, videos, and conventions. With over 400 million YouTube views and 3.1 million subscribers, Dr. Berg is a renowned expert in the field. He breaks down confusing, complex health topics into easy-to-understand and usable knowledge for his audience, helping them learn the truth about getting healthy and losing weight.

Understanding the Effect of Insulin upon Human Biology

Dr. Berg videos are the best for explaining what is happening within the human body as it is poisoned by over-intake of carbs and sugars and the resulting toxic effect of insulin upon the human organs and nervous system. Just a simple change of diet (following Dr. Bergs recommendations) has helped multitudes of people lose weight and recover from poor health conditions.

Below are some Utube links to Dr. Berg's introductory videos about the KETO diet and intermediate fasting which explain how these practices can correct the over-production of insulin within the human body and relieve the many physical symptoms caused by high-levels of insulin.

1. Dr. Berg's Healthy Ketogenic Diet Basics: START HERE

2. Dr. Berg's Healthy Ketogenic Diet Basics: Step 2: WHAT TO EAT

3. Intermittent Fasting Basics for Beginners

Dr. Berg's Website: What to Eat - Quick Start Guide

Healthy KETO for Beginners-Dr. Berg Website

KETO Recipes - Dr. Berg Website

Dr. Berg Patient Success Stories-Website

Carine Claudepierre

Carine Claudepierre was born and raised in France where her parents managed a candy factory so her childhood was full of sugar. Later in life she was able to reverse a prediabetes condition simply by switching to a KETO diet which forces the body to burn fats rather than carbs and sugars. Having her health greatly improved by adapting the KETO diet Carine wanted to help others by passing on the knowledge she gained.

Carine's KETO food recipe website called "Sweet As Honey" has information about baking without sugar and the importance of good health and its relation to diet. She has created numerous outstanding KETO recipes of many kinds. Carine utilizes her background as a research scientist to explain essential things related to the preparation of KETO dishes. For example Carine explains the difference between the melting point of KETO Chocolate Bars made with coconut oil compared to the melting point of KETO chocolate bars made with coco butter. If coconut oil is used then the melting point of the chocolate bars will be only 23 C while KETO chocolate bars made with coco butter have a melting point of 34C (which is close to human body temperature). This means that KETO chocolate bars made with coconut oil will melt even when sitting out at room temperature and it will also melt in the hands because the melting point is too low. But KETO chocolate bars made with coco butter will remain hard (firm) at room temperature and can be held in the hands without melting. But at the same time, the coco butter based bars will melt instantly in the human mouth which is at about 34C (the same melting point of coco butter KETO chocolate). Using coco butter instead of coconut oil makes all of the difference in the world when creating chocolate bars which have vastly different properties.

Carine also explains the difference in KETO flours like almond flour compared to ordinary wheat flour. Almond flour does not affect human body sugar levels as wheat flour does but almond flour has much more fiber (which absorbs moisture) so the amounts of ingredients like eggs and water have to be adjusted when utilizing almond flour in baking recipes.

Carine's background as a research scientist enables her to explain these things clearly for the laymen to understand easily. She is an excellent teacher and her highly organized website provides useful and knowledgeable recipes which she has created to help people lose weight and discover good health.

Enjoying Great Tasting KETO Recipes

The top two things that KETO dieters typically miss are bakery goods and desserts. But this is no longer a problem because Carine engineered great tasting bakery recipes and desserts that are KETO friendly and are good for human health. This means even breads and candy bars can be made of KETO friendly ingredients. This enables people to eat healthy food and still enjoy delicious KETO friendly meals (including both bakery and dessert items).

Below are some links to useful resources from Carine's KETO recipe website:

What is KETO Diet?

How Can I Start It Easily?

30 Best KETO Dessert Recipes

KETO Bread Recipes

KETO Diet Guide