Demonic Resistance

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Believers must be made aware of the fact that they will not just drift into heaven in a careless or aimless manner. There is great demonic resistance which is aimed at putting them into a ditch or distracting them or defiling them with the ways of the world so as to disqualify them from entering heaven. There are millions of false religions created by Satan to ensnare humans into hell and even believers can fall prey to these false religions if they are not guarding their hearts and minds.

The parable of the tares in the wheat is an example of this because Satan has as many flavors of false religion as there are people to join these dead religions. But all of these false religions will end up in hell. The false religious leaders who run these operations are only vultures gobbling up as many people as they can in order to bring them to eternal damnation.

See the link “Religious Vultures” for more details.

Demonic Resistance to Test Humans

God has permitted Satan to operate on earth during his appointed time and these demonic false religions create resistance for those who want to enter the kingdom of God. In this sense false religions (tares in the wheat field) serve the same purpose as the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil found in the Garden of Eden. Without the forbidden tree there would have been no freedom of choice for humans to choose to obey God. It was necessary that there was an option to do evil so that the humans could have the option to resist evil and use their human freewill to serve God instead. False religions also serve the purpose of giving humans a choice to follow false religion or to pay the price to go the way of truth in order to enter the kingdom of God.

The false religions are like tares in the wheat field and often look like real wheat but only bear toxic seeds. These false religions provide resistance to believers trying to enter the kingdom of God. If they use their human freewill to choose to join a false religion (which tells them what they want to hear) then they are not honest or sincere in following the Lord. Those people who support false religious leaders financially are in essence paying them for their services rendered in giving them what they want.

But all of this involves in a great piece of human self-deception as the religious devotees are getting a false hope of salvation while the false religious leaders get paid money for telling them lies. But both the false religious leaders and those who follow them will end up in hell. So it is only for their brief time on earth that they go to bed together in compromise. It is for this reason that false religion is often depicted as a great prostitute in the book of Revelation.

The Prostitute of False Religion

Revelation 17:15 (NIV2011)

15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

False religion is found in every nation on planet earth and hundreds of millions of people are being ensnared in false religions (of every type that could be imagined) with multitudes of new false religions being invented every day!

Revelation 17:4 (7KB)

4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She had a gold cup in her hand filled with everything vile and with the impurities of her prostitution.

5 On her forehead a cryptic name was written: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the vile things of the earth.

This scripture refers to the mother of all false religion as being a mother of prostitutes. There exists a big umbrella covering (or general category) for all of the false religions combined on earth. All of these false religions come from the same category because all false religion is an invention of Satan to ensnare human souls to hell.

This mother of prostitutes was wearing rich and expensive attire and was covered with gold and precious stones and pearls which illustrates the great wealth religious leaders made by trafficking in false religion.

The prostitute is a depiction of false religion which goes to bed with its clients. The prostitute uses the client to get money and the client uses the prostitute to engage in self-indulgence. In the same way, people pay a lot of money to false religion (tares) in order to receive what they want and to be told what they want to hear! It does not matter in the least to them that the false religious leaders are complete liars and will tell their clients anything just to get their money.

So, this prostitute/client relationship exists between false religious leaders and their religious adherents who follow them. The prostitute religious leaders make false claims of promising that their adherents will obtain eternal life for following their prescribed religious rituals. The religious adherents pay these religious leaders to hear these lies. The end result of this farce is that these religious adherents expend their lives on earth in the bondage of false religion and then they will die and go to hell together with their false religious leaders who led them into this religious bondage.

This arrangement seems to be profitable while both parties are alive on earth. The religious leaders make good money and create a livelihood for themselves while the adherents live in self-deception and imagine they will gain eternal life.

But this will not end well for either the prostitute or the clients who go to bed in compromise together to get what they want. What good is it if they live in deception all of their lives and end up in hell?

False religions can appear like the real thing and even portray an false image of being something good when in fact they are only giving people what they want to hear in order to get their money. False religions can be "vile" like the heathen religions or something "dignified" that flatters businessmen for their money. But they all have the same quality in common that they go to bed in compromise with those who follow them. They give their clients what they want in exchange for money and that is the essence of false religion. This is why the prostitute and client relationship depicts false religion in the Bible because both the false religious leaders and their religious adherents go to bed together in compromise to get what they want!