Seven Hills Hash House Harriers

A Drinking Club with a Running Problem

The traditions of the Seven Hills Hash House Harriers began in Lynchburg, Virginia on June 21, 1992. The 7H4 meets every Wednesday evening pretty much year around and often on Sunday afternoons during the winter. But anyone can call a hash anytime.

The hares of the 7H4 use white flour and chalk to mark trail and the pack blows whistles and shouts “on-on” to simulate the baying of the hounds. The trails can vary in length and conclude with a “circle” during which the hares and pack drink “down-downs” with hash beverages. There is always plenty of beer and water for everyone!

After the circle and the down-downs, the pack often continues the festivities by going on-on to a local pub or hanging at the end. But since Hashers are known as beer drinkers with a running problem and since the first (and only) rule of hashing is: THERE ARE NO RULES! You just never know; you have to be there to find out. See you Wednesday and/or Sunday!

See the calendar (to the right) for trail announcements and events. Hashes are also announced via email.  If you would like to be added to the email list, email

ON-ON ---///--->

Upcoming Trails

November 15 @ 6:30pm: Nut Gay & Pocket Pussy

Start: 691 Orrix Creek Road, Evington, VA 24550

November 22 - Princess Pussitarian

November 26 - Slip & Swallow, 6 Dicks 

December 6 - open

December 9 - Fanny & 8 Balls

December 16 - Hashmas Party

Start: 1104 Wise Street, Lynchburg, VA 24501

*bring a dish to share

December 27 - LSsD