Meet The Team


I am the lead investigator and founder of 765 Paranormal. I have been interested in the paranormal for most of my life and took the opportunity to become part of a paranormal research team many years ago. Since then, I have seen many unexplained things which leaves me with so many questions. These questions light my fire and inspire me to investigate and help others who may be experiencing fear. I understand that sometimes, we are the only place left for people to turn to, and I want to help those people. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my close friends who, fortunately, share the same passion as myself, hanging out with my future wife and biggest fan, Amanda, and doing the classic guy thing: sports and video games.


I was one of those kids that asked "Why?" all the time, but not because I was trying to annoy people, but because I truly wanted to know the answer. That curiosity led me to an interest in all things unknown; to puzzles and problem solving, science fiction and mysteries, and mostly to science and engineering. I honed my mind and skills studying at Purdue and while living in Lafayette I met my wife! Now that I've finished my degree and have more time to pursue my interests, I've finally taken up investigating the paranormal; something I've wanted to do for years. I hope to use my problem solving skills and engineering background to help the team during investigations. My goal is to help the scientific and paranormal fields begin to understand the unexplained phenomena that some people experience and to help people in the community understand their experiences along the way.


During these past few years I have been obsessed with investigating the paranormal. I have a passion to learn more and to be able to inform others of my interests. I've lived in houses I have questioned having paranormal activity, however my interest actually comes from the strong fear I used to have of the paranormal as a child. It finally got to the point that I no longer wanted to be frozen by that fear and in fact wanted to reach out to what could not be seen and educate myself on the topic. I have been investigating the paranormal for 8 years now. Not only have I been able to educate myself and others while researching this field, but have also stepped into an amazing family known as 765 Paranormal.


I love being a part of 765 Paranormal! Growing up, I was Christian, but began experiencing things that made me question my beliefs. I am a huge skeptic, so for many years, I told myself that I was just crazy. When my experiences began causing me extreme anxiety and fears in college, my family and I decided that I should seek help. So who did I call? 765 Paranormal, of course! Today, I couldn't be happier as a member of the team and as the Case Manager. I accept my experiences as a way to reaffirm my faith in our creator. In my spare time, I enjoy dancing, baton twirling, working with animals, and spending time with my wonderful and supportive fiance, Justin.


I do believe! My passion for finding evidence of paranormal activity started when I was very young. My grandmother told me stories of her experiences witnessing apparitions while growing up in London, England. These stories did not frighten me, but excited and intrigued me. Years later, I had my own experience with an apparition. That even, along with the accounts of my grandmother led me to seek out like-minded people who had the same passion and commitment I had for finding evidence of paranormal activity.


I’m all about having fun, life’s too short not too! I didn’t have any paranormal experiences growing up but, in my teens, I got hooked on shows like Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, & Ghost Lab. I’ve been all over the Midwest investigating locations over the past several years. When I’m not working or ghost hunting I enjoy exercising, boating with friends/family, attending concerts, & watching my Colts/Boilers!

Since childhood, I have been enthralled by the paranormal and cryptozoology. My earliest memory of interest was watching "In Search Of" hosted by Leonard Nimoy. Although the interest was there, I did not have any experiences until I moved to Fowler Indiana in 2009. Almost immediately, we began having experiences in our home and most regularly after we renovated something. My sons attended the local Catholic School and there were reports of odd happenings where the nuns used to live. In 2016, I began volunteering at the Fowler Theatre and heard reports of and had my own paranormal experiences . It was there I met the great people of 765 Paranormal, participated in a few investigations and was invited to be a member. As a result of all of those experiences, I started the "My Haunted Fowler" Facebook page.

My goal is to assist with existing and emerging technologies to aid with investigations.