Pontio Transition

Mae Bro Pedr wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu'r addysg orau bosib i fyfyrwyr mewn partneriaeth â rheini a gwarcheidiaid a'r myfyrwyr. 

Edrychwn ymlaen at gydweithio gyda chi dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf.

At Bro Pedr we are committed to providing the best possible education for our students, in partnership with parents and guardians and the pupils.

We look forward to working with you over the course of the next two years.

(Cliciwch yma i wled pa cyrsiau sydd ar gael / Click here to see what courses we offer)

Dyddiadau pwysig i'w cofio: 

Important dates to remember:

Prosbectws / Prospectus

Prosbectws 6ed 2023-24 6th Form Prospectus.pdf


PONTIO 27/06/22