



Connecting with each other. We didn't know each other very well before travelling to Italy! It was great exploring somewhere new with other people who were away from home for the first time.

We were made to feel really welcome by the Italian school! They made flags for us, sang, danced and played instruments.

Spending time and making connections with our new friends.

We were really sad to part ways with our new friends. We all signed each others shirts and swapped contact details.

Italy: WELCOMING DAY: kids from primary schools and secondary schools felt part of the project as spokesperson and actors


Games Campfires Massage Nature Food

We stayed up and played Uno with our new friends. We also drank hot chocolate around the campfire with them! Teaching our visitors about massage was nice because it shared the message of positive touch. We spent a lot of time outdoors working as a team but also connecting with nature. We ate lots and cooked together.


Italy: here a summary of our virtual mobility in Hungary. In this mobility we had a task: create a "Connect" video.



The first mobility to the UK was a real connection , friendship making experience: as our pupils hadn't known one another before , and all the countries' representatives were staying in a common lodge in the outskirts of Watford, they had the opportunity to be with one another in the different outdoor and indoor games and activities.

The team buildings, the board games, the sports competitions had their melting effect on the 6 countries' children,as they were always mixed within the groups, in this way they had the best surrounding to socialize with one another.

The producing and tasting each country's traditional dishes gave another prospective to the experience and to the topic of our project. This link leads you to the film created by the Romanian students presenting the idea they about Connections and making friendships in the UK.



Soon after the pandemics we had a transnational mobility in Pécs, Hugary, where the coordinators of each country re planned the upcoming mobilities , did project work, visited the school , where we could admire the swimming pool of the school.



The Lithuanian virtual mobility enforced us in the belief that connections can be shown even in virtual format. Pupils created posters presenting connection, healthy mind, healthy body.



After the pandemics the second face to face mobility was to Italy. After the long break , when there were only virtual mobilities both the children and the teachers were very enthusiastic about the real life meeting in Nichelino.

During the welcoming ceremony we could already feel that all the participants were more than willing to meet their partners and take part in the different activities: chilling with yoga, playing volleyball in teams against one another, trying out the local healthy snacks, dancing Romanian folk dance together with the Italian partners.



The last mobility of our project took place in Logrono, Spain. It was a real fiesta regarding tightening the already working connections among the participants.

We did walking on the Camino together with all the pupils and teachers of the six countries, pupils played basketball , learned how to dance flamenco and passo doble with Spanish instructors.

We felt part of a common project and we wrote what we learnt from each other in an ebook


The video activity SNACKS AND COCKTAILS made younger students feel mature and active part of the learning project.

Besides, some kids decided to keep on having healthy snacks after the days of the mobility activities.


Italy: In Spain we had so much fun and we learnt so many things. We tried to sum it up here!


Peace, culture, ...