
19 September (Thursday)

9.50-10.00 Welcome

10.00-10.50 plenary I: Rogier Blokland: Nicolaes Witsen and the Uralic languages in the 17th century

10.50-11.00 short coffee break

11.00-11.30 Bernadett Bíró: The use and semantics of the Northern Mansi diminutive -riś~rəś

11.30-12.00 Susanna Virtanen: Compound names of professions and institutions – a word-formational approach to neologisms in modern Northern Mansi

12.00-12.30 Mária Sipos: On the syntax of formulas in the Khanty heroic epic collected by Antal Reguly

12.30-14.00 lunch break

14.00-14.50 plenary II: Beáta Wagner-Nagy: Felfedezetlen kincsek – mit rejtenek még az archívumok? (Undiscovered treasures – what can still be found in archives?)

14.50-15.00 short coffee break

15.00-15.30 Tapani Salminen: The prospective Tundra Nenets orthography reform: pros and cons, risks and possibilities

15.30-16.00 László Fejes: Reconsidering of the Nganasan vowel system

16.00-16.30 Rebeka Kubitsch: Body part terms in expressing emotions in Udmurt

16.30-16.45 coffee break

16.45-17.15 Katalin Sipőcz: The event of giving in Siberian Uralic languages

17.15-17.45 Onina Sofya Vladimirovna: Ways of expressing impulse in the Khanty language

19.00 dinner

20 September (Friday)

9.00-9.30 Sándor Szeverényi: Sajnovics János, a terepmunkás (János Sajnovics as a fieldworker)

9.30-10.00 Ivett Kelemen: Sajnovics János segítője: Anders Porsanger (János Sajnovics’s assistant, Anders Porsanger)

10.00-10.30 Meri Juhos: Az első finn nyelvű orvostudományi szöveg nyelvezete

10.30-10.45 coffee break

10.45-11.15 Miklós Papp: Újabb adalékok a PU/PFU dentális spiráns kérdéséhez (More about the PU/PFU dental spirant)

11.15-11.45 Christopher Culver: On the etymology of some Chuvash–Mari shared lexemes: a critical examination of Agyagási’s “Late Gorodets” material

11.45-12.15 Diana Gerasimova Vasilevna: Лозьвинские манси: история и современность

12.15-13.30 lunch break

13.30-14.00 Ágnes HámoriZsuzsa Várnai: Minority identity and discourse; appearance of the indigenous communities in the social media: the case of Dudinka

14.00-14.30 Zoltán Németh: The characteristics of the Udmurt language in case of responses given to compliments

14.30-15.00 Anna Urmanchieva: A possible Mansi etymology of Selkup ethnonym śȫśə k͔um

15.00-15.15 short coffee break

15.15-15.45 Daria ZhornikSophie Pokrovskaya: Reconsidering Valery Chernetsov's archive: new Mansi data from the past

15.45-16.15 Erika AsztalosF. Gulyás NikolettLaura HorváthBogáta Tímár: New aspects in the study of Mari, Udmurt, and Komi-Permyak: The Typological Database of the Volga area Finno-Ugric Languages

16.15-16.45 Bernadett BíróKatalin SipőczSándor Szeverényi: Ethnosyntax of Siberian Uralic Languages