Life with 5g

"In fact, 4G (and Wi-Fi4) was responsible for so much change that one might wonder whether it’s even possible to create another wireless technology revolution in customer behaviour and industry disruption, or if changes will simply build incrementally upon what 4G started. In other words, will the future of connectivity make tomorrow mostly like today, only a bit faster? Or will it usher in a new era of capabilities, enable new business models, and remake the competitive landscape yet again?" -Deloitte

3 Changes for Industries

Below are three videos that show some changes that are already occurring due to 5G. These examples will be more common place and have a major impact on production and services as the 5G network expands. While watching these videos, think about potential pros and cons that could come with these advancements, as well as how these changes may impact you personally.

Smart Factories

Some major impacts on the manufacturing industry include:

  1. Increased number of robots and automated guided vehicles (AGVs)

  2. Increased communication that will be less than three milliseconds

  3. Increased safety due to increased machine stability and reliability


Some major impacts on farming include:

  1. Real time data tracking and communication that can be seen by the farmer in real time

  2. Autonomous machines (including drones) that plant, tend and harvest crops

  3. Data collected can be used to increase production by targeting specific needs of crops and animals


Some major impacts on the healthcare system include:

  1. Storing and movement of data to help share information between doctors and units

  2. Higher care through telemedicine due to increased ability to send sensor data and videos

  3. Remote surgery through robotics

Optional Reading:

This article written by The Atlantic provides a more in depth look at 5G, the IoT, and industry.

3 Changes for Individuals

5G will have a massive impact on individual lives as well as commercial. The following 3 videos look at different areas where this new network will enhance people's day to day life. While watching these videos, think about how these advancements could influence your personal life; be it beneficial or detrimental.

AR/VR Technology

Some major impacts on AR/VR Technology include:

  1. Enhanced bandwidth supports AR/VR applications' demanding data usage

  2. Low latency should take away lag and motion sickness, allowing for AR/VR to be used more widely, and for longer durations

  3. AR/VR could help speed up repairs, enhance tourist attractions, allow consumers to see products in action

Self-driving Vehicles

Some major impacts on self-driving vehicles include:

  1. Lower latency means quicker stopping times

  2. Vehicles able to "talk" to each other and other infrastructure on road

  3. 1.5 Terabyte of data per hour transferred by vehicle could be accommodated

Internet of Things

Some major impacts on Internet of Things include:

  1. High data speed, low latency, and low energy consumption allows for a greater number of connected devices

  2. Devices/sensors could accumulate a variety of data in real time

  3. Everyday objects could be connected to the internet with smart labels, allowing consumers to track products through supply chain

Smart Cities

"5G will enable wider applications in smart city initiatives from water and waste management, traffic monitoring to enhanced healthcare facilities. Smart Cities will enjoy the benefits of the new generation network as more and more sensors make their way into city infrastructure. Not only will 5G be capable of handling the massive data load, but it will also make the integration of various intelligent systems, constantly communicating with each other a reality, bringing the vision of a truly connected city closer." - 5G Technology World

In the smart city of the future, we live in smart buildings, travel in autonomous vehicles, use clean power, eat sustainable staples,protect ourselves with cybersecurity, communicate via virtual reality, travel into space, live longer because of genetic engineering and do jobs with robotics.

Click image to open in new window. Best viewed horizontally.

Source: SP Global

A Morning with 5G

This fictional creation can show how 5G can impact day to day life of an individual. While reading, try to pick out the changes that 5G will bring and imagine how these changes could impact your daily routines.

I wake up to my wearable device informing me of my current biometrics. It alerts me to my current physiological needs and makes recommendations as to how address them. My home, knowing I'm awake, adjusts the bedroom lights and temperature to suit what is required for this morning. My coffee pot will be starting up now too so that it will be all ready by the time I get to the kitchen. I leave the bedroom and head towards the kitchen; lights turn off when I exit rooms and turn on when I enter. My daily schedule is said to me as I walk through the house, reminding me of birthdays for the day and any upcoming appointments; it is also sent to my phone, wearable, car, and office computer. After eating, I turn on the factory (the employees will be arriving shortly), get dressed, brush my teeth, and head to the car.

The car welcomes me when I get in and asks where I would like to go. I tell it I'm going to work and it calculates the best route given current traffic conditions. It pulls out of the garage and begins to drive while I have my coffee and go over my notes for my meeting on the heads up display. The video-conference call comes in through the car just as we're pulling out of the neighbourhood and I put on my VR goggles and we begin our discussions around a virtual round table. The meeting ends just as I pull into the parking lot - good timing.

My wearable notifies me that the coffee has made me slightly dehydrated so I have a drone deliver me water as I stand in front of the factory overview screen. From here, I can see at what capacity everything is working, including my employees. The service reports are available, along with communication logs between the machines and employees. I can also track the movement of everything, people included, in the building. I get a ping to remind me of my doctor's appointment, so I head to my office and log in to the waiting room. Within minutes my doctor, a specialist from another country, appears as a hologram and we begin. I start by reviewing my biometric readings which the doctor received immediately after starting the appointment. All appears to be well and I'm making good progress in my recovery from the surgery that was remotely performed my doctor and three associates.

I do a walk around before lunch to make sure I put in some personal time with the employees. My partner messages to see if I would like to meet for lunch in fifteen minutes. I head back to my office, put on my virtual gear and we meet at our favourite restaurant. As usual, our child comes up and we decide to check up on them; as expected they're right where they should be - in the middle seat of the table on the right facing the front of the classroom. We check on their device and see that the class is using AR to learn about the body systems. By their biometrics output, we can tell that they are excited and engaged with the lesson. Our conversation moves on and before I know it, I get another ping reminding me that break is over. Back to the grindstone...


Using what you've learned from the last three pages, answer the questions below. If someone has written something you would like to respond to or elaborate on, please reply to their comment. If you like what someone else has written, feel free to like it.

If implementing this OER in a group, you can use the questions below to create your own Padlet. If working individually, use the questions below as reflection prompts.

*These are the Padlet contributions from the summer of 2020 by graduate students of the ETEC 523 course at University of British Columbia.