CJUS 5598:
Integrative Studies
in Criminal Justice

Dr. Reveka Shteynberg


I am Dr. Reveka Shteynberg, Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at California State University San Bernardino.

Curious about how to prounounce my last name? If you pronounce the sound "sh" and the word ‘Spain’ then you can say 'Shteyn' and then all you need to do is just add the 'berg' for the full 'Shteynberg' effect. You can also just call me Dr. S if you want to "Shtey" away from calling me Dr. Shteynberg. And yes, yes I do indeed like groan worthy puns. But enough about that. Here's what you need to know:

This Google Site is your syllabus for CJUS 5598: Integrative Studies in Criminal Justice. This syllabus provides information specific to this course as well as important University policies. You can use the navigation panel at the top to click through all the sections of this liquid syllabus. This document is a course overview and is subject to change. Changes will be announced on Blackboard.

Although this course uses an online asynchronous format, there will still be opportunities for us to engage in discussion!

How to Contact Dr. Shteynberg:

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns along the way! I'm here to help.

Email: Reveka.Shteynberg@csusb.edu

Please use your csusb email, include the Course Number (5598) in the subject line for all emails, and your full name somewhere in the email. Monday – Friday 9-5pm, I will respond to your emails within 48 hours. For quick questions, the turnaround time may be much shorter. If you do not receive a response after 48 hours, assume I did not receive it and resend. Seriously, we get hundreds upon hundreds of emails each week, so sometimes we miss things. Send it again if you don't hear back!

Virtual Office Hours:

Tuesdays 10:30am-12:45pm, and by appointment (via Zoom).
A link to Zoom office hours is provided on Blackboard.

Slack chat app:


Slack is an app that allows for everyone in the class to use a chat function to communicate with me and your classmates.
You will need to join the slack team using your csusb email address and with your full name. Join via the mobile or desktop app.

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