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LeadBuster Review – Turn Video Views Into Automated Sales

Great videos can help a business grow so fast, as this form of visual communication can convey messages easily. Nowadays, many people will prefer to watch a video to collect information or know more about a product or service than read a long article. For this reason, you can catch the attention of your target audience with stunning videos.

In this LeadBuster review, I will talk about LeadBuster – the upgraded product of Video REMIX. After reading this review, you can grasp what this product can do for your business and how it can help you create professional videos with zero effort or professional skills. Trust us; you can still make awesome marketing videos without being an expert in video editing.

Now, let’s get started and find out whether LeadBuster is what you are searching for!

LeadBuster Review – Product Overview

  • Сrеаtоr: Simon Warner

  • Рrоԁuсt: LeadBuster

  • Lаunсһ Dаtе: 2021 – Dec – 13

  • Lаunсһ Тіmе: 11:00 EST

  • Frоnt-Еnԁ Рrісе: $47

  • Воnuѕеѕ Page: https://review-oto.com/leadbuster-oto/

  • Rеfunԁ: ҮЕЅ, 30 Dау Nо Quеѕtіоnѕ Аѕkеԁ Money – Back Guаrаntее

  • Nісһе: Video & Graphic

  • Ѕuрроrt: Еffесtіvе Rеѕроnѕе

  • Rесоmmеnԁеԁ: Ніgһlу Rесоmmеnԁеԁ

What Is LeadBuster?

LeadBuster is software that helps users create stunning videos to bring them more leads, customer information, and even sales. With this product, any newbie can make their site, page, or social account look professional with awesome videos.

This software is not an original product. It is an upgrade of a product named “Video REMIX,” which was made to do the same thing as LeadBuster. However, LeadBuster will have many more features and tools that will create even better videos and attract more traffic, leads, and customers.

Until this time, it was known to its customers for more than $2,615,119.00. This is a video creator and a product that will bring you so much benefit and profit. Yes, it can increase your sales conversion.

Who Created This LeadBuster?

The vendor of LeadBuster is Simon Warner. He had cooperated with his partner – Dean Gilmore, to create LeadBuster and many other products. With long-term experience in the digital marketplace, he has created many products for online sellers.

Most of his products are created to help his users make better videos or content, attract more leads, drive more traffic, and cut down the effort invested in the users’ businesses. Besides online sellers, affiliate marketers have also benefited from his products as many people buy the products.

Until this point, he has created many notable products. One of them is Video REMIX – the original version of LeadBuster. Besides, he has also brought more value to other products such as Progressive Apps Builder, Local One, Bizzgro, Marketing Summit Videos, SMART VIDEO Evolution, and InterAction.

What Remarkable Features And Benefits Does LeadBuster Offer?

Here is the list of LeadBuster’s features which is outstanding and extraordinary:

Boost The Conversions

LeadBuster can help you boost the conversion and allows you to have more customers, sales, and profit. This process will happen organically without any advertisements needed, as the high-quality content will attract many more people to different sites, pages, and platforms you have.

Add All Kinds Of Media You Have

How many media platforms are you working on to attract more customers? If you have them, then you can add the lead-captures videos on these platforms to LeadBuster and start making them stunning.

You can also add more background (both videos and images), images, GIFs, Logos, and so many more. If you want to simplify the video-making process, the LeadBuster integration with Pexels and Pixabay will save you a lot of time and effort – it brings you no copy-right issues, as the images there are all royalty-free.

Seamless Transitions

LeadBuster has its own “pro-grade” video editor, making it super easy to add more seamless transitions. Your customers and viewers will focus directly on your marketing messages.

Beautiful And Artistic Blends

Before blending launched, artists had worked with LeadBuster to provide users with the best blend possible. While creating your content, you will be able to make stunning videos with awesome blending effects.

Awesome Animations

You do not need to know anything about animating or drawing to make animation. To be more specific, you will not need to use any animation software to create the animation, as LeadBuster will help you add animated content with different features. What you need to do are drag and drop.

Different Stunning Effect

You can create stunning effects for your videos by controlling your videos’ opacity and personalizing your project. Elements and text are also available for you to utilize. Additionally, you can use animation pops to make your videos more appealing.

Animate Your Text

Besides video, you can also animate your text to make your clips more exciting to your audiences. With more than 50 cinematic fonts, you can make any boring text dynamic and lively.

Animate Your Images

If you have an image, LeadBuster also has the features to help bring that image to life by animating it and adding motion to it. With more than 50 animated flags, 100 animated emojis, and 50 animated stickers, you are free to create professional-look short clips from one single image or picture.

How Does LeadBuster Work?

To start profiting by using LeadBuster, you only need to carry out the super simple process consisting of 4 simple steps:

Step 1: Create Video with LeadBuster

As I listed in the LeadBuster Features section, you can easily create new professional clips from scratch with many premium features. You can start creating videos from a picture, boring existing videos, and more.

More interestingly, you can also create an animation to make your clips more dynamic.

When you create the clip, try to add more effect, text, music, etc., to polish it!

Step 2: Capture the Attention of Your Viewers

Now that you have an amazing clip, what you need to do next is make it visible to your audience.

You can do this job by adding your media to LeadBuster, publishing the finished product on different platforms, and interacting with people who engage with the clip.

Step 3: Convert Viewers to Customers

After talking to viewers, some viewers will become your customers if you convert your message right.

In this step, you need to try your best to show people how suitable your products and services are.

Step 4: Cash-In

Finally, it’s time to allow some cash flow in your bank account when people buy your products.

Check the instruction video below to know how this software works:

Who Is It Made For?

LeadBuster is for anyone interested in creating stunning videos that convert and bring them leads, traffic, and sales. Therefore, I think any business owners will need this product, especially:

+ Videomakers

+ Content creators

+ Influencers

+ Online sellersMarketers

+ Online marketers

+ Affiliate marketers

+ Entrepreneurs

+ Newbie sellers

+ Local sellers

+ And many more

Why Should You Buy LeadBuster?

LeadBuster is a helpful product that most business owners will need, as any business should consider publishing clips on different content to win more customers.

There are many professional clip editors for you to try, but we do not need a movie-like one for marketing videos. For this reason, LeadBuster is suitable for those who want to create effective clips that have an appealing look but do not consume too much time from the maker and editor.

LeadBuster is a product like that. It has all the features you need to convey your message in a great way but will not cost you weeks to complete. Moreover, if you use this software, you can easily create the visual products yourself without anyone else’s help. So, you can also save extra money.

Lastly, LeadBuster can add so many effects, animated texts into your clips that will keep your audiences’ attention for a longer time.

How Much Does It Cost?

Even with many useful features and editing tools, the price of LeadBuster is reasonable, and anyone can buy it. The essential plan is the font-end plan, which costs $47.

With this plan only, anyone can start creating marketing videos with stunning effects in minutes.

Besides this plan, you can also check out three other upsell options to explore and use more tools from it. These three options are:

OTO #1: LeadBuster Automation Suite Upgrade

OTO #2: LeadBuster Creation Suite Upgrade

OTO #3: LeadBuster Connect System Upgrade

If you are just a newbie, you can use the front-end plan first, explore it, and you are always welcome to come back and upgrade your product anytime you wish to.

In my opinion, LeadBuster is worth trying if you want to level up the effectiveness of your video marketing.

Pros & Cons


+ Easy to use

+ A huge royalty-free stock integrated

+ Reasonable price for anyone

+ Useful video-editing tools

+ Work for any niche

+ Bring leads, traffic, and sales

+ Money-saving


+ LeadBuster is not suitable for those who want to make cinematic videos like movies and short films.

Conclusion – LeadBuster Is Recommended

So, what do you think about LeadBuster after reading this LeadBuster Review? If you love to create better clips for marketing your products/services and businesses, I bet this product will have something to bring to the table.

Compared to many types of expenses we need to pay monthly for marketing, the price of LeadBuster is too small to avoid investing. If you think it is useful, give it a try, and you will have many things to explore with its tools.

CHECK BONUSES PAGE: https://review-oto.com/leadbuster-oto/

SOURCE: https://review-oto.com/