Journey Over Destination PLR Review OTO Upsells Coupon Code

Journey Over Destination PLR Review: One of a Kind PLR That You Must Not Miss!


There’s a common problem people have when trying to achieve success with their career – their personal life suffers. Balancing the two worlds can be difficult when you don’t know what to prioritize or when to set boundaries.

Your audience needs guidance to help them achieve their goals for work-life balance. The only problem is finding enough content to cover all your bases. After all, you need content for your blogs, email autoresponders, bonuses, lead magnet freebies, social networks and more.

That’s why today I bring you a solution. Let’s find out all the details about it in my Journey Over Destination PLR Review below!


Everyone wants to get ahead in life, which typically means securing and excelling in a job. The biggest problem is that their personal life begins to suffer. Yu Shaun just launched a new bundle of PLR for this – and it’s called Journey Over Destination PLR.

“Journey Over Destination: Why You Should Focus More On The Process, Not The Outcome” is the ultimate blueprint for those who want to learn how to enjoy the process of achieving their most audacious goals instead of being preoccupied with the result.

This transformational blueprint contains everything you need to know about achieving success with fulfillment – how to avoid stress, distraction, and self-sabotage on your journey to success–

,,, advantages of being process-oriented, how to avoid sabotaging your success, how being too focused on your career can limit your life, tips for increasing your productivity, why stress kills… and many more life-changing tips waiting to be uncovered inside!

It’s a bundle that includes 35 articles that teach your readers how to prioritize their schedule and tasks in a way that allows them ample ability to succeed at work, while also nurturing their personal life at home.

This system is created with 100% passion and uniqueness that is both Comprehensive & Effective! Information shared in this powerful system WORKS as long as there are massive execution and consistency.

The author have condensed all valuable information into a 10,000+ words, 70+ pages value-packed book written in a way that is relatable, educational and easy to digest by our readers of any gender or age!

It helps you cater to men and women of all ages who want everything life has to offer – a thriving career, mixed with a satisfying home life. This new PLR bundle will point out the problem with trying to put your personal satisfaction on hold while you pursue a career and teach your readers how to solve this problem.

With this new PLR here, you’ll be able to teach your readers how to take stock of how their work-life balance is going at this time and make adjustments so that they maximize their happiness in both areas.

This PLR package is also packed with a full-blown sales funnel plus all the necessary sales material to make your marketing effort to profit close to ZERO. Simply said, Journey Over Destination is an irreplaceable Life Tool that your people will love!

This content is especially timely right now, with so many millions of people working from home either as a telecommuter or as an entrepreneur. So don’t hesitate to check out the next parts of this Journey Over Destination PLR Review as I’ll show you what you will get inside.


Yu Shaun knows what it takes to create high quality PLR products and give you everything you need to profit.

You could have heard about his name through some great products such as: Every Second Counts PLR, The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR, Thriving On Less PLR, etc.

Now, let’s look at the next part of Journey Over Destination PLR Review and find out its features.


This content is perfect for any niche where someone is struggling to find the perfect balance between work responsibilities or aspirations and their personal life. There are 35 articles for $17 during the launch dates, and it bumps up to the full $35 at the end of the sale.

This bundle explains how the reader can prioritize their needs and tasks so that they’re able to pursue their career without having to give up what’s important in life.


  • Why process is more important than results.

  • 4 little-known dangers of being obsessed with outcomes.

  • 5 benefits of focusing on the process instead of focusing on results.

  • The rarest quality in the 21st Century and how to cultivate it (See Chapter 2).

  • How to take baby steps towards big goals.

  • 7 tips to help you fight distractions and focus on your goals.

  • How to discover your passion in life.

  • The number one mistake that most people make after discovering their passion and how to avoid it.

  • 2 major things that hold you back from living your passion.

  • 11 ways to avoid dying of stress.

  • 7 reasons why people sabotage their success.

  • Are you living with time thieves? See Chapter 7 for how to identify and destroy them.

  • How to supercharge your productivity in 10 easy steps.

  • 5 shocking reasons why people give up easily.

  • Before you give up, consider the 5 truths mentioned in Chapter 8.

  • How to stay motivated throughout your journey to success.

  • The Biggest Problem with Achieving Success Is Not Enjoying It – 426 words

  • Setting Boundaries with Work to Nurture a Better Home Life – 401 words

  • Don’t Neglect Your Health Because You’re Busy – 515 words

  • Stop Saying You’ll Do the Things You Love “Someday” – 430 words

  • Living in an Unorganized Home Can Wreak Havoc on Your Life – 531 words

  • Parting with Stress-Inducing Clutter at Home and in the Office – 431 words

  • Stop Letting Your Vacation Time Roll Over – 416 words

  • Set Your Priorities with Your Life and Revisit Them Over Time – 464 words

  • Could a New Job Deliver More in Terms of Personal Satisfaction? – 425 words

  • Maintaining a Clean Home without Stress While Working Fulltime – 445 words

  • To Perform Better at Work, Improve Your Home Life – 471 words

  • Take 10 Minutes a Day to Reflect on Your Work-Life Balance – 427 words

  • 5 Ways to Alleviate Stress at Home or in the Office – 453 words

  • Perfecting Your Daily Routine to Improve Your Work-Life Balance – 475 words

  • Ask Your Employer If They’d Be Open to Flexible Hours – 448 words

  • Don’t Trade Your Time Trap at Work for One at Home – 427 words

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate at Home and in the Office – 447 words

  • Engage in a Regular Fitness Routine to Maximize Your Success and Satisfaction – 418 words

  • Create a Support Network at Work and Home – 412 words

  • Don’t Let Your After Work Duties Be a Drain – 428 words

  • Level Up in Life with Continuing Education – 421 words

  • Tap Into Your Creative Side for Success and Personal Satisfaction – 438 words

  • Learn to Be a Listener at Home and in the Office – 475 words

  • Balance Your Income with Expenses Wisely – 475 words

  • Work on Self Confidence to Maximize Your Success and Personal Satisfaction – 423 words

  • Use Positive Affirmations to Commit to Work-Life Balance – 405 words

  • Focus on What You Want Instead of What You Hope to Avoid – 429 words

  • Create a Vision Board That Encompasses Both Your Career and Personal Life – 439 words

  • Put an Emphasis on a Good Night’s Sleep to Perform Better at Work and Enjoy Life More! – 449 words

  • Learn How to Say No to Say Yes to a Much Improved Life – 475 words

  • Use Journaling as a Stress-Relieving Method of Organization and Prioritization – 431 words

  • Give Yourself a Digital Detox and Reconnect with the People in Your Life – 417 words

  • Consider Outsourcing Certain Things at Home to Give You More Personal Satisfaction – 419 words

  • Understand that Sometimes Work or Home Lives Will Try to Dominate Your Time – 458 words

  • Stop Multitasking to Make the Most of Your Work and Home Life – 420 words


  • Module 1: Premium Quality Ebook

  • Module 2: Complete Check List

  • Module 3: Comprehensive Mind Map

  • Module 4: High Converting Sales Page & Thank You Page

  • Module 5: Hypnotizing Video Sales Letter

  • Module 6: Exclusive Lead Magnet

  • Module 7: Professional Landing Page

  • Module 8: Follow-up Email Swipes

  • Module 9: Stunning Graphics Pack

  • Module 10: License Certificates

  • Fast-Action Bonus 1: PLR Powerhouse

  • Fast-Action Bonus 2: Sales Funnel Hacks

  • Fast-Action Bonus 3: Unannounced Bonuses


Here’s what’s in the pack:

Full eBook

Work from Home to Achieve the Ultimate Work-Life Balance

  • This 15,070-word, 33-page eBook starts with an introduction and then covers the following:

  • Chapter 1: How the Work at Home Concept Has Evolved Over Time

  • Chapter 2: Working from Home Lets You Set Your Own Schedule

  • Chapter 3: Eliminate the Stress of a Commute with a Work at Home Job

  • Chapter 4: Caring for Kids Is Easier as a Work at Home Parent

  • Chapter 5: Engaging in Self Care Is Simple When You Work from Home

  • Chapter 6: You’ll Save Money Working from Home

  • Chapter 7: When You Work from Home, Nutrition Is a Breeze

  • Chapter 8: There’s No Income Ceiling with a Work at Home Career

  • Chapter 9: Merge Your Creativity and Commitments with a Work at Home Career

  • Chapter 10: Getting Started with a Work at Home Career Doesn’t Cost You Anything

Sales Letter

This sales letter is 5 pages and 1,589 words long and includes:

  • Headlines

  • Storyline

  • Bulletpoints

  • Call to Action

  • Post Scripts

Lead Magnet

Shutting Out Distractions When Working from Home

This 2,630-word, 6-page report starts with an introduction and then covers the following:

  • Social Media

  • Friends and Family

  • Games

  • Mindless Eating

  • Streaming Video

Email Series

5 Steps to Setting Up Your Work at Home Business

Email #1: Step 1 – Have the Talk with Your Family – 485 words

Email #2: Step 2 – Set Up a Work Space Dedicated for Your Career Endeavors – 431 words

Email #3: Step 3 – Develop a Work at Home Routine – 503 words

Email #4: Step 4 – Create a Network of Work at Home Friends and Resources – 491 words

Email #5: Step 5 – Organize Your Digital Work Space – 453 words

Product Reviews

  • Win at Home First – 478 words

  • Work at Home – 493 words

  • Legit Work-At-Home Jobs – 484 words

  • The Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur’s Handbook – 458 words

  • 300 + Companies that Pay you to Work from Home – 479 words

  • How to Work from Home and Make Money – 484 words

  • Turn Your Computer Into a Money Machine – 484 words

  • Amazon Affiliate Marketing – 489 words

  • Work from Home Ideas: Goodbye 9 to 5! – 478 words

  • eSCAPE: The 4 Stages of Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur – 470 words

  • The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting and Running a Business – 455 words

  • The Entrepreneur Mind – 485 words

  • The Introvert Entrepreneur – 461 words

  • The $100 Startup – 494 words

  • Crushing It! – 488 words


You’ve probably seen a lot of PLR, and the majority of it is worthless! You’ve undoubtedly purchased a few PLR products only to be dissatisfied…

This is where we come in, since we want to change that perception by providing the HIGHEST QUALITY PLR package available on the internet, so you can get started right away and start getting results!

We’ve done our homework and will only cover the most popular topics on the internet right now. We only engage native American or British writers to write our items, ensuring that they are of consistently high quality. You can proudly call them yours by signing your name on them.

The majority of the concepts were developed in innumerable closed-door seminars and workshops led by world-renowned speakers and trainers. We’ve compiled a list of the best minds to include in our ultimate PLR bundles.

So, rest assured, everything we’re about to offer will be of the highest quality. You will not only learn a great deal from the content of this course, but you will also be provided with…

So you can put your name on it, make it your own, and start making money right away! You can win with our high-quality PLR package without wasting time and money on product development.


Reason #1: Excellent Information

This guide was prepared by our finest writers, who have years of expertise writing high-quality information items on Self-Help topics. All of the high-quality data originates from my own personal medical notes, which have been condensed into ONE final creation — soon to be Yours!

Reason #2: Content with a Purpose

As previously stated, this guide was prepared with utmost passion by a self-help insider, and we feel the information we’re going to give will alter your life.

Reason #3: The Most Trending Topic in the Largest Niche

In fact, it is one of the most popular topics in the self-help community, with millions of people searching the internet for valuable information. This PLR also has an inconceivable reach to a wide number of users!

  • Reason #4: We are 100% committed!

We created our products with the intention of releasing them as our own, thus we gave it our all to get it done! As a result, the quality you are about to receive is unparalleled.

Journey Over Destination is our best Self-Help creation to date! And we’re giving it to you so you can provide incredible value to your existing self-help audiences or even launch your own self-help empire!

So now is your chance to get Private Label Rights to Journey Over Destination! That is to say, you can brand this product as your OWN! No more content headaches. No more suffering during product development.


  • Yu Shaun is a hardcore believer in being an ethical seller. While some marketers scrape the Internet and slap up PLR bundles, he takes time to thoroughly research my topic and write from scratch.

  • He learned many marketing secrets from the top gurus he used to ghostwrite for awhile ago so he has experience with what sells and satisfies readers best.

  • He specializes in mostly text-based content, which gives you more words per page rather than free images that you can grab yourself on Pixabay.

He developed this set of top notch articles for you. This content is perfect for selling your own products as well as making recommendations for tangible items your audience may need.

On the other hand, He has been writing professionally for 20 years now, so he knows how to research, slant and create unique content from scratch. For the average person, this task is such a struggle, but he has done all the hard work for you.

He spent hours pouring over tips and ideas to bring this content pack to fruition for you. And less than $0.50 each, it’s not just a good deal – it’s a steal! There’s no way you could get this kind of quality writing on a freelance gig site for this price.

The total value of this Premium Package is certainly about $8,900! And this is the actual cost we incurred during the product development process. BUT, of course, we won’t charge you THAT much…

We want you to get the most bang for your buck possible! Today, you can purchase the whole PLR package for for $17! It’s a great offer at $17 for a PLR package that can transform lives and grow your business!

But hang in there… We’re giving you this PLR package for the price of a CUP OF COFFEE for a short time only! Yes… Yes, you read that correctly. Simply forgo one cup of coffee or breakfast, and you’ll have instant access to everything! There are no ongoing or monthly costs – it’s a bargain!

This is one of the BEST investments you can make because you’re getting a full-blown PLR package that’s fully integrated with a high-converting sales funnel that’s ready to start making you money after only ONE transaction!

NOTE: The price listed below is only an introductory deal, and the discounted price will increase without notice in the coming days! So move quickly, don’t wait, and get it while it’s still at its lowest price!

Remember, the price rises with each sale closed, and if you wait too long, it will rise to $27-37… “Are you ready to start making money right now?”

What are you waiting for if you answered yes? Simply Simply click the button below to get started right away! If you act now, you will have access to all of the tools you need to make money online.

You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and also my ultimate huge bonuses at the last section of Journey Over Destination PLR Review):


  • You can use it on your blog. Posting fresh, top quality content helps you attract readers and get engagement and this content will definitely serve that purpose.

  • You can use it in email autoresponders. If you want to cater to your list of subscribers, there’s no better way to do it than by sending them a series of well thought out articles.

  • You can compile it into a report. Do you need a gift for your subscribers to read, or a bonus report for something else you’re selling or promoting? Turn these articles into a PDF for your audience to read.

  • You can turn it into an info product. If you prefer to sell the content, you can turn it into a PDF and make it an info product as part of your line of eBooks.

  • You can engage readers on social media with it. Cut it up or use it in full on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and more so you can begin interacting with a like-minded audience.

  • Turn it into multi media. Use the content as a transcript to turn it into a podcast series or a YouTube series, depending on whether you want to use audio or video.

  • And so much more!


For a limited time, you can grab Journey Over Destination PLR with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!

  • Front-end: Journey Over Destination PLR ($14)

  • OTO 1: Journey Over Destination PLR PRO Upgrade ($27)

  • OTO 2: Self-Help PLR Bundle Special ($97)

  • OTO 3: Done For You Sales Funnel System ($77)

  • OTO 4: PLR Membership ($27)


Thank you so much for reading my Journey Over Destination PLR Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.