461E - Google Slides Tips & Tricks

Google Slides Tips & Tricks

Session Description: Ever wonder what else you can do with Google Slides? Some of its built-in features can really come in handy in the classroom. In this session, you’ll learn a few cool tricks that will take your use of this tool to the next level, including game-changing productivity tips and small changes you can make to increase the visual impact of your slides.

This session is for teachers at ALL technology comfort levels.

As a result of this session teachers will:

      1. Learn classroom hacks for the use of Google slides;

      2. Discover productivity tips for Google slides; and

      3. Understand built-in features of Google slides.

Applicable ISTE Standards for Educators (2017)*: 2.1.a; 2.1.c; 2.5.b

* The text of these standards is copyrighted. Please read the full text at the ISTE Standards page.

Download the session slides here.


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Google Slides Hack to Try!

  • Click Command / to view shortcuts.

  • Save a slide as a background image (including photos, clipart, text, and more). This will keep students from moving the background in shared slides.

  • Click Command D to duplicate.

  • Create a forced copy by deleting the word edit and anything after it - replace edit with the word copy.

  • Use Voice Type Speaker notes (find it under Tools). Use this to speak your notes, rather than typing them.

  • Change the size of your slides by clicking File > Page Setup > Custom. Then type in the dimension that you would like! If you’d like the slide to be the same size as standard computer paper, type in the dimensions 8.5 x 11 inches, then click “Apply.”