461C - Pixel Art Mysteries in the Classroom

Pixel Art Mysteries in the Classroom

Session Description: Pixel art is an older artform that uses blocks of color to create a picture. Today, it’s been revived and repurposed as an engaging instructional activity. Come to this session and learn to create and use these self-checking practice activities in a variety of settings.

This session is for teachers at ALL technology comfort levels.

As a result of this session teachers will:

      1. Learn how to create pixel art;

      2. Understand how to set up a pixel art activity; and

      3. Brainstorm curricular applications for pixel art activities.

Applicable ISTE Standards for Educators (2017)*: 2.1.a; 2.1.b; 2.7.a

* The text of these standards is copyrighted. Please read the full text at the ISTE Standards page.

Download the session slides here.


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