I've recently have come across an error that have not come across before and i'm hoping one of you may have an answer for me. For some unapparent reason the input.scs cannot not seem to find my process.scs libs. This just occured but previously Cadence has been running fine.

has the process.scs file changed at all? I've seen strange error messages in the past when the file was missing the appropriate EOF character, or was a "DOS text/Windows text" formatted file. Not sure if this helps at all, but it may be worth looking at.

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Fatal error found by spectre during topology check.

 FATAL: The following branches form a loop of rigid branches (shorts) when added to the circuit:

 I1:mz_flow (from net012 to 0)

 I1:my_flow (from net14 to 0)

 I1:mx_flow (from net13 to 0)

I checked in the same version of Spectre that you're using, and don't see that error. The error you're seeing is exactly what would happen if you have two voltage sources in parallel (the loop of rigid branches that the check normally performs, and that this attribute is disabling). With the attribute on the analog line, no check for a loop of rigid branches is performed, and so parallel voltage sources will lead to a singularity and that's what you're seeing.

So i got it fixed with moving all the groups around. So for anyone looking for an answer in the future this error seems to mean that the user doesnt have access, test it out by directory adding the user to the authentication policy/profile. Then go do a whole bunch of reading on the messed up way AD groups work on XG, it is not pretty, but at least you can probably find a work around.

As far as I can understand it's the installation of homebrew that is causing this issue because it says /bin/brew in the second line and I wasn't getting this issue on boot-up before I installed homebrew. After some research I found that homebrew isn't really for Ubuntu, just MacOS. If I remember correctly on how I installed homebrew I did it this way:

Thanks a lot Manu. I did not map the reads to the reference genome and got the bam files from other source. So, I do not know whether the data is stranded or not. Right now it is not possible for me to remap with TopHat or STAR. However, I tried with specifying 3 different library types to run cufflinks e.g., fr-unstranded, fr-firststrand and fr-secondstrand. Only fr-secondstrand gave me the FPKM values of gene, isoforms and transcripts. fr-unstranded gave error BAM record error: found spliced alignment without XS attribute and fr-firststrand was aborted and the last line was 7ffcbb0b3000-7ffcbb0b4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 Aborted.

I just added Spectral Measurement Toolkit 2.6.2 to my project to correct link errors. An error, syntax error: found 'integer constant' expecting '}', is being generated by the typedef enum for AnalysisLibWindowType in advanlys.h. The syntax looks correct.

So using Debian 11 + QUickbox Pro script, I'm trying to set up on a new server rclone + an existing gdrive remote encrypted.

When running the install command for rclone from Quickbox, it initiates the install process until it asks me to provide the Cient ID and Client Secret, and then the 2 encryption passwords. Right after that it asks me to confirm all value entered by entering "Y". So when I enter Y, I then immediately get an 'Error: found key without value' and the process quickly continue till the end without asking me to log in to my gdrive account to auth as it normally does.

I tried this literally 30/40 times, even reinstalled fully Debian + Quickbox, also tried to set up without encryption but always getting the same error.

Ok there is an error in the config file, I can not see anything in the gui to edit this file so you have to either view the file

image1043480 41.5 KB

and it should look like this

image1412459 39.9 KB

The function of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) remains controversial, yet many theories suggest a role in behavioral adaptation, partly because a robust event-related potential, the feedback-related negativity (FN), is evoked over the ACC whenever expectations are violated. We recorded from the ACC as rats performed a task identical to one that reliably evokes an FN in humans. A subset of neurons was found that encoded expected outcomes as abstract outcome representations. The degree to which a reward/non-reward outcome representation emerged during a trial depended on the history of outcomes that preceded it. A prediction error was generated on incongruent trials as the ensembles shifted from representing the expected to the actual outcome, at the same time point we have previously reported an FN in the local field potential. The results describe a novel mode of prediction error signaling by ACC neurons that is associated with the generation of an FN.

After countless hours trying to troubleshoot this issue, I've decided its time to reach out for support. I'm attempting to use the sharepoint list input tool in order to reach in a list. I'm able to see the list within my configuration but every time I run it I return the following error off the input tool:

So after countless attempts to identify the issue, I sat down with my Sharepoint admin and went field by field through the view until it threw an error. What we found is that anything that could be interpreted as a link or url is going to crash this process. There were several fields that were doing a lookup and that was the issue. Once that was corrected on the backside, I was able to read in the data I needed. "People picker" fields didn't seem to cause the issue just the lookup fields.

I was trying to make kde apps to be more better in xfce de, so I tryed kavantum manger, and then i tryed qt5 app, i get that message after login

_19201440 48.4 KB

I have executed that command echo "remove QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=qt5ct" >> ~/.profile as the qt5 app asked me to do

image1024768 45 KB,

I tried to solve that by excute that comand echo "export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum" >> ~/.profile ,that make kvantum effect kde apps but i still get that error message in login

thank u very much, the error message is solved now, and kde apps now is gotten the same theme of other apps. but can qt5 app do more than that? I mean can solve the problem of window sizing of some kde apps, I mean look the app itself in the above picture in my post, I can't resize it.

ok u r right, I didn't face that problem with all kde app, just qt5ct itself and Kdenlive, I have found solution for kdenlive with it's setting which it doesn't response to qt5, but I can't reszie qt5ct itself

thank u very much I go to the 3 files and make it set to qt5ct ,that solved the error message in application.

for the problem of size of qt5ct , i tried to change scaling from display in setting of zorin, I changed scaling to 1.3 I get qt5ct app in the size of other window apps and when I changed the scaling again to deafult 1.0, qt5ct app became also in size of other window apps

You know the page: you click on a link, but instead of getting the site you want, an error pops up indicating that the requested page is not available. Something along the lines of '404 Not Found'. A 404 error is the standardized HTTP status code. The message is sent from the webserver of an online presence, to the web browser (usually the client) that sent the HTTP request. The browser then displays this error code.

Having a standard 404 error page is better than having none at all, although a customized page is more preferred for several reasons. On the one hand, you can be sure that visitors receive an accurate HTTP status code: for example, if the requested content is no longer present on the site, this should be conveyed with the '410 Gone' message. The visitor then knows that this content has been permanently deleted.

On the other hand, you can provide a specially-designed error page containing related links (i.e. links to your homepage or subpages where the content overlaps that which the visitor originally requested). You could even add a search function for your website. By taking these extra measures and providing incentives, you might be able to prevent visitors from leaving your site straight after seeing the 404 code.

With a creative 404 message you may even find that visitors are more forgiving. Naturally they will be disappointed at not finding content they were promised, but an original or funny 404 page could make up for it. If done properly, error pages do have some potential.

For ALL 404 error pages, our "Pages Not Found" dimension will pass a generic name like "404-error", we also track eVars for both "Current URL" (which includes querystring parameters) and "Canonical URL" and a "Page Type". So in my case, I could create a segment where the "Pages Not Found" (or Pages - since these values are the same) is "404-error" AND my canonical URL is my home page url the example for my own website the same things its happened with me at (if you don't have that, you might have do use your full url with some rules to try and capture the variations), or where my page type is "home" (some combination that gets me my home page where it's also a 404) -You should test your segment in Workspace to be sure it returns the exact pages you want.

In Adobe Analytics, you can create an alert for a specific page not found (404) error, such as the homepage. For example, you can set up an alert to DGme Portal notify you if there are more than 50 instances of a 404 error on the homepage. This helps you stay informed about any issues and ensures a better user experience.

The "Page not responding error 404" typically indicates that the webpage you are trying to access could not be found on the server. This error is an HTTP status code that indicates a "Not Found" situation.

Broken links: If you encountered the 404 error by clicking a link on another website, the link may be broken or outdated. In this case, you can try searching for the content you're looking for directly on the website or contacting the website administrator to report the broken link. e24fc04721

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