
Action ideas > logo

Looking back - Lessons learned >

Principles and values > statements by : Artists

Online platforms > iamXR MatterMost / BASE / CLOUD

Functional XR Template Meeting Agendas & video

Briefings / Briefing for Local Coordinators


"It's people like you and me standing up for nature and for future generations that's going to mak

— Extinction Rebellion 🐝⌛️🦋 (@ExtinctionR) May 14, 2019e all the difference. And it turns out that [rewilding and] nature's recovery is our greatest ally.", Rebecca Wrigley, @rewildingb.#RebelForLife 🌲🦊🐌: https://t.co/PzxBohj9iu pic.twitter.com/k1cFXn6M3t

updated 16-05-2019

#nba - #neverbeenarrested #iamXR and #NBABTITBTSS #NeverBeenArrestedButThisIsTooBigToStaySilent -

campaign ideas to connect older people in a picture with a basketbal and a NBA basketballer

saying we've never been arrested but this is too BIG to stay silent.

The idea is to sell basketballs looking like the planet EARTH with the XR logo on it and #iamXR

to create an awareness campaign.

Asking cities to get a free wall to paint -grafitty for a better environment with clean-paint - clean-spray-paint -/

natural friendly making a message for the planet earth.

414 million pieces of plastic found on remote island group in Indian Ocean: https://t.co/ObvThY1gAx

— Extinction Symbol (@extinctsymbol) May 16, 2019

4 DEMANDS BY XR. 14-05-2019

Deze week bezorgden wij een open brief aan Tweede Kamerleden. “We bevinden ons te midden van een klimaat- en ecologische crisis die een miljoen essentiële plant- en diersoorten in gevaar brengt,” #RebelForLife #ExtinctionRebellion #klimaatnoodtoestand pic.twitter.com/1LQhryWEmY

— Extinction Rebellion Nederland (@NLRebellion) May 16, 2019