

This section provides an overview of the evaluation sessions conducted with both participants. P1 and P2 used the toolkit to create a variety of drawings . Although the digital component of the toolkit could not be evaluated with both participants this phase provided useful insights for preferred methods of drawing and future directions.

Evaluation Session with P1

P1 created a variety of drawings with the toolkit. Findings from Interview session with P1 are listed below


  • Geometric tiles were the easiest to work with when it came to building block-like structures.

  • They liked the flexibility of the wax sticks and they stick very well leading to creating more complex abstract shapes.

  • None of the components were challenging to work with

  • Liked the magnetic component of the tiles “It was like building a gingerbread house without having it fall down.”

  • Play doh was beneficial in adding softness to the structures and adding details.

  • Potential Applications: P1 said they would use the toolkit for 3D models, geometric 3D art and 2.5D art.

  • P1 indicated that the toolkit was definitely a lot easier to use than the tools they have used before.

Components to Improve:

  • Right angled triangles were what they used the least, however it came handy in making rectangular shapes.

  • The cone is probably what they would use the least to create, “It’s one of the more odd shapes to use, however they were beneficial while making the wings of the airplane.”

  • Add cylindrical components to the toolkit either in a disc based format or in the form of tall cylinders to make it better.

Image of wireframe pyramid created by P1 out of wax sticks

Wireframe pyramid created by P1 with wax sticks

Image of portrait created by P1 using wax sticks and playdoh

Portrait created by P1 with wax sticks and playdoh

Image of ice cream cone created by P1 using geometric tiles

Ice cream cone created by P1 with geometric shapes

Image of 3D plane created by P1 using geometric tiles and playdoh

Airplane created by P1 with geometric shapes and playdoh

Image of castle made out of geometric tiles by P1

Castle created by P1 with geometric tiles

Evaluation session with P2

P2 used the toolkit to create a variety of drawings. P2 listed the following Strengths and Improvements for the Toolkit


  • Wax Sticks were the easiest to work with (due to familiarity) followed by play doh and the shapes were third.

  • Anything that is free form and 3D, the play-doh would work best for so long as you can get enough structure (e.g. half dome used with play-doh)

  • Potential Applications: Wax Sticks for 2D Drawings, Could be useful to create spatial architectural models if the square and rectangular pieces were available in a wider variety. Helpful to get inside a space with the current size of square. Having the ability to work in a 3D space would be a welcoming change.

Components to Improve:

  • Shapes were limited in their size and type.

  • Magnet aspect is ingenious but poses some challenges as well with the polarities.

Image of a side profile of a face created with wax sticks by P2

Side profile of face created by P2 using wax sticks

Image of ice cream cone created with geometric tiles by P2

Ice cream cone created by P2 using geometric tiles

Image of pyramid created by P2 using geometric tiles

Pyramid created by P2 using geometric tiles

Image of airplane created by P2 using playdoh

Airplane created by P2 using playdoh

Image of Turtle created by P2 using half sphere and playdoh

Turtle created by P2 using playdoh and half sphere