2D Quantum Matter
from 10th to 13th July 2023
Lucca, ITALY
2D Quantum Matter. 2D materials such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and other graphene-related materials are today at the forefront of scientic research, with recent promising twists in the direction of topologically non-trivial states of matter. During the Summer School, physics and engineering students will be trained in state-of-the-art theory, synthesis, nanofabrication, and electronic/optoelectronic applications of 2D crystals. Renowned scientists, who are currently active in this research field at an international level, will lead the training activities, in the form of a set of 12 frontal lectures. Students are encouraged to present a poster of their current activities, as a mean to promote their work and the interaction among the other students and between students and lecturers. A “Best poster award” will be given at the conclusion of the Summer School.
Aim of the School. To give the opportunity to students to interact with leading-edge scientists in the context of 2D materials so as to learn about subjects that are usually hardly touched during standard educational programs.
Who can apply? Ph.D. and late-stage master students in Physics, Material Science, and Engineering; early-stage postdocs, based on availability.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. Thanks to the support of the University of Pisa, the successful completion of the Summer School will warrant the accreditation of 3ECTS (CFU).
Organization and Sponsors. The Summer School is organized by the University of Pisa (see also: School webpage @UniPi) and the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, and it is sposored by the European Physical Society, CMD section "Semiconductors and Quantum Matter". S.R. acknowledges the support of the MUR through the PRIN Grant n.2017Z8TS5B.
The open-access Journal Nanophotonics will contribute to the event by funding three Best Poster Awards. Prizes will be assigned at the end of the Summer School.