Cameras affect only 3D layers and 2D layers with an effect with a Comp Camera attribute. With effects that have a Comp Camera attribute, you can use the active composition camera or lights to view or light an effect from various angles to simulate more sophisticated 3D effects.

Camera properties relating to camera lens blur and shape include Iris Shape, Iris Rotation, Iris Roundness, Iris Aspect Ratio, Iris Diffraction Fringe, Highlight Gain, Highlight Threshold, and Highlight Saturation.

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Applies custom variables to the Focus Distance, Aperture,F-Stop, and Blur Level settings. Using these variables, you canmanipulate the depth of field to create more realistic camera-focusingeffects. (The depth of field is the distance range within whichthe image is in focus. Images outside the distance range are blurred.)

In a real camera, increasing the aperture also allows in more light, which affects exposure. Like most 3D compositing and animation applications, After Effects ignores this result of the change in aperture values

Andrew Kramer provides a two-part video tutorial on his Video Copilot website that demonstrates basic camera mapping and camera projection. The tutorial shows how to project an image onto 3D layers using lights and light transmission properties.

Lights can be used to illuminate 3D layers and to cast shadows. You can use lights to match lighting conditions of the scene into which you are compositing or to create more interesting visual results. For example, you can use light layers to create the appearance of light streaming through a video layer as if it were made of stained glass.

You canspecify which 3D layers a light affects by designating the lightas an adjustment layer: place the light in the Timeline panel abovethe layers on which you want it to shine. Layers that are abovea light adjustment layer in the layer stacking order in the Timelinepanel do not receive the light, regardless of the positions of thelayers in the Composition panel.

If you change the light type, the name of the light type automatically changes. The light name changes if if the name is not modified and only when the light type is not changed in the Timeline panel. For example, if you change 'Spot Light 1" to a point light, After Effects automatically renames the light to 'Point Light 1.'

Parallel emits directional, unconstrained light from an infinitely distant source, approximating the light from a source like the Sun. Spot emits light from a source constrained by a cone, like a flashlight or a spotlight used in stage productions. Point emits unconstrained omnidirectional light, like the rays from a bare light bulb. Ambient creates light that has no source but rather contributes to the overall brightness of a scene and casts no shadows.

The brightness of the light. Negative values create nonlight.Nonlight subtracts color from a layer. For example, if a layer isalready lit, creating a directional light with negative values alsopointing at that layer darkens an area on the layer.

The angle of the cone surrounding the source of a light, which determines the width of the beam at a distance. This control is active only if Spot is selected for Light Type. The cone angle of a Spot light is indicated by the shape of the light icon in the Composition panel.

Specifies whether the light source causes a layer to cast a shadow. The Accepts Shadows material option must be On for a layer to receive a shadow; this setting is the default. The Casts Shadows material option must be On for a layer to cast shadows; this setting is not the default.

Camera layers and light layers each includea Point Of Interest property, which specifies the point in the compositionat which the camera or light points. By default, the point of interestis at the center of the composition. You can move the point of interestat any time.

When working with a camera or light layer, create a null object layer and use an expression to link the Point Of Interest property of the camera or light to the Position property of the null layer. Then, you can animate the Point Of Interest property by moving the null object. It is often easier to select and see a null object than it is to select and see the point of interest.

Specifies whether a layer casts shadows on other layers. The direction and angle of the shadows are determined by the direction and angle of the light sources. Set Casts Shadows to Only if you want the layer to be invisible but still cast a shadow.

The percentage of light that shines through the layer, casting the colors of the layer on other layers as a shadow. 0% specifies that no light passes through the layer, casting a black shadow. 100% specifies that the full values of the colors of the shadow-casting layer are projected onto the layer accepting the shadow.

Determines the size of the specular highlight. This valueis active only if the Specular setting is greater than zero. 100%specifies a reflection with a small specular highlight. 0% specifiesa reflection with a large specular highlight.

The contribution of the layer color to the color of the specularhighlight. 100% specifies that the highlight color is the colorof the layer. For example, with a Metal value of 100%, an imageof a gold ring reflects golden light. 0% specifies that the colorof the specular highlight is the color of the light source. For example,a layer with a Metal value of 0% under a white light has a white highlight.

Hello there, I am working on a project in After Effects, and I am having an issue with my lighting. This may be a novice question, but my point lighting doesn't move because I cannot find the RGB cursor to move the Point lights. Here is a screenshot of my project, as well as a screenshot from the tutorial I am watching. I have followed the step to Layer>New>Light>Point Light and have changed the parameters, but I cant MOVE THE LIGHT anywhere.

Here is the photo of the video I am watching, where the user automatically has the RGB cursor on his screen when he applies his Point light. The text that we have is 2D and is meant to be 2D, each time we

No sir, watch the video at the time stamp that I have listed in the question. We have placed a "CC Glass" effect on the text and have set the "light" parameter to AE Lights. If i switch the light source to 3D, then I am prompted and told that the light will no longer work. I believe that all I am missing is the ability to edit this point light, in simplest ways of saying it, I cannot reposition the light anywhere because my software is not giving me the option to drag the light where I want to in the workspace.

I am able to move the light when I hit "P" for position, but I am unable to move the position with my move by dragging the source around, it is hard for me to guess the parameters, when I just want to put the light in one of the corners, or below, or wherever I want really.

It's also possible that the light is simply way off to the side, or so far "towards" you in Z that it's way off the top. Try zooming WAY out to see if you can see it. And/or open up the position property and type in numbers you know will be within the comp bounds.

Hi, I think I have a similar issue where 'Light position' is just not working and therefore I can select it to create the light animation I need from one side to the other...I tried the 'View/Show layer controls' as suggested but still not working. Thank you for your help.

I am working in After Effects CC. I added a light to my scene and it just turns all of my 3d layers black. I am a very seasoned AE user. I have worked with lights before. I don't know what is going on here. It's not a draft mode issue. And my lights are not behind my layers or anything like that. I have found other people in the online forums with this problem from over the years but never a solution. Ambient light is the only light that works. Spot, pin, and parallel turn everything black. Thoughts?

The problem is falloff distance and radius. With the fall off distance at 24 and the radius 75 when you light is 24 pixels away from the 3D layer the spot of light will be 75 pixels wide. By the time you move the light about 100 pixels (4 times the distance) the falloff will be nearly complete so no light will fall on the layer. Change the falloff to Inverse squared and you'll be able to move the light about another 100 pixels away before the light no longer reaches the layer. Set the falloff to

Select the light, press the a key twice to reveal all of the properties, make sure that the light has a positive value. Check the light falloff if you happen to have a version that supports that. Then do the same with the 3-D layers and make sure they are set to receive lights.

The problem is falloff distance and radius. With the fall off distance at 24 and the radius 75 when you light is 24 pixels away from the 3D layer the spot of light will be 75 pixels wide. By the time you move the light about 100 pixels (4 times the distance) the falloff will be nearly complete so no light will fall on the layer. Change the falloff to Inverse squared and you'll be able to move the light about another 100 pixels away before the light no longer reaches the layer. Set the falloff to None and the falloff distance and radius will have no effect. The radius also effects the distance where the lights stop reaching the lights. If you want falloff then you'll have to experiment with these settings to get the lights to behave as you want them to but 24 and 75 are way too small for a reasonable 3D lighting setup.

Alas, you are correct! Thank you so much. I don't know why the radius was set so small. I kept trying to reset to a default setting but it wouldn't. I think maybe I was using lights to drive some other effect in a previous project and then it copied those settings or something. Can't recall. Anyway it's much better now. Thanks so much.

I have begun adding particles such as rain and lightning, and I want to add a spot light to light up the city as the lightning strikes, but when I add a new light layer it does not have any affect on the scene. I have tampered fully with the options but no matter what I do with it it doesn't affect the project at all. I am used to a light turning everything black if the parameters are too narrow, but this is completely new to me and I don't know what's going on. I need this to work for a University deadline coming soon so any help is appreciated. 2351a5e196

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