Сats’ holiday

Probably, few people on the planet earth do not like cats. The love for them is so strong that people made a holiday in their honor. The first of March is not only the beginning of spring, but also the holiday of cats.

Cats are associated with the tenderness and warmth that comes with the arrival of spring. They make us smile. Also, these animals, like us, rejoice in the coming of spring. In 2004, it was officially established that the first of March is a holiday of cats. The purpose of this holiday is not only to praise cats, but also to draw people's attention to the problem of stray animals. Many people know that in India the cat is a sacred animal and this is correct. But not everyone knows the legend of the East about the origin of the cat. It tells how a huge lion sneezed and a cat came from it. It's fun.

Cats help us when we feel bad, they feel our pain and create warmth at home. So let's thank our pets for everything on this holiday and feed them with a new delicious food!

Mezentseva Maria, 10B class

Tutor: Sushkova E. L.