
Easter is the most important and solemn Christian holiday. It is performed every year at different times and refers to mobile holidays. Other mobile holidays, such as Palm Sunday, the Ascension of the Lord, the Feast of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost), and others, also depend on the day of Easter. The celebration of Easter is the longest: 40 days of believers greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!" — " Truly risen!". The Day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ for Christians is a time of special celebration and spiritual joy, when believers gather for services to praise the risen Christ, and the entire Easter Week is celebrated "as one day". The church service throughout the week almost completely repeats the night Easter service.

Everyone knows that the Christian symbol of Easter is a painted egg. It unites Orthodox and Catholic people, as well as other representatives of the Christian religion.

But the Jews, by the way, also put eggs on the table, and they paint them only in red, burgundy color. And on the seder in Pesach, several other dishes are served, each of which has its own symbolic meaning.

What is the meaning of Easter? The Lord sent to earth his only son, Jesus Christ, who at the cost of his own life took upon himself the sins of all mankind and thus freed him from the bondage of sin. Yes, people are still sinful today – after all, life on earth is far from ideal.

However, everyone can count on the mercy of God and the forgiveness of their sins. This is called judging by mercy, i.e. not by merit, but by love.

So, what does the Easter holiday mean for the Orthodox? This is a day of special love – the love of God, which was manifested in the fact that he sacrificed the most precious thing for the sake of people – his only son.

Therefore, in these spring days, you can do something special that usually does not even come to mind. To help your loved ones, to visit an old friend, to reconcile with someone who, perhaps, has long wanted to establish contact

Kavaraeva Alina, 10V class

Tutor: Sushkova E. L.