

(Under Business Tab)


The 24-hour Room began in the isolation of the pandemic as a balm for lonely writers bereft of their coffee shops, writers rooms and artists colonies.  An incubator for stories and a safe harbor for storytellers, The 24-Hour Room offers fellowship, structure, solutions, motivation, accountability and intellectual sustenance.  Its central feature is a silent, communal virtual writing space known as the Studio. Other offerings of The 24-Hour Room include a growing library of Craft essays and prompts, a quarterly writers-group match-making program, Octavia Butler and Moby-Dick Slow Marathons, multiple live writing-prompt sessions and craft conversations in our 24/7 Zoom Lounge, open mics and bulletin boards.  

.ORG |

The 24-Hour Room makes the site and its programs available to all at no cost. You can support us with a fully tax-deductible gift to The 24-Hour Room through our fiscal sponsor, the New York Foundation for the Arts, a 501(c)3 corporation.


Inspired by NPR and the Met, we have adopted a pay-what-you-wish Membership system. We welcome the participation of writers from all over the globe — from best-selling authors to students — including writers who can afford to pay a small fee for our programs and those experiencing financial hardship, who cannot. The website, the virtual Studio and the live events in the Lounge are free to all, regardless of their resources. 


The 24-Hour Room is funded entirely by voluntary donations from Sustaining Members, who contribute on a monthly or annual basis. The 24-Hour Room encourages regular users who can afford to do so to become Sustaining Members at whatever level of support fits their budget. 

To thank them, we hold weekly Accountabilty sessions where Sustaining Members can share up to 1000 words they've written in the past week, intimate Craft Conversations where we discuss topics pertaining to members' current interests and writing projects.   We also have a Writers page where Sustainers can list their bio and contact info and send Sustainers limited-edition vinyl stickers.

The 24-Hour Room is made possible by the generosity of:

Anonymous (30)

Eunice An

Cassandra Becker

Kate Blakinger

Francesca Capossela

Sarah Blakley-Cartwright

Celia Bland

Noelle Cleary

Geoff Cohen

Megan Cummins

Clo Davis

Julia Davis

Alicia Dekker

Jennifer Devlin

Emma DeWald

Dawn Elardo

Gina Elwell

Elizabeth England

Jeff Goldberg

Beth Holly

Sadie Horton

Grace Jeffers

Anne Keys

Dave King

Lina Marino

Diane Masucci

Alex Matthews

Gretchen Michelfeld

Sarah Greenberg Morse

The New York Foundation for the Arts

Carol Parchewsky

Su Penn

Queens Public Library

T.H. Ravencroft

Charli Renken

Emily Rubin

Janina Rusiecki

Jon Sapers

Tandy Solomon

Clifford Stanley

Yerra Sugarman

Lindsey Vernon

Wendy Walker

Jane Wieder

Nancy Williard

Laurie Zerwer

The 24-Hour Room is a fiscally sponsored project of the New York Foundation for the Arts. You can make a tax-deductible charitable gift here.


Support in any whole dollar amount is gratefully accepted.

STUDENT $   15

MONTHLY $   30  

ANNUAL $   300


VENMO to @the24hourroom (under the Business tab)

PATREON a platform for offering ongoing monthly support of content creators

SQUARE / GooglePay a secure way to pay online with any major credit or debit card

For tax-deductible, non-Membership Donations


THANK YOU | Thanks for supporting The 24-Hour Room. We are truly grateful. You are among the approximately 15% of our members who contribute financially to sustain this online community. When you send your support, you will receive an email acknowledging your contribution with a receipt for you records. You can request stickers in reply to that email, or by using the sticker form below.