Dear Writer,

I'd like to invite you to join The 24-Hour Room — or to share this invitation with anyone you know who might be interested in being a part of our virtual writers space.  

The 24-Hour Room is a growing community of writers that launched on January 20, 2021. I created it out of a combination of desperation, weariness from ten months of isolation, and hope.  Writers often toil in solitude, but they also gather — at readings, classes, writers rooms, colonies — an act we've not been able to engage in since last winter. Our need for community is greater than ever in this period of turmoil, pandemic and lockdown. 


The 24-Hour Room is a place writers can come together without masks, whether to write silently in the Studio or talk about books and writing in the Lounge, our our-loud space. It offers fellowship, structure, solutions, motivation, and intellectual sustenance to writers at all levels. You might use it as an accountability group, but there are no external obligations, only opportunities.  Show up when you want. Feel free to join gathering in the Lounge and share on the bulletin boards —or not to. 

One of the things I like best about it is that we have a diverse base, with students, unpublished writers and best-selling novelists from all over the globe — all working side-by-side in our virtual Studio, benefitting equally from the communal gaze. Just today, in a Craft Discussion in the Lounge, there were writers from Brooklyn, Manhattan, Philadelphia and Nairobi, all talking about how to structure a text.

In addition to the Studio and Lounge, The 24-Hour Room includes craft notes and prompts, weekly craft discussions on Zoom, discussion boards, manuscript swaps, open-mic events, and much more.

I hope you'll take a look at the site at and join us. You do need a (free) Zoom account (because we require users to be logged in to Zoom for access to our virtual meeting rooms for accountability purposes, since the rooms are open 24/7/365 and not always monitored).  

The 24-Hour Room is designed to be inclusive. Membership is completely free. The site is supported by donations from Sustaining Members who contribute on a pay-what-you-wish basis. 

Please feel free to share this invitation.  We're also on Twitter and Instagram @24hourroom and Facebook @the24hourroom.  

All the best, and I hope to see soon you in The 24-Hour Room,

                Elizabeth Gaffney

Founder & Host

The 24-Hour Room

Please copy or forward this letter.