Welcome to JA Inspire®

Made possible by partners at FirstEnergy Corporation, JA Inspire brings together the business community and local schools and is designed to help launch students (grades 6-12) and young adults (ages 18-25) into their future. Throughout the program, young people discover career planning from a personalized perspective to chart their own journey. Pre-event sessions explore how today's interests and skills are vital stepping stones to building successful tomorrows. The JA Inspire events (in-person, virtual, or both) provides participants a powerful way to learn about real-world career opportunities and their local economy.

Middle School

Middle School students (grades 6-8) will explore:

High School & Young Adults

High school students (grades 9-12) and young adults (ages 18-25) will explore:

In short, JA Inspire is a passport to the possible.

Local Events

Resources & More Information


Guides, Resources & More!


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Partners & Exhibitors

Meet your future workforce!

JA Inspire is made possible by:

Many thanks to all our 2023-24 JA Inspire Partners!

2022-23 JA Inspire Impact